Parabolic SAR - that's all!

Hey Dale

i think if u keep your self focusing more on your account Tarja will reply u back!! man she loves money and gold BUt u r selling the gold right now;)



I don’t have to - she’s working on the melody and the lyrics for a new song on my piano as we speak!!!



Ohh man i better move to south Africa right now!!!


Hiya Dale,
I’ve been a little ill over the long holiday we had here. Then I returned to a very hectic Monday at work. Just now catching up with all the goings on on the thread and I gotta say, my head is spinning. I also saw that you went through quite a few levels of emotion…whew, at least you’re feeling better now.

What system are you currently trading again?:confused: Scratch that, on second thoughts, I’ll just go back and re-read.

Well hypechic,

to be honest there r 2 rules with EMA’s AND I GOT THE SAME FEELINGS WHEN I SAW BOTH OF THEM i think i missed some of the posts as during the weekend i was having a vaction and i said no one will post any thing as during the week end as last week all of us were not feeling well from the trades!! and when i checked the thread i found alot of rules and i couldn’t get the (8-21) EMA’s rule but i guessed it!! i hope i am right!!

By the way i still could’nt find the rule but Dale’s graf made it easier to understand without going to the post it self!!



OK - well - another ‘new’ ‘system’ - I’m no longer happy with the EMA’s - too many false signals - and Parabolic SAR - what’s that???


This is just a ‘neat little trick’ that I just found out about.

Let’s say that you want to ‘simulate’ a daily EMA on a 30 minute chart.

You do this:

Forex trades 24 hours per day (right???).
There are therefore 48 30 minute periods in a day (in 24 hours) (24 hours multiplied by 60 minutes divided by 30 minutes equals 48).
Now multiply the EMA value by 48 and put it on your 30 minute chart.
What you now have is a ‘simulation’ of the daily EMA on your 30 minute chart.

For example:

Let’s say that I want to ‘simulate’ the daily 8 EMA and the daily 21 EMA on my 30 minute chart. As per the above calculation I would multiply the 8 EMA by 48 (equals 384) and I would multiply the 21 EMA by 48 (equals 1008). So now on my 30 minute chart I call up a 384 EMA and a 1008 EMA and I can then see on my 30 minute chart a ‘simulation’ of the 8 EMA and the 21 EMA!!!

How about that!!!

Why would I want to do this???

Well - think about it. If I was going to trade using the 30 minute timeframe BUT ONLY in the direction of the EMA’s on the daily timeframe I don’t have to alternate between 2 charts i.e. all the information is right there in front of me.

I’m sure you could do this for ANY timeframe e.g. if you wanted to trade the 1 hour timeframe BUT ONLY in the direction of the EMA’s on the 4 hour chart then - do the math!!!

(Once again I have John F. Carter to thank for this. I don’t think he would mind me posting this here i.e. it’s not copyright material it’s just pure math).


PS - By the way - sorry jlmac27 - I did not reply to you. I agree with you - the 1 hour timeframe seems to be the ‘money shot’ for people who don’t have much patience (like me). It seems that on the 30 minute timeframe there are quite a few ‘false EMA signals’ or ‘whipsaws’. Don’t get me wrong here though - I AM trading the 30 minute timeframes at the moment on the indices and it’s working very well BUT it’s only because of the excessive ‘shock’ moves yesterday that it’s working so well. I opened 2 forex positions this morning based on the 8 EMA and the 21 EMA on the 30 minute chart and both of them would have been closed by me (at a small loss) had the power not gone out this morning when it did i.e. the price hit the 21 EMA on both of them (actually on one of them the EMA’s even crossed back up). Had I been watching this I would have closed at least one of them but fortuanately for me by the time the power came back on again the prices had moved back down again (the EMA’s that had crossed earlier on the one position had crossed down again) and both positions are now in a (small) profit.

Look - this is a fact that NONE of us can get away from: the shorter the timeframe - the more ‘false signals’ and ‘whipsaws’ you’re going to get - no question about that. On the other hand - I’m interested to see the results of my (the) EMA ‘simulation’ that I posted in this post i.e. trade the 30 minute charts but only in the direction of the 4 hour charts. This should really ‘boost’ the ‘accuracy’ of our ‘system’ don’t you think???

Akram - don’t even think about it - she’s taken!!!

(I’ll sell you a ticket to listen to her though)!!!

Damn - there’s that elephant again.



this is to let u know one thing i bought gold yesterday and i am now a rich man What the hell do u think i will do with the gold???

I think i am starting to see animals as well. u there!!!


Well done.

OK - well I’ve got some elephants over here to show you.



Hey - do you actually realise the ‘power’ of that ‘little trick’ that I posted earlier???

You can do it the OTHER way as well i.e. ‘simulate’ an EMA on the 1 hour chart as it is appearing on the 30 minute chart by dividing the number of periods instead of by multiplying them!!!

Do you KNOW how powerful that is???

