Newbie making money daily

You can say it as many times as you want, it’s not going to make it true.

Consider my mind blown!!!

Lets say you speak the truth here

Why do you not want to show us any proof of this but yet you show crappy screenshots

Still waiting

We are having big seminar at a top hotel in Singapore today.

Will post photos later. We will be presenting our Fund Managers that went from Newbie to Full Fledge Managers in 3 months and some of these Managers are sponsoring and funding Newbies to be trained too.

Allelujah !!!

Hoorah for pyramid selling! That always ends well.

Sorry guys. I am a full fledged Fund Manager now. We have established a Home Office for a well heeled HNWI family and I have 5 more newbies under me where I have sponsored and funded their accounts to trade for me.

I will no longer have time to come in here and chat.

I wish all of you well and hopefully will see some of you get the same success.

My very best regards to all



Impressive, in three short months, Patrick Sim (aka baby butterfly, aka slimy salamander salesman) went from knowing absolutely nothing about Forex, other than following a system which he also knows nothing about, made a ton of cash and is now a fund manager!


If he can do it, than so can I! When this young grasshopper grows up, he too wants to be a fund manager and I will do it in 2 months instead! Yes, I will get all the licences, funds, clients and trading knowledge downloaded into my brain like Neo did in the Matrix. See folks, who said trading was hard and difficult and takes years of practice?! Heck no, the Holy Grail does exist!

Now, where is the Kool Aid?

can you share your system ^ ^

You obviously havent read the previous posts where this man cant share this system as he doesnt know how it works

And also you are welcome to invest in his company which has gone global aparantly

Patrick sims is the man you look for he is somewhat of a scam artist but still your choice

LMAO that is a good one!! :35:

Well, it looks like Patrick Sim, aka Babybutterfly, starter of this most “informative” thread, has finally given up trying to steer moths into flames while he collects their wings. For those of you who made it this far in the thread, perhaps, just maybe, you smelled a tiger moth in sheep’s clothing waiting for the gullible newbie to take the bait. Let’s hope he fizzles out and disappears like all scam artist’s eventually do. Stay safe all!

Can we call this thread closed? Finally?!

Any1 having common sense can tell this system is a scam.
1.The title -newbie making daily money=when people come in search of a system which title will attract a new learner more ? learn forex trading with 5 years trading or get rich quick because am a newbie and am doing it
2. after going with a few pages you will find , he says that this system takes 3 years to learn completely .Now explain to me if he is a newbie and he is trading it profitably in no time then why it would take 3 years for you
3.He has never his detailed account statement
Guys a little common sense and a little search can help you . There is only 1 shortcut for success that is hardwork.
4.And finally I want to say i have learned to make gold from piss .And I can teach you but not here .Btw Bill Gates has given me
2 billion dollars to make gold for him and am having a meeting with Warren Buffet tomorrow cause he also wants to invest with me.:slight_smile:

I am surprised that this thread has run to 34 pages. Pretty sad for people to even bother looking at this scam. I sincerely hope that people have not put any money on this!!

I will say though, that this is a good learning experience for any new comer to forex to see how scam artists work and what to look out for. Ie, Big promises, little information, creating a sense of possible euphoria by making big money effortlessly. These are all the red flags to check within oneself when reading any new proposal or opportunity.

Well said bud!!:35:

Don’t know why you guys can’t just let this thread die, since he won’t be posting here anymore. He’s still active on his Facebook group scamming people. He’s got almost 3,700 followers there.

Every time you bump this back to the top of the forum is just more exposure and advertising for Mr. Sim. Another chance for someone to follow the breadcrumb trail he left to other places like Facebook where he can more easily scam them.

Wow man, what a ripper!
I just did a background check on the guy…
If he had taken half of these efforts and brains to actually trade, maybe he would have made both money and reputation for himself.

and i hope other newbies like me learn from this thread… i totally agree…