Over 500 pip's daily , more than 80 accuraccy

Newbie to trading

Salah - Any input regarding S/L and take profits?

Thanks for assisting some traders who are trying to make some PIPS

Grammar asshats are worse than unprofitable traders pretending to be profitable.

" Be consistent and tell them it’s wrong to tell him he made a mistake."

What does the above sentence mean? Grammar asshat is incapable of formulating a clear sentence.

I tried controlling myself but I think all yr comments are way off focus. If he/she is corrected on the pips issue, it is a vital correction bcos we are talking abt fx trading methods here n pips is the most vital base. But u are teaching the person spelling, maybe even grammar, which I think is a subject we are not here for. It is true if the English used is of better grades, it will make our understanding better but since the person has apologised already for non proficiency in the language, then let’s try to read over a few times to try to understand. That person has been kind enough to reveal what he/she has discovered out of kindness, so pls dont create problems n let’s get back to fx trading.

FXCM1 My pleasure, I am very fan of Tom DeMark techniques and almost all his work is based on the [B]trend lines analysis[/B]; if you are interested in learning a little more about the techniques of Demark, I can send one of his best books by mail.

Hi Victor,
Wud luv to hv a copy too. If it can be made avlble on this thread, maybe a lot of us can benefit frm it too, tq

I find a better way to share with all of you, you can download in this box "[B]imsearchfile.com/info-about-file/59bd0997h32i0[/B] " , just copy and paste on google; it´s “the new science of technichal analisis”,
i´m sure you´ll ejoy

Viktor, thank you for sharing that link; I’m looking forward to reading the techniques.

Hi Victor,
I downloaded the file u sent but couldnt access it bcos an Adobe box said the file was broken or corrupted. Is there another way to access it or cud u send as attchmt a copy that u hv?
Tks a million.

download it again :slight_smile: i did and i works fine :slight_smile:

At least change your thread’s name to “over 50 pips a day,more than 80 accuracy”,because current name is misleading.

Hi Guillaume,
B4 n after reading yr comment I repeated many efforts but still encountered the Adobe box telling me file is spoilt-beyond repair. Just this morng I tried repeatedly again but with same result. Then suddenly the download appeared but it came out upsidedown n with the pages all jumbled up,eg, pg 35, then 26 then 40, etc.
Wonder if u cud be kind enough to attach yr copy here so perhaps I can access it with better success.
Pls pardon for the trouble n many tks.

hi eralinks,

i’m using Preview on a mac maybe that’s why we have different results…
i don’t know how to attach a copy on the post here, let me look into it.

have a nice day!

for some unknown reason the file uploader manager doesn’t show the file after uploading so i can’t attached it, even though the size is half the max limit… PM me your email.

Hi Guillaume,
Tks for trying n a million apologies for the trouble.
Pls note my email as follows:[email protected]
Tks again.

Hi Salah and everyone i was just wondering how you all got on with this strategy are you hitting 50 pips a day on average and is it still hilding uo to being 80% + accurate?


Hi Salah
How do i download this?.

Having just read the “[B]Best Forex Trading System of the Month Contest[/B]” thread’s initial sticky post (being a newbie, can’t yet link to it), I’ll no longer continue reading or participating in a thread in this forum unless the first post meets the exacting criteria listed there under the heading “What should be in my system?”

Anything less likely leads to a significant waste of time for the poster, readers, and commenters.

Salah, if you can do that in your next post here (it’s been nearly a month since we’ve heard from you – and, as suggested, please change the title to 50 from 500 pips), I will be happy to suggest even more ideas to potentially improve your system.

Best of luck …

It looks like Salah is not coming back to this post,I think he is mad at all the comments about him.Too bad because i thought he was on to someting,well Salah at least you tried.

ok guys here’s the deal … i need someone that should be very skillful on programing expert’s i have the rule’s that’s will make the different … what will he have from this deal an expert i promise that’s will give the 90% of winning trade’s … am waiting

Solicitation? A deal? Seriously? That was the objective of this thread all along? A slap in the face to all its loyal followers? Also, a violation of the Forum Rules (you should read them some time).

It makes sense now (well, to me always did) why you:
. never divulged all the necessary components of a trading strategy;
. STILL refuse to update the thread title from 500 to 50 pips (after being embarrassed by a couple of members about that);
. blew off every question asking for specifics; and
. ignored the one post (mine) that attempted – per your original request – to provide ideas to help improve a strategy that, if the results were as advertised, shouldn’t need any improvement in the first place.

Assuming you’re not banned, I’ll continue to follow this thread simply for the comedic effect – but will cease contributing to it. Good luck, Salah!