I’ve recently been reading more and more about “Order Flow” which supposedly is what the commercial banks have access to in determining where clients have buy/sell orders in etc. Knowing this information is, supposedly, quite valuable in trading.
Has anyone heard about Order Flow and is it possible to get access to this sort of information? Any success using this information?
I’d not spend any more time thinking about it. For exactly the reason you mentioned, the banks and dealers will not share that information. The only real volume information you can (currently) get is in the futures market.
Yup, one drawback of the FX spot market is the lack of volume data - since the market is decentralized it is impossible to accurately quantify volume -
allthough its hard to find orderflow you could maybe find how the institutions are trading by watching consolidation on say a 1hour chart ie the small up/down price movements coupled with volume to get an idea where institutional buying is going on,supply demand.there are several good vids about this on utube.Hope this helps.
Order Flow Market Depth Etc… whatever you want to call it is the only way to trade, Forex futures any market.
you wont be able to find it on your broker infact none of these forex brokers will give you these type of information.
There are many ideas in the market especially forex that its imposible to trade with these type of info but guess who gives you these infos? brokers.
they dont want you to go after these info and mostly they hide it from you and if you can get it they only give you the first 5 levels not the full depth.
Why do you think all brokers have MT4 and other simple shady platforms?
in my opinion the only way to make money is to see where the supply and demand is thats it. bottom line.
MT4 is broker friendly not trader friendly , usually brokers they can do anything they want from the MT4 back office very powerful for them.If you want to make money you should move to Prime brokerage not bucket shops.
If you have an account wiht 5 mill+ and build a relationship with your prime broker you will be able to access these info.
Wow way to revive a dead thread, where did you dig this up from bro. And like any of us have a spare 5 mill laying around. And if we did why would we bother trading. Hand your money over to the pros.
But your quite right. Level 2 market depth seems to be a bit of the rage in forex marketing these days. But its all bull. Like whatever orders my broker has on his books makes a rats wazo on the markets. Price, time, thats all we got to work with. And hope that whatever the market is currently doing, it continues to do.
Actually there is a way of knowing what the really big boys are doing on a weekly basis - the Commitment of Traders report although delayed three days still shows very clearly what the big smart money is doing.
It’s not intraday order flow, but it’s still very useful
Hi well I have seen your posts with bids and offers, unfortunately I dont know what those are supposed to mean, what am i supposed to do with this info ?
I’m looking for information and tools based on the concepts of the microstructure of the order flow.
Do you know any sites, videos or training related to understanding the microstructure and order flow with the use of the DOM, the TAPE and other similar tools ?