Parabolic SAR - that's all!

Thanks ‘Just Joan’.

I know where you can set those things up (I’ve posted the link somewhere on this thread before) but they have a very limited number of pairs for which you can set alerts using indicators and MA’s and Delta does not have this stuff built in so I’m a bit ‘screwed’.

It just really get’s to me when I see this and I’m sure it’s my main problem - not our system or anything like that. I mean to say this happens every single day ALL day and the worst part about it is that I AM sitting at my workstations THE WHOLE DAY (except for maybe and hour in the morning and an hour in the middle of the day when I have to take my son to, and fetch from, school). That’s it!!!

Sorry ‘Just Joan’ - overtyping each other.

The ‘default’ setting on Delta’s platform is ‘Bid’. It’s easy to see if your chart is set to dispaly the correct price i.e. if the ‘Current price’ differs in your ‘Positions - LIVE’ window from what is currently being displayed on the chart then the chart is on the wrong price.


Here is my 2 cents on this, maybe it might help you. But when I trade I look for times, what time do big moves start and what time do big moves end. The pair you have showed is (GBP/USD) the time to enter or look for signals to enter is at 1:50 pm (New York), if you notice right before 2:00am it put in a signal on the 1 hour chart that I (being the pair) am not going below 2.0390 and I am well above the 55 EMA then like clock work it shot up and all the volatility stopped moving around at 4:50am.

The chart I am attaching will show the last 3 days the area in black is 00:00 to 3:00 (Mountain time, and or 2:00 am New York) the area in grey is the America and Asia session. What I do is right at 11:50 (mountain time) I like to look at trend and 55EMA, then place a buy 4 pips above the high of the 11:00pm candle, and 4 pips below. Then you wait, right about 12:15 (00:15) you start to see movement and wait for either your buy or sell to go off, once one is triggered then set your other one as your stop loss with the 55ema. I look for profit around 20 pips first lot then let it run on the second lot, using 55 as my stop loss.

So I guess what I am saying is that every pair has a time when it is up and moving and then sleeping. GBP loves to wake up and move around at 2:00am, just like the EUR so maybe have a look and see if this helps yah.

Hey jacioux,

Thanks for all that info - it’s really very much appreciated.

I’ll ‘give it a bash’ and type and incorporate it into my ‘style’ and have a look at ‘what happens when’ on some other pairs.

I’ll tell you this much though - everything I do today seems to be turning to ‘sh*t’ again - EVEN on the 4 hour charts.

By the way - I don’t know if this means anything - and if it does - then I don’t know why but it certainly appears that on any timeframe when the 8 EMA, 21 EMA, and 50 EMA ‘converge’ or ‘come together’ this is usually the start of a HUMUNGOUS move. Not sure what the ‘scientific’ explanation for this is but it appears to always be a very ‘sure’ and profitable trade that results from taking a position when this ‘convergence’ take place.


it is the same thing like the Alligator remmeber them? they r like an EMA’S and when they merge together it means that the market is waking in a ranging form ,When the converge it means that it is trending.

but i don’t know so far why u add the last EMA?how useful it is?

Man the gold is getting high u still holding this postion???



Hey 'buddy ‘ol pal’, how are things???

Well - it’s ‘sort of like’ the Alligator MA’s - but it was just an observation that I made.

As far as the 50 EMA is concerned - well - it’s another ‘theory’ that I’m trying out (that I did mention before) i.e. if you placed a market order everytime to buy or sell when the price crossed the 50 EMA and you held on to the position until the price crossed it again at which point you’d stop and reverse - you’d make money from what I see on any chart. The 50 EMA basically keeps you from getting ‘whipsawed’ out the trade unless something nothing short of ‘spectacular’ spikes the price.

By the way - I’d forgotten about Gold (actually I REALLY TRYING to forget about Gold)!!! I closed out my $5K losing position that I was holding on to for dear life BY MISTAKE yesterday!!! Man - I realised the mistake just as I clicked on the order (I was trying to close out another position below it). I’ll tell you something - I got so ‘pised off’ I felt like taking a axe and chopping the whole 'fucing’ lot up!!! Anyway - I suppose it was a good thing - in retrospect i.e. that loss is not offsetting everything I make now - and I WILL catch it on the way down IF IT’S THE LAST TRADE I MAKE!!! As far as the price is concerned - I don’t know what’s happening anymore - and I’ve given up trying to understand!!! I suppose ‘they’ are now trying to push it to $800 and ounce or something before we get a correction. I don’t know anymore and like I said I no longer ‘give a s*it’ anymore either. Not once have I EVER called Gold right - not once.

Ohh man that is alot!!! sorry for that but at least u through them from your mind they r past now.

