Parabolic SAR - that's all!

hey guys

how are u doing today?? i think i am the only one who lost today so why no one is posting?? apart from a loser like me??!!!


Nah - I’m still here.

Nothing spectacular today (but that’s actually my fault - I spent too much time on the thread today and missed a whole lot of good trades).



lol… craziness. this is all craziness.

Really got my Tuesday’s entertainment worth here.

Ya know, the other way to start talking to and seeing Dumbo is by becoming recluse and sitting in your office all day and night without coming out except to grab some pizza and beer. Kind of like how I’ve been the past few days. I should probably take a shower… :smiley: I think before I see Dumbo, though, I’m gonna get off of this computer and go out with my wife tonight and have a good meal.

Anyway, trading the EMAs here and doin pretty good. +116 so far on the daily. I agree with you, Dale. No matter what system you use and you use it with discipline, it’ll work for you and make profits. The key, I think, is finding the system that gets you into trades early in a trend and makes you the most out of that trade. Well I guess thats personal preference… Where I like to get into something and let it simmer on the back burner, someone else lets to get into the rolling boil of it all. Its that adrenaline rush.

Well, I thats my thought for the day.


that is good u gain some pips today!!
So what is the best time frame u r trading with and which one u r using the (8-21) EMA’S or the (50-200) EMA’S?


My connection to the internet and/or the Oanda platform is in major disarray, has been for about a week. Very limited trading and surfing.

Seriously, Dale, I wanted to try the 8 EMA some more.

I’m missing all the wonderful news straddle because of my technical problems. Whenever I want to check my trades I go to a friend’s house. Not nice at all. London session is 2:00 am for me, so its like very frustrating, man.

Dale here’s one to laugh for, on Monday I got nearly 1000 pips in gold long, but my account is so miserably small thats only about USD$10 in profit.
One day I’ll deposit a good 5K into my account and do some serious trading. right now its the best I can do while I seek to sharpen my skills. I’m in need of good internet uptime so that I can trade as well as interact productively with this thread.

My live trading web-based Java programme is sick, yet my demo FXDD Metatrader is in very good health. Maybe I should load the other software from Oanda for computer mements like these.

I see good trades on my demo account and cant duplicate them in live because the chart is freezing up. I know I’m having computer problems but is anyone else having issues with Oanda right now. At my home I get the chart once or twice for the day if I’m lucky.

This is frustrating.

Good evening

I’m using the 8-21 EMA on the daily chart. I got in on AUD/NZD and its now down to +104 as I type this. Make that 100 now. Gonan keep at it though. I see some other pairs comin up for a trade, maybe tomorrow. Gotta wait for the cross, not gonna do what I did in the past and entered before I cross saying, oh that’ll cross for sure… and they don’t.

Sorry to hear about the technical issues. Are you using oanda live? Haven’t had any issues with the demo part… but its probably on a whole other system anyway. Hope they clear that up soon and if its your internet service, I think I’d start fire bombing them! Hope it clears up for ya. 1000 pips, thats great. Even though it ended up being 10 bucks… thats 10 more bucks you didn’t have! :smiley:

Hello Everyone,

Seems a little quiet today. Maybe I’m just early. Don’t have any trades open at the moment but I’m still looking at my charts.


Good morning all,

Glendon, how is it going? Not well by the sounds of things. Let me TRY and help out (as you know I WAS in the computer business for a VERY long time - and I’ll tell you - it’s FAST starting to look like maybe that’s what I should be looking at again after all this time i.e. after this EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE BREAK!!! I am ‘fucing sick and tired of sitting around waiting for this and waiting for that and waiting some more and . . . and . . . and . . . 'Fuk sakes’!!! And DON’T ANYONE post a ‘you need to have patience in this business’ message!!! Don’t even think about it!!!)!!!

OK - I’ve calmed down now!!!


Anyway - most people I know that are not, or have not been, ‘in the business’ (the computer business) have a very hard time maintaining their systems mainly due to a lack of knowledge and also because in the computer business there are far too many ‘know it all’s’ and ‘poor excuses’ for ‘consultants’ that prey on the unwary computer user so that they can ‘bullsht’ them into spending their hard earned cash on things that they really don’t need but they unfortuanately have to ‘bow down’ to some or the other ‘computer nerd’ that ‘comes across’ as knowing ‘everything and anything’ there is to know about computers and normally only gets ahead by telling the poor end user (that’s you) that the last computer person (actually the last ten computer people) that has been to check your system was 'talking sht’ and THIS piece of hardware or THIS piece of software (or whatever) that the last person told you that you need are ‘sh*t’ and you now need THIS piece of hardware and THIS piece of software (at a cost of course) and after spending more money you find out that there really is no difference or improvement in your system so you call the next ‘know it all’ that somebody else recommended to you and the whole cycle repeats itself. Sound familiar???

