Newbie making money daily

Your reasons for posting here seem to change on an hourly basis but this one is a real cracker and quite contradictory to the other reasons you have previously declared.

Consistency really doesn’t seem to be one of your strengths…

ok…if you say so…LOL

You’re right in being sarcastic to that comment. Your reasons only change daily. Just PMed you my checking account info. So excited. Lol good lord

Dude, I really think all these figures or trades you take is make up,you say you trade but dont know how the strategy works, so how do you trade then?
And to come on here when people are merely asking you questions and being rude and sarcastic is the dumbest thing you can do.
I think myself and alot of other traders on here who are willing to help one another should really be taking this matter up with the bigger guys on here so we can get you off this site as you are not really an asset on here.
My two cents yes
But for you to come on here saying how this is such an amazing strategy but cant even explain how it works, buddy most people on here saw you coming a mile away, you are not the first or the last to try their luck at taking peoples hard earned money
I say good day sir

Everyone who has been following this thread, I think it is about time to get this scammer off this site.

It is against forum rules to market something for someone else

I trade … I book … I post.

Another day another profit

Though I find it more and more unlikely that this would attract anyone at all, if you might even be considering getting into this, I would just ask that you take time to read through the thread. Note the number of criticisms and challenges to motive posted by members who have taken time to try keeping you out of a bad situation. Count the times we have wondered why this thread survives on the forum when it is clearly solicitation. Ultimately, if you insist, we cannot save you from yourself.

I read…I question…I criticize

Totaly agree

I read… I question… I criticise loooo

I have been on the FB page asked to be accepted by them.

Then started reading through the comments and posts etc.

As this guy says, he is not selling anything, too right, but he is doing somewhat of a ponzi scheme, you give him however much you want then basically he gives you over 36 months a profit of 5% I think it was per month, working out to about 100 and something % for the 3 years

So then he says he uses the money to trade, although not really teaching us the whole technique just hoping we would send him money etc to fund his own accounts.

Guess what guy, I made 9 trades today all of which were winners, first 6 was total of 100 pips, the other 3 was over 400 pips.
Believe me? I dont blame you if you dont this is how much I dont believe in your “butterfly strategy”

I actually found a site that will show you how to go about using the butterfly and bat strategy with entries and exit points, unlike this here

Mahatma Gandhi said…

First they laugh at you…
Then they fight you…


First trade of the day…first profit of the day.

I trade … I book … I post

And my father always said, idiots dont get born, they just become

I guess your father should know…

Between your father and Gandhi, I’ll pick Gandhi

Another trade another profit.

I trade … I book … I post

Another trade … Another profit booked … Another post not showing verifiable proof or even the currently open positions making the post compeletly pointless.

Another trade another profit

I trade … I book … I post

Another trade another profit

I trade … I book … I post

Ice, from our initial exchanges, I thought you would pick up on things pretty fast. Congrats on your recent string of trades and thanks for taking time to share your experiences with “Madam Butterfly.” As someone else wrote here earlier, it is the equivalent of giving your money to a stranger and agreeing to meet back at point x in three years for you to get all your money back plus gains. Some of us have been trying to make this thread go away for some time. No luck yet.

I read… I laugh… I warn

Don’t forget to rate the thread.

If you think that it’s a big pile of unmentionable then vote 1 star for terrible, if you think it’s really good and valuable 5 stars for excellent.

Thanks for the reminder, Slipp. The category I might be looking for was not available, so I just picked the one that came closest to my feelings.

I read… I shake my head in disbelief… I vote