Let’s say you want to trade the 4 hour chart but you want to catch any temporary corrections early i.e. a temporary correction would show up on the 1 hour chart long before it showed up on the 4 hour chart so you ‘simulate’ the 8 EMA and the 21 EMA of the 1 hour chart on the 4 hour chart and exit (take profit) when the ‘1 hour simulated EMA’s’ cross on the 4 hour chart and reopen the position when the ‘1 hour simulated EMA’s’ cross again on the 4 hour chart!!!

How’s my thinking on this one (damn - she’s calling me again - I just wish she’d let me get on with some work for goodness sake)???



LOL at all the Dumbo comments!

I can take a joke so i wouldnt worry about it…everyone’s responce has been quite funny!

What was written was just meant to slow you down and help you focus.

If it worked, great… if it hasn’t…i tried.

Best of luck.

Don’t tell me that u missed GBP/USD today???

I think this trade is to show any one who is following the beauity of the (8-21) EMA’S.

Now what will happen when the US realise the news for today (there is 2 important ones today!!) it will eaither go back like a rocket or drop down like a rocket as well (i hope so)

Dale the Elephent is flaying i saw one flaying now!!



Yes it is working my dear i think we will all get infected. by the DALEZIM SYNDROME!!! LOOOL


Hey maurizio77,

In case you had not noticed I have a tendency to ‘milk something’ for as long as I can get some mileage out of it!!!

If the truth be told actually - although everything that I have said has been in jest (I think, really, could it be, see there I go again) - I’ve been wanting to apologize to you anyway so here’s the apology!!!

Everything you said and your observations are 100% ‘on the mark’ and were indeed well taken (it was just the ‘pink elephants’ that ‘did it’ for everyone I think).

What I really did appreciate was the historical info - I like ‘stuff’ like that.

I’ve seen the movie - and enjoyed it (and that’s saying something because movies are really ‘not my thing’).

Like I said - you are quite right and your message did help me.

Put it this way - I’m sure that if you ‘relentlessly’ ‘stick’ to one ‘system’ - any ‘system’ (within reason of course) - you will make money in the long run. How much would of course depend on the ‘effectiveness’ of the ‘system’ itself.

I enjoy reading or hearing about things like that.

If you’re REALLY into ‘stuff’ like that you should read some of the works (theories) of people like Benoit Mandelbrot (‘fractals’ and ‘fractal geometry’) and other scientists like Prigogine, Feignenbaum, Barnsley, Smale, Henon, etc. etc. etc. (that is if YOU ALSO want to start speaking to ‘Dumbo’). Of course there’s Fibonacci himself as well. These people all did ‘studies’ on how and why different things or measurements or movements in nature relate to other different things or measurements or movements in nature. Bill Williams actually has chapters in his ‘Trading Chaos’ works giving some information on these ‘theories’ and these people. Quite interesting.

[B]You know - if the truth be told - I don’t think that speaking to ‘Dumbo’ is a problem in itself. I think that when ‘Dumbo’ replies to you though THEN it’s time to get worried!!![/B]




watch the Canadian it is going down and down. Ride the trade!!!


Dale by the way

i am not trading the news right now all what i am doing is that i have the 15 min charts on GBP/CAD and the 8 EMA crossed and the news is bad and unexpected so i went on short hopfully the intrest rate will get down as well after 10 mint from now then i will be fine!!!

The adrenaline is now up to the maxiumem!!


Akram, it’s because of a ‘medium priority’ economic release. Don’t be fooled!!!

Trade the news if you want - but I can see those tears coming!!!


I am using both believe me i don’t care that i am now down with 15 pips but the only thing that will get me down is that they will raise the intrest rate other than that i will be fine

the other senarios will be on my side if they kept the intrest rate then the market will ignore this fact and will go back to the other bad news coz it is expected that they will keppit unchanged

if they dropped it down then i will have some other nice boosts!!

let us see hope i am right this F**k time


I don’t know if it is good or bad, but I think, that we are going or your are going to come back to the original rules.
I don’t know why I think so, and I don’t know if it is good or bad, but the only thing I am sure of, is that the original thing is doing it for me, I have tried all the new methods you have posted Dale, but nothing is as efficient as the orig. system.
What I do is look for:
4.MACD 2 lines cross
Just as the orig. rules say, and then I also confirm with, their charts and indicators seem to be the most accurate for this system, and then I also change the parameters of PSAR to 0.1/0.01 to confirm the strength of the signal.
I don’t know guys, maybe it doesn’t sound like anything to you, but it has been working for me at 80% efficiency so far.
Maybe I am wrong, cause I am still testing it, and it has just been 1 month of testing, but so far so good. I haven’t posted that much in this thread or any other, but I enjoy reading it day by day, thanks a lot guys and especially you Dale for all the hard work and new ideas.
For some reason I just believe in this thread, and I am sure that something Drastic (some Holly Grail or something…) will come up, because we all trying to look for it so hard.

Thanks again to ya all,

P.S - oh s***t, just as I am typing this I am from +400USD to -600USD with the orig.system, what happened:D:rolleyes: I am sure in the end is gona be in + though!!!


when u said i saw crying u really saw that???!!!man u can predict then!!

yes the trade is bad i lost what i gained today but i went on trading the other way around and it is personal now i will hold this postion till it come to my favious one day!!

Remmember the GOLD DALE?? i will do the same thing!!