I have always been of the opinion that the computer business has more ‘rogues’ in it than the entire worlds compliment of ‘used car salesman’ (well - that was until I started trading for a living and found out what a ‘broker’ was but you get the picture).

Anyway - here’s a few ‘tips’ that will save you money (I might as well do something constructive with my time and try and help those of you who need help FOR FREE):

First of all - before I begin - do not feel ‘apprehensive’ or ‘scared’ of these things (computers). Believe you me their is nothing ‘magical’ or ‘mystical’ about them.

Right, now:

One way that I have saved clients a ‘sh*tpile’ of money is by checking and making sure that their workstations are clean inside. You’d be surprised just how many times opening a workstation, blowing out the dust, and cleaning the edge connectors of the cards with an ordinary pencil eraser, and then reseating the cards in the workstation, has saved a client from having to go and replace the workstation!!! Dust is a ‘killer’. It causes static to build up in the workstation and attracts moisture and all sorts of things that you really don’t want inside your PC.

So (and don’t be scared here) open your PC’s cover and have a look inside. You’ll probably see LOADS of dust all over the show. If you have a ‘blower’ (I have an industrial one but even a ‘leaf blower’ will do) take the PC outside and blow all the dust out of the thing. If you don’t have a ‘blower’ or access to one then take the PC down to your local filling station - they have tyre pumps there - and use the tyre pump to blow the dust out paying particular attention to the power supply fan and processor fan. You’ll be AMAZED at what comes out (I do this once a month to all my workstations and even after one month I can tell you that the build-up of dust is nothing short of amazing).

Now that you’ve done that find yourself an ordinary pencil eraser (the older ones that were slightly abrasive work best i.e. they had a soft rubber on the one side and a harder, more coarse, rubber on the other but I can’t find those anymore). Now remove each card from your PC one card at a time (a card is a ‘thing’ that looks like ‘circuit board’ and is ‘slotted’ into the computers mainboard (motherboard). Take the eraser and gently clean the edge connector of each card (the edge connector is the ‘thing’ at the bottom of each card that has a whole lot of little gold or copper strips) by rubbing each side of this edge connector with the eraser. You quickly see that each of the little gold or copper strips start to ‘shine’ i.e. you are effectively removing any oxidation from the edge connector thus making for a far better connection when the card is again installed into the PC. Make sure that you put each card back into the same slot that it came out of (this is important as you don’t want to ‘mess’ with any settings or have to reconfigure hardware or anything like that).

Oh - one very important thing to mention: do NOT do any of this if your workstation or PC is still under warranty UNLESS you want to void the warranty!!! It’s the ‘oldest trick in the book’!!! You do all of the above and nothing that YOU have done has created a problem and then a week down the line something totally unrelated goes wrong and your ‘computer guy’ will say ‘Oh no - but you opened the box - sorry - I cannot honour the warranty. I’ll fix the problem for you but of course you’re going to have to pay’!!!

OK - I’m going to assume at this stage that after all of this your PC is turning on and ‘looking normal’ (if not - don’t blame me)!!!

Now we come to the software.

The biggest problem with the Internet and todays software is the fact that it leaves all sorts of temporary files and other ‘junk’ lying around on your hard disk which eventually starts slowing down your PC until it ‘chugs’ along and becomes so slow that it drives you ‘nuts’.

There are MANY FREE programs on the Internet that will clear these files for you and fix any other software related problems (which are usually as a result of installing and removing software many times over a period of time).

One that I use and can vouch for is called ‘CCleaner’ and can be downloaded FOR FREE here:

CCleaner - Home

I have used this for the past couple of years at least and it’s fantastic software (not sure why it’s free but suffice to say that it is - check out their website for details).

Download CCleaner and install it and run it. It will clear out all of those temporary files that slow your PC down for no reason, check you registry for any invalid entries and problems, and, by simply doing this, you’ll already have some ‘speed’.

