Newbie making money daily

By doing the above mentioned how will he get you to invest in him and how will he be able to run away with your money

All it means is that you are a much better trader than me…no big deal…I can live with that.

Question is…why can’t you live with me being not as good a trader than you ??

Lool, I didn’t started to learn trading just so that I can give some no name internet guy my money lol :smiley: Those who do that need to question whether it would be more appropriate to give that money to red cross or some other charity fund, where it wold be used in more humane way :slight_smile:


Link your account to myfxbook if you want people to treat you seriously…if not consider that what you are doing is criminal offense as in fraud and misrepresentation and is punishable by law!

You got me wrong, all I said was the way you trade seems a bit how to put this mildly, BLIND!!
I have a profit target in place and a stop loss, either one of them will get hit then I carry on with the next one.
I never said I am a better trader than you, this was not my words, but yours.
Seems you close trades before they have time to run so to make your portfolio look good
Let those trades run and then we will talk again.

Again, why not open a myfxbook so we can see all your trades

Hahahaha… you are not very well versed with the law huh

What is wrong with trading blindly if the strategy works well ??

And I won’t be trading by your rules so I won’t be letting my trades run the way you want it to… it happens to be my trades…not yours so I would be only too happy if you’ll keep to your word and we never talk again

What is the point of this thread? To get people to invest money with your scam group which operates on facebook? Are you registered anywhere as a floor trader, futures trader, commodities trader or hold any kind of license for trading? No…then what do you want…who guarantees the safety of the money of your “clients”?

17 CFR 3.11 - Registration of floor brokers and floor traders. | LII / Legal Information Institute

Like I said…you are not at all versed with the law.

Why don’t you go ahead and take out a case and see where it leads you…LMAO

Since you haven’t responded to anyone’s questions here regarding your system and your true motives, because you always avoid to answer a particular question I vote for this thread to get closed by the mods. It doesn’t offer any new knowledge besides some questionable screenshots of daily statements and the sole purpose of them is for the OP to make people invest their money in their facebook group.

This is purely commercial stuff and you are here to advertise your non registered business…for that you have sites like zulu, curensee and others so try your luck there, because your posting here is pointless.

I’d just ignore it chaps, ultimately it will go the way of his other ‘Business Ventures’ and fold into nothingness taking his ‘Investors’ money with him

He has had so many ‘money making schemes’ and so many different ‘websites’ over the last few years that he has a good track record of epic fail (he is associated with 420 odd different domain names, some bought with the intention of selling for profit, some bought to establish ‘Watch your income grow’ schemes…none of which seem to exist anymore (coincidence? I think not))

I wont list them but there are enough examples if you do some light digging.

I hope in the future anyone to see this will look at literally ANY other thread in this forum to see the example of what SHOULD be posted so they can see for themselves that this thread is as much use as a chocolate teapot

You know I understand what you are saying and doing… From me to you it eventually goes against you.

Clearly you do not understand the law, you are in charge of peoples money, basically you are running their accounts, so hence you need to be registered, and if you are not then fair play, eventually the law will close that little gap you have at the moment.

As per our previous questions, what is the point to your thread if you do not share knowledge or helping fellow traders as per this forum rules.
You are soliciting in some dodgy stuff here.
Do yourself a favor keep this thread alive open a myfxbook and show us what you are trying to hide so hard.

You are not very good at keeping your word

We have contracted 2 newbies to be trained… they will get their accounts funded and given a 30% share of the profits they can bring about from their trading.

If they follow the training well they can and will be Fund Managers in 3 months.

Binary Options integration worked like a breeze. It was a $1400 profit day

We are now looking to move from a home based enterprise to a location based one.

Looking for a commercial property right in the middle of the financial district to base our office.

We are going places.

Cheeseburgers stakes to a fund manager and $1400 a day, some might just say you’re talking nonsense.

You would because you are the SOME…but then you are a high roller in the big time game and there are only a very few of your kind in the world…the rest of us small timers look up to you in admiration.

There are however… MANY…of the small timers who don’t look on this as nonsense…we are completely out of your league…question here is…why are you so bothered by the sight of small timers like us??

Dang, that sounds like a pretty nice gig.

I wish I could be a Fund Manager. :frowning:

Sorry…you’re in the USA so you are banned all around the world in this industry.

This could be an important website for anyone thinking there is someone out there who has all the answers and can take care of them in the style to which they would like to become accustomed:

Rats! Just when I wanted to hatch out of my cocoon like a beautiful Butterfly… :wink: