I’ve been trading Gold on a demo account with FX Choice I am from the United states and they allow US citizens to open accounts. I’ve been doing great. They allow 200:1 leverage. Is there anyone else out there that has tried this broker. What do you think about them?
No, thank you - I already have accounts with three brokers from tradersway to alpari and on leverage, have access to the full range. But other than the leverage, what else does your broker offer? Do they offer ecn accounts? What is the av spread?
I am looking for anyone that has a live account with FXCHOICE I plan on opening a account with them and would like feedback. I have a live account with FXCM at the moment but would like to trade gold.
For 3 years, we’ve been discussing offshore brokers in this thread — 301 Moved Permanently. FX Choice has been mentioned in several posts in that thread.
You should read the first few pages in that thread, and then do a SEARCH of the entire Babypips Forum for posts which mention FX Choice.
I’ve done some of that work for you. Here are some posts you might want to start with —
You have not been trading gold and you should never judge your performance based on what you think you accomplished in a fake environment. I have seen so many newbies who had a great performance in a demo account only to see their accounts wiped once they actually started to trade.
As far as your broker, as long as they offer you what you like open an account with them. What other’s have to say about them should be meaningless to you.
Well, I made this post 301 Moved Permanently some days ago. You can choose the two brokers mentioned on that post… They are good offshore brokers and you can trade Gold as well.
Rambo, you truly are as brave as your Hollywood namesake, I like what you said. I think if I can get a trustworthy suitable broker (even if offshore) that can offer me tight spread, innovative and healthy leverages, honest bonuses with transparent trading conditions, I would go for them . I would not really mind what people would say (as regards their not being regulated) after all, I have seen licensed brokers bilk their clients with spiked charts, stop hunted unsuspecting clients and even frozen innocent accounts; so what is the practical proof of their licenses? Plus 500 scam Pictures, Plus 500 scam Images, Plus 500 scam Photos, Plus 500 scam Videos - Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting