Newbie making money daily

It shows you did not do much of a background check. Master001 is currently the leading contender in the Forex World Trade Series set to end on 1st August.

His points count is about 400% more than the second placer.

The World Series is a contest independently managed and run to determine the World’s best traders and Master001 is right up there.

And you right down there on your knees probably

Dude we are not saying what you say is not true we are merely saying that you do not give evidence of anything you have said on this thread so far, you try and pretend you have all this knowledge yet you do not know how a system works you just do it
Unbelievable though.
And when asked to show us proof of any of these statements you make you either dissapear or make some excuse or post some ridiculous picture.

Just another 24 days to the end of the competition and Master001 is WAY AHEAD of everyone else !!!

There is little doubt he will be the champion. Amazing trader amazing teacher… not a single losing trade !!!

This is turning out to be a master class in how to spot a scam artist rather than strategies in forex, no matter, it is part and parcel of how to stay out of trouble and NOT loose your money. It looks like BabyButterfly has two new accounts posing as two different people, msterpips and set2up, to help bolster his image as a 100% no-loss trader. The sad thing is he is neither a real trader, nor a very intelligent scam artist and thank god for the latter.

Stay safe all.

Yes…stay safe.


The Butterfly traders have 2 accounts participating in the Forex World Trade series. Master001 is one account and is in top position and looks likely that it will stay there with no real challenge. The other account is a newbie trader J-M which by the way has made it to top 10. She is now standing in position 10 and looks very likely to be overtaking everyone else to place in number 2 position. How’s that for a newbie trader.

All this is converging on one fact and that fact is that Forex is EASY !!!..if you know what you are doing.

If you are not finding it easy, it only means one thing… YOU DON’T KNOW what you are doing !!!

So you dont know what you are doing then babybutterfly

You must think people are idiots for believing you

Do some research and see who the top traders in the world are, it definitly aint any of you lot


Master001 Top trader in top rank position number 1

J-M Newbie trader in top ten position number 10

There will always be people who KNOW how to trade and there will always be those that DO NOT KNOW

I agree with you 100% especially the ones working hard here on babypips who know and then you and your dirty kind that DO NOT KNOW

So number 1 scores 70 number 10 scores 0.82

Shame the competition seems to have as few as 20 entrants

Big trades, much scam, many wow

Yes yes of course it is…hahahahahaha

Oh my…you’re not jealous now are you ??..sure sounds like you are

Explain why I would be jealous?

Oh my…you’re not a very good troll now are you ??..sure sounds like you try hard to be

J-M has now moved up to 7th place ranking.

I find it rather humorous how Babybutterfly, aka Patrick Sim, is trying hard to use amateurish psychology by keeping an air of being “untouched” (as if) by real criticisms and concerns about his utter lack of knowledge and his now very exposed scam. His talent at being covert and sneaky, and signing in as a few different people and posting on his own comments to bolster his own image, is quite the lesson in the art (or lack thereof) of the public scam.

Patrick, you have chosen to expend your energy, your abilities and talents in such a way that none of us are envious of. There are some people who have chosen to experience their life to the fullest in their short time here on earth and then there are those like you, an example of what we don’t want to be like and why we have chosen the path we have. So in effect, you have done us all a service.

(Wait for the reply where he will twist the sentiment of the message, accept thanks and claim ownership of his great service to us all).

Could not have said it better myself!!

Funny how when he does come on here after a while away and then all of a sardine there is another “newbie” praising the guy


As you say he will pretend not to be phased but as many other newbies have said that this thread is actually a good learning experience as to how to spot the obvious scam

Amazing strategy! How long it will last?

Oh goody

Another “newbie”

Let me guess you are so interested in this system?

Well I think you would be seeing as you have added o your list of split personalitites

By the end of this week it would have lasted exactly 1 year.

Master001 started this account last year on the 12 July with $70 and have traded this strategy ever since. He is now in the Forex World Trade Series and holding the number 1 position with number 2 lagging very very far behind