Well i will have a look more about the 50 EMA and will tell u what i think about them.Will this method seems to work today i really concentrated alot on all the methods we r u using since we start this thread and i worked with the (8-21) rules very heavily and i can say right now that my account is back o life again so it is now on green!! so happy fo that but it was a very stressful day for me(no gain!!)


ooh my god what a f**king bussnies we r having.


what a waste thank god that i had ST other wise i would have a heart attach

DID any one see that before???


Hey all

I’m happy to say that pretty soon I will have the funds I want to put toward live trading! :cool: Soon I will be raking in the dough! :rolleyes: Well, maybe.

Also, I’ve come up with a little plan for myself trading the EMA or any system for that matter. For me, I’ve decided, depending on how everything is going, I will take profits at 100 pips no matter what. If the trend continues, oh well. At least I made the 100 pips. For example, Tuesday I got into 3 trades and today, I pocketed 300 pips. I’ve been using the EMA system on the daily charts. So a nice little demo profit for me… too bad I wasn’t trading live! The only thing is I left one trade open and its continuing past 100 pips, lol… such is the life of the beast.

Just wanted to share my exit strategy. I think it will be a good way to break into this thing when I go live.

Hey Rob,

Whatz up??!!

Well this is what i thought about but U know when i switch my trades into 15 mint i can tell u my friend there are lots of trade and money which can be made by this system.Seriously Rob u should try it man u wil never regreat.

bUT YEAH 100 pips is more than enough.And coz i don’t do trading for living right now i can tell u when u have it like the only source u will focus more and more.(I think so)

My partner name is Robert and his nick name is Rob he is from England the funny think here is i used to believe that people from UK if there names are Robert then by daufault there nick should be Rob and in the states Robert should be Bob!!! But u changed this thoughts for mine!!!


Hey Akram

I figure I will use that as my daily plan. I haven’t figured out a plan for shorter time frames. I’m not sure about 15 mins… that seems to quick for me. I like using the 30mins though. But most of all, I like just picking my spot and letting it go on the daily. I’ll have to give this a try on the shorter time frames for sure though.

Yea, at a young age I decided I wanted to be called Rob. But when I was really young, my family called me Robby! I’ll probably regret telling ya’ll that! But my father, who is also named Robert, goes by Bob and always has since he was a kid.

ok Rob

Let me tell u what i came up with through my humble experiance in this new rules.

It is really pays off Big time.when u lose u don’t loss alot and u might breakeven as well but when u gain u gain alot no celing for that!!! 15 min is the best so far but before jumping on going long or short u have to make sure with the direction of the trend and when u have your signals u can take the ones with the domain direction if u know what i mean.

The only problem with this system is that u have to leave every thing in this life and just stick to your PC and trade this is the problem but hey if it really pays off why can’t we make it as our main rule!!??

One thing i noticed today that for sure we do have 3 sessions with the Market i found when the sydney and Tokyo sessions open u better watch these curenecies today i got 70 pips out of the trade during the JAP session so that tells u ( i think) we should focus on the currencies that has an already a session opened. Like i always beleive that after the US closes the market is dead i found that is not the case!!

Happy trading


Hey all

Welcome Joanne!

Hey Akram,
That seems to be the good way to go on the days I can sit at the computer all day. You bring up a good point about trading certain pairs during the open market hours of those pairs. Actually, I read somewhere about all that. You know what, I think I have a file on it. I’m gonna post it. I really don’t remember where I got this, but credit is due to them. It actually gave me a good idea to post the times and the best pairs to trade at those times right on my desk so I can learn them over time.

So, check it out. It is in PDF format. Enjoy.

trading times.pdf (260 KB)

Good morning everyone (well it’s a ‘better’ morning for a change),

Good morning Akram and ‘Robby’ (that’s cute)!!!

Yeh listen folks - I ‘gotta’ tell ya’ - these EMA’s also seem to be doing ‘the trick’ for me.

I tell you what I’ve noticed now - something very interesting I think.

Now that I’m back on the 4 hour charts and adjusting stops every 4 hours (according to the value of the 50 EMA) what’s happening is that my stop is getting moved ‘dynamically’. In other words: once in a trade you set your stop loss at 07h00 (for example) to let’s say 100 (for example). Let’s say the trade goes in you favour for the next 4 hours. At 11h00 you change your stop loss to whatever the value of the 50 EMA is. So for example at 11h00 your stop would be set to 90 (I’m assuming a short trade here in this example). But now let’s say that in the next 4 hours the trade goes against you to a degree. Now your stop loss would have moved back slightly from where it was before i.e. at 15h00 you stop loss may now be 94 (for example). Interesting???

It’s for the reason above that the 50 EMA keeps you in a trade for an extended period of time. In other words: something ‘drastic’ has to happen during each period for you to get stopped out. Interesting???