Next if file or disk fragmentation. This is often overlooked. For those of you who don’t know how data is stored on your PC it’s stored on your hard disk drive. A hard disk drive is made up of ‘magnetic platters’ and has a ‘read write head’ (or several of them). The best way of explaining this to the ‘layman’ is to ‘imagine’ a ‘record player’ (remember those). Now when you put a record on it turns round and round and round and the stylus (‘needle’???) runs in the groove of the record and translates the vibrations into sound (I’m not going to go ‘overboard’ with and explanation as to how or why this happens). Now if you can imagine, say, having 10 records stacked one top of each other and each with their own stylus (‘needle’???) playing each and every single record at the same time then that’s pretty much what your hard disk drive is doing (that would be the equivalent of a 10 platter drive). Now imagine if the songs on those records were not ‘contiguous’) i.e. each song had ‘gaps’ in it or portions of the song were put on different places on the record. You’d have a very hard time listening to the song as a whole and it would take a lot longer to listen to the whole song because you’d have to find where each part of the song began and ended in order to listen to the whole song. In computer terms this is called ‘file’ and ‘disk’ fragmentation. In other words each time you want to run a program or access a file e.g. a documents or something like that the hard disk drive has to sping around multiple times for the ‘heads’ (‘needle’???) to access the information and this takes time and slows everything down. That’s why you need to ‘defragment’ your hard disk drive and data i.e. so that each file (data) is ‘contiguous’ and the hard disk drive heads don’t have to work so hard to access the information.

Again - you can download an excellent disk and file defragmentation tool here FOR FREE:

Defraggler - Defragment your files!

Just by performing these simple things I guarantee you that you will improve the performance and ‘longevity’ of your PC.

Do not underestimate the importance of ensuring that your PC is running properly for this business!!! You CANNOT afford to place orders and then get disconnected or anything like that before you could put a stop in place or if you’re trading the shorter timeframes without stops you could be in very real trouble if the trade goes against you and you don’t know about it because your PC has ‘crashed’!!!

There are a lot of other little ‘tips and tricks’ that you can do yourself FOR FREE that will speed up your PC and ensure smooth operation.

If I can help anyone out FOR FREE ON THIS THREAD AND THIS THREAD ONLY with my (nearly) 20 years of experience and knowledge in the computer and computer networking business feel free to let me know and I’ll do my best to help you out. If you need a second opinion because you’re not sure if your ‘computer guy’ is trying his best to ‘shart you up the ar*e’ then also feel free to contact me!!!

Like I said - I might as well do something USEFUL with my time while I sit here wasting my time watching this ‘thing’ called a ‘market’ that doesn’t move!!!

Oh - I nearly forgot - some other things to install FOR FREE (to home users):

AVG Anti-Virus
AVG Anti-Spyware
AVG Root-kit

They can be found here:

AVG Anti-Virus and Internet Security - Welcome

As I said - thery are FREE to HOME users - and as long as you keep them updated they are definitely some of the best pieces of software around. (Don’t download the ‘demo’ or ‘trial’ versions - you are looking for the ‘free’ versions or rather ‘free editions’ on their website).

Anti-Virus - obvious. Anti-Spyware? Well ‘spyware’ is installed on your PC sometimes without you even knowing it and what it does is try and send information (personal or other) information from your PC to some or the other website for whatever reason. For the most part this ‘stuff’ is harmless BUT what it does do is ‘chew’ up you Internet bandwidth and slow your Internet connection down - which again - you can’t afford in this business.


In your case what I would do is uninstall all of your trading systems (and any other software that you don’t need or have not used or will not use in a while)THEN run all of the things I’ve detailed above and THEN reinstall your trading systems and THEN run all of these things again. If Oanda has ANY alternative to a Java based platform then use that (I’ve only ever had ‘sh*t’ with Java based applications and will not use them unless that is THE ONLY thing that is available).



Thanks Dale, very useful and have downloaded them immediately

It’s only my pleasure.

Like I said before - they really are some of the best FREE tools around (if you have a look at their respective websites they’ve all won some or the other award (from things like ‘PC Mag’ and the like). As a matter of fact the AVG stuff has found viruses a couple of times for me at my (ex) clients where software that I (they) have actually PAID for has skipped over.

I can vouch for all the software listed i.e. none of it contains Spyware, Adware, Viruses or anything else that may compromise you PC.



This is a laugh!!!

Here I am banging on about how much I know about computers BUT does anyone here know how to upload an animated GIF on the ‘Edit Signature’ page???

