Over 500 pip's daily , more than 80 accuraccy

dosen’t matter if you choose the first candle (red candle) from the left (red candle) that’s meen the price hited a resistance line the next candle that’s born after the red candle was green candle so the price hit a support line then goes up … so the breakout we told before that’s 4 pip’s higher than resistance line or lower a support line …
i post this image just for helping us where’s we can put an order to stop lose or where we can take the profit not for entering trade’s where we can enter a trade you must return to the main system what i told about first …

i think i will able to help you if you upload your chart and tell me where you made your trade … i guess you are missing to understand something in the system … am already tested the system for mor than three month’s on many pair’s and gave me high accuracy from 1 nov untill 12 nov the system give’s 41 signal’s just on eurusd 15m chart 38 of them correct it’s nearly 92% correct … isn’t great ??
in addition am working on the system to make it more powerfull and asked before if there good idea’s to add to the system …

with my pleasure …
dude it’s easier than u see if the price going up the trend will be under the price (two green waves)
if the price going down the trend will be above … (two red wave’s)
that’s the main idea
green waves it can be maded from two candle’s to 10 candle’s
the same on the red wave’s the most important thing you should understand
red candle red candle red candle green candle red candle red candle << red wave then cuted by green candle then red wave
any two wave’s most been close from each other like the example and that’s it is there any problem’s any thing hard to understand else ??

How do you determine Support and resistance?

hi, man. first up thx for your effort in explaining this whole system. Really appreciate it. Like you said in your post, really hope you can make it more powerful somehow (things like trade management, how to filter fakeouts, etc)
So correct me if I am wrong: when red followed by green then by red, that is the signal to use this strategy (vice versa for green-red-green)?
Forgive me for so many questions on the previous posts.

Salah looking forward for your live examples by January. This way we can learn more what did you mean. Have a Prosperous New Year!Thanks!

How often this signal appear?

Is this really a “System” given that you have not tested or used it to trade a live account ? Let alone have clear entry/exit conditions.

Seems interesting… I’ll definitely look forward

I appreciate your effort, but trading is not about a winning system, even a poor system of say 4:6 win:loss can result to a huge success in FX. Money management is the key to success in the market.

Its hard to take you seriously when you use an apostrophe for plurals.

Apostrophes indicate that something is omitted.

It’s = It is. The i and the space are omitted. This is a contraction.
Bob’s = Bob his. This marks possession.
'n = And. The a and d are omitted. Also a contraction.

Its is the possessive form of It.

There are no (zip, zero, nil, nada) circumstances where you would use an apostrophe for marking a word as plural. Stop doing that.

All ellipsis is three dots… not two. At the end of a sentence it looks like four dots, but it’s three and a period…

Apeiron, you realize he stated English is not his native language. I have no issues taking what he’s saying '“seriously” because he has made some apostrophe mistakes. There are native English speakers here that can not seem to spell the word [I]You[/I]. I don’t see you offering them spelling lessons.

Just because it’s not his native language doesn’t make it right. If no-one corrects him he’ll keep making that mistake. It might also help native speakers who are doing the same. There were plenty of posts correcting him on 4 versus 40 or 400 pips. Be consistent and tell them it’s wrong to tell him he made a mistake.

“Some” is an understatement.


You is spelled you, not u.

What a silly comment! How old are you? 16?

This is a FOREX forum, a this guy is being kind enough to share his FOREX thougts! Your comment is just NEGATIVE!

Please take your English lessons somewhere else…


With all due respect, Salah, this appears to be a simple generic pullback entry strategy – of which there exist an infinite number of variations. [Mistaking the difference between a Pip and a tenth of a Pip doesn’t instill confidence.]

As others have hinted at: without clear rules for initial stop-loss, initial profit target, and position/risk management technique(s) (e.g. is it Passive or Active?) – especially the critical exit points – it’s not a tradable/measurable strategy. [That English isn’t your native language doesn’t prevent you from completely specifying this, but only your willingness to do so (or not).]

However, unlike the previous posts, I’ll offer one idea (which is primarily what you really wanted, right?) that you can test to see if it improves a system that – according to you – is so profitable, I wouldn’t dare touch it nor try to improve it.

(1) When going long, use this as another mandatory entry trigger: only do so if the CCI crosses above or is > +100; likewise …
(2) When going short, use this as another mandatory entry trigger: only do so if the CCI crosses below or is < -100.

Let us know if this new rule improves or weakens your system, but first I’d request that you actually publish the full system so that it can be independently verified vis-a-vis the accuracy/gains of your claims.

Thank you for your sincere efforts thus far and best of luck/great trading!

The strategy seems simple enough to follow. I still don’t understand how do you find or identify Candle A and Candle B in order to draw the trend line? Thank you for sharing your strategy.


Perhaps this may help a bit, I think that may be relevant in this thread; it´s a document about how to draw and how to trade the trend lines; i found it on another forum and really helped me in my trading.


Nice simple system but where do you begin your analysis? Is it while watching an uptrend, you see a reverse candle so you begin a trendline from the top of that candle to the top of 2 candles later if they are further down? The rest of the rules are fine but there is no actual trigger defined. Backtesting is easy as you can see the big moves. Do some forward testing and post a pic as you see a trigger. Then we can all follow it together and work out making it better as it goes.

Apeiron, you realy are like a old lady with wet pants, give this guy credit for sharing!!!It is FOREX

Viktor, interesting article! Thanks!