Akram, I also saw that move on NZD this morning (last night). Funny enough it just goes to prove my point above i.e. the 50 EMA was not hit and the trade is still valid (well on EUR/NZD anyway). Of course as ‘luck’ would have it, because I entered that trade very late, I figured I did not want to lose too much if it went against me so on this particular occasion I set my stop loss to the value of Parabolic SAR and not the 50 EMA (the value of the 50 EMA was very far from the current price when I opened the position and because I’d entered the trade very late I did not have a ‘profit cushion’ to play with so I decided to act with ‘prudence’ which was a big mistake). Anyway, needless to say, the postion was stopped out at a loss (Parabolic SAR) but the 50 EMA was not touched so I’d now have been showing a nice little profit on the position instead of losing money (I’ve reopened the position and put the stop at the 50 EMA but it’s still a very late entry).

I’m not sure who is using which system now. Is anybody still using Parabolic SAR and if so how and for what? Just curious because with this 50 EMA ‘thingy’ of mine I can’t see the merit of using anything else (not even the 8 and 21 EMA’s although these do get you into the trade much earlier which IS in fact what I did yesterday but I could just as well have traded ONLY to 50 EMA and I’d be in the same position).

Oh - and if you REALLY want to see ‘action’ - I traded the Nasdaq 100 (futures) last night on the 1 minute charts. MAN it moves!!!

Anyway - I’ve attached (another) chat demonstrating where I’m trying to go with this.

The 50 EMA ‘only’ one is interesting (and very nice and clean and easy to look at I might add). Actually - for this ‘system’ work 100% you really should NOT trade with stops i.e. instead of stops you should have a stop order in place to close the current position and then open a new one in the opposite direction. In other words you buy or sell the moment the 50 EMA is crossed. The only problem with this is that you have to be very ‘sharp’ because as soon as these ‘stop adn reverse orders’ are hit then you have to place more ‘stop and reverse orders’ again in the opposite direction in case the trade moves against you again.

Oh - and I attached my ‘monumental fu*kup’ from last night i.e. EUR/NZD also to demostrate the ‘merit’ of the 50 EMA.

Hey Joanne, wow, great, another female (OK - wait - before I start a riot - you’d better confirm this)!!!

Funny - you just reminded me of something - my very first girlfriend was a nurse (well - she became a nurse after leaving school). The ‘bith’ then went on to marry a doctor!!! Can you believe that!!! Anyway I suppose she’s laughing now i.e. I’ll bet she’s (they) are not 'shtting’ themselves everytime the door bell rings!!!

Also strange that last night I was going over your thread (the ‘rate my books’ ‘thingy’) and MAN have you done some reading!!! One book that you MAY want to add to that list is John F. Carter’s book ‘Mastering The Trade’. This book is a ‘killer’. Aside from the many trading systems in the book most of the book is dedicated to ‘trading psychology’ and how and why the markets work and ‘who gets fuked’ along the way and why!!! At first I did not ‘take’ to the book but that was a while ago. Now that I’ve been through all this 'sht’ this book has taken on a new meaning for me I’ll tell you. I don’t even go to a have ‘sh*t’ without it anymore!!

By the way Joanne (funny I also had an ex girlfriend with that name - two actually) - I REALLY hope that you’re taking advantage of going to see some of my bands that play in Dallas from time to time!!! Evanescence has played there a lot, I think Dallas is ‘on the cards’ for Nightwish, and I also think that Lacuna Coil, After Forever, and Within Temptation have been / are going to play there at some point.

Hey ‘Robby’, thanks for the .pdf (Do the words ‘I’ll probably regret telling ya’ll that!’ mean anything to you)???

(OK - I’ll knock it off now - I won’t ‘milk’ it like the ‘elephant’)!!!

Oh - and Akram - I must tell you that I was watching some stuff on the pyramids last night (this 4 hour ‘thingy’ is giving me some time to do OTHER things now).

You know - there’s something that I don’t understand. They had that old guy on (he’s like ‘the main dude’) when it comes to the pyramids and the mummies and stuff (I forget his name now but he’s always on TV) and he was saying that he is of the opinion that there is treasure buried inside the pyramids and under the sphynx and stuff like that. Why don’t they just pull the ‘fuc*ing thing’ down block by block and have done with it!!! I mean they have spent YEARS investigating these ‘theories’ and used ultrasound and radar and satellite and anything else you can think of to find stuff like this out without success!!! I mean after they’ve satisfied their insatiable curiousity they could always put it back up again!!! I would have done this a LONG time ago!!!

Let’s see how good I am:

Gold and EUR/USD are going to drop like stones today!!!

may someone explain me how to put stop-loss? i tried finding it here(i know its somewhere in this thread) but i didn’t

Believe me when I say that the only reason I’m even entertaining the thought of answering your question is because you’re Finnish!!!

dundee, stop loss for which ‘system’?