It says at the bottom of the page that you have permission to use / upload animated GIF’s to be used in your signature but I don’t see any ‘upload’ button or icon anywhere on that page.


YES I’m bored and frustrated!!! I’m trying to concentrate and trade ONLY ONE pair at a time and I’ve been STARING at AUD/CHF the whole ‘fuking day’ waiting for the EMA’s to cross on the 5 minute chart (I missed the cross up this morning which right now would have resulted in a gain of +120 pip’s so I’m so 'pised off’ I could spit)!!! So - I’m ‘playing around’ with my user settings!!!

Hi all

This is maybe too much a “side subject”, anyway i hope not to be OT:

i noticed i got heavy problems with emotion and selfcontrol.

Often i have an awful forex behavior.

Today i get on eur/usd long at 8.30 gmt+2, seemed a decent entry.
Ten minutes later i manually stopped position with -20 pips.
I couldn’t stand with the rising loss so i stopped and cried.

Like other times if i just wait a bit this position would go green…

Like other time i became angry and get on another long on gbp/usd, didn’t look the computer for a while and when i saw +63 pips i closed, even if there wasn’t crossing of 8-21 etc etc.

Did you have this kind of problem when you started or i am “not suitable” for trading?

Normally if i stay at the pc i lose, if i stay away i win.

Don’t tell me simply stay away 'cause i can’t. i look every 5 minutes: when i stay off is because i’m at work and busy with something.


Welcome to the club!!! You’re now a fully fledged member!!!

Man - I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about!!! I’ve been doing it every single day for the last couple of weeks and it’s showing on my balance I can tell you!!!

I don’t think it means that you’re not ‘cut out’ for trading. The big question is: ‘do you want to or can you live with this sh*t’???

I truly believe that trading is 1% technical and 99% psychological.

The problem that I have lately is that for some or the other reason I don’t see the trades until they’re over. I don’t know if it’s because I’m constantly flipping through charts and timeframes to look for trades and then, by the time I’ve spent a couple of hours doing that, when I get back to the beginning I discover that I’ve missed a ‘FAT’ trade. The only thing that’s improved with me over the past couple of weeks is that I won’t ‘jump’ on the ‘FAT’ trade that I’ve missed and so the whole process starts all over again!!!

Today I have FORCED myself to sit and look at one pair (in this case AUD/CHF) and not ‘jump’ around but the end result is that I have not made one single cent today (after sitting here watching this ‘sh*t’ for the past 8.5 hours). It’s killing me I’ll tell you!!!

I’ll tell you this though: I’m fast starting to question whether or not this really is worth it. I’ll tell you that if it was not for this thread I would probably have admitted defeat by now.

I don’t know how everybody else trades and if they’re making money but really - I’ve been thinking to myself lately - that if I had put THIS MUCH time into old business I would have been a multi-millionaire by now. It’s just does not seem to pay off in the long run.

‘Clueless’!!! (I think I’ll change my login name to this)!!!

Wow, I could have posted this comment. I have the same issue, and here’s the real kicker - I’ve looked back over my trades that I stopped because they went south, and if I had stuck with the rules, they would have turned into winners. I think swing trading is what bothers me. I can’t stand having a trade sitting for day after day with a huge stoploss, and having to sit on my hands to not close the trade when the market dips every three or four days.

I’m now trying two methods: I’ve created a handful of carry baskets to hold for several weeks since even when positive interest pairs go against you, they eventually return to the trend (supply and demand forces money from low interest to high, all things being equal). I’m also trying short term trades with lower pip targets based on MA crosses. I’ve decided to shoot for 20-30 pips at a time since that seems to be a reasonable bounce, and I only trade in the direction of the daily trend.

Dale, what’s your TP for those M5 trades? How long do you hold the trade? That sounds like a nailbiter - the M5 candle bounces around so much!


I don’t have a TP - or shall I say my TP is when the MA’s cross again.

I’ve attached a chart to show you what I’ve been staring at all day.

Funny enough - as I was typing this message - that chart ‘ticked over’ and the EMA’s crossed - so hold thumbs for me!!!

hey dpaterso

I haven’t read this forum for a while. are you still trading on daily timeframe psar dots or have you changed your strategy?

Oh man - you don’t know what you’ve missed!!!

you mean the good way or the bad? hope its good way

I cant even find the whole signature option under my profile. Have you tried to refer to the animated gif using [img] tags manually?