Parabolic SAR - that's all!

I’m using the original psar system. enter when first psar dot appears and stop and reverse when dot goes the other way. with daily timeframe

thanks dale

Don’t thank me thank Tarja!!!

Anyway - the way that you’re doing it is probably the better way i.e. you don’t use stops and only take profit when you stop and reverse. The reason I say this is because I’ve seen far to many times (especially lately) that Parabolic SAR is ‘penetrated’ and you get stopped out only to find that the price continues on its original direction after that and you’re now out of the trade for no good reason.

If you really want to use stops then your stop loss is set to the current value of Parabolic SAR and gets moved every time a new ‘dot’ appears to the value of that new ‘dot’.

Another way of ‘playing’ this is instead of setting ‘physical’ stops based on Parabolic SAR you set alerts (email, SMS, audible, stuff like that) so that when an alert goes off to tell you that Parabolic SAR has been ‘penetrated’ you can have a look at the chart and make a ‘judgement call’ i.e. was the sudden price change due to a ‘news spike’ or is it indeed an indication that the trend has reversed.

eur/usd 8-21 crossed now (on netdania) - i’m in

capt.findus, which timeframe are YOU looking at?

I’ll tell you all something for nothing my trusted and loyal friends:

From now on I’m ‘playing things’ like this:

Daily charts
50 EMA

Go long when the price closes (or crosses) above the 50 EMA and go short when the price closes (or crosses) below the 50 EMA. If the price ‘settles’ or retracts to the 50 EMA without crossing you simply open a position (or reopen if you’ve been stopped out and TP) in the same direction i.e. long if the close is again above the 50 EMA and short if the close is again below the 50 EMA. That’s it!!! Simple!!!

I mean - just have a look at the attached chart (Dow Futures) for crying out loud!!! Look at ANY instrument you like (EUR/USD is a good another good example)!!! Works every time!!!

The losses are minimal when the trade goes against you and just look at the potential profits!!! Once a trade starts going in your favour you are NEVER at a loss and always in a profit for the ‘get go’!!! ‘Fucking around’ with this and ‘messing around’ with that is really just eating away (has eaten) at my capital on all my accounts. And all these people that are 'bitcing’ for money can just ‘fuc*ing’ wait is all!!!

joanne, no it does not bother me at all (it’s refreshing) although it does feed the ‘pink elephants’ is all!!!

Geez - that was a ‘quick run’!!!

Are you already ‘rolling in the bucks’ or what? I quote: ‘but will get as many as deemed needed for this task’!!! You’ve obviously been doing something else for a living (and not trading) to be able to make statement like that!!!

Anyway - MY setup is as follows:

I have one workstation with two 21 inch LCD monitors attached. I run GCI on one monitor and Delta on the other and that’s all that’s on this workstation.

I have another workstation that has email / Internet / and sometimes I run Metatrader 4 (Tradex Swiss) on that one.

I have a notebook as well that is set up to connect via mobile phone in case the power goes off and I’m in the middle of a trade or something like that.

Everything is on UPS (very important although in the US I would not think that this is SUCH a problem BUT things can and do happen).

All of the above are networked and I’m connected via ADSL (Broadband).

I have sattelite and two TV’s in my office so that I can ‘amuse myself’ with the ‘sh*t’ that’s coming off Bloomberg and CNBC (and when I can’t stomach that anymore I can watch Nightwish)!!!

Something you also need is a scanner i.e. when you want to make withdrawls from your broker you ALWAYS need to print out the withdrawl form, sign it, and either fax it or email it to the broker.

Put it this way: if you’re only going to open 1 account at 1 broker then 1 workstation is good enough I reckon i.e. 1 workstation with two monitors. This is great because you can have your charts displayed on one monitor and your positions and orders on the other. If you already have a workstation then all you need is an extra monitor and a graphics card that will allow you to connect two monitors simultaneously. Windows will then allow you to ‘span’ your desktop so that both monitors ‘act’ as one BIG monitor.

That’s it!!!

i’m trying the 30min tframe… your reaction tells me it’s not a big idea

Nah - it’s not that - it’s just that it’s not working for me for whatever reason. Akram seems to be doing well even on the 15 minute timeframe. Hell I made about $200 last night on the 1 minute timeframe (Nasdaq)!!! For some or the other reason forex on the shorter timeframes does not seem to work me (actually forex does not seem to work for me lately PERIOD)!!!

I can tell you this much - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Stocks and the indices and the like DEFINITELY ‘behave’ in a far less ‘erratic’ way than forex. It becomes more apparent to me every day that I trade.

Oh this is amusing!!!

Take a look at this link:

Online Forex day Trading system - Learn and trade with me.: November 2006

It seems like we (I) are not as stupid as we (I) thought!!! I can only assume that this guy does it for a living as well AND is making money out of it!!! Too bad it’s taken us (me) so long to arrive at all of this!!! (Take a look at all the different ‘systems’ - especially the one that uses Parabolic SAR and EMA’s). AND BY THE WAY IT’S NOT MY SITE - THAT’S NOT ME IN THE PICTURE!!!

Geez - I could have posted that link two months ago - just think of the time we (I) would have saved!!! (Then again - look at the ‘fun’ we’re having)!!!

By the way Administrators - if you’re not happy with this link being here then please tell me and I’ll cut and paste the information here and credit the source.

Actually the thread that I WAS looking for (when I came across the one above) was this one: Education, Article:moving Averages, 50 And 200 Dma

It explains the importance or ‘significance’ of the 50 EMA and the 200 EMA better than I have been able to.

Hello joanne,

Welcome to the thread.and thanks for the nice words u posted.Well about Montreal if u r talking about the down town they use both english and french but their first language is yes french which is difficult for me i just knew MERCI BECOUP!! and it is by low if u go to any governemental place and u speek in English they have to reply by English although i can tell u that this make them feel bad coz they hate the language and they hate the one who doesn’t speek french (like they feel he is not from the country) .

Vancouver is a nice place i know that but u have to understand something Cairo never closes at night any time u want to have fun u will even if it is 7 in the morning!!! Same like Montreal the night life their is great although i amnot into night life!!! but i am that sort of people who can take a walk any time and this could be 4 in the morning so i like to see people in the streat rather than being alone!!



that is a very useful file for the best trading time for each pairs i thought about it and thanks for your confirmation!!



For sure u r talking about zahie Hawas he is the main dude yes to tak about the pyramids coz he spek fluent English.he is very dam knowledgable about this period of time and he has lots of theories!!!

I don’t know i don’t feel any thing towards the pyramids man it is just a stones and these stones makes the idiots to come and spend money to watch for nothing!!! LOL no i am joking the more u reed about how they make it it is realy something so far u can’t do it even now with the high tec we of the amazing thing that they did is that how they put these stones the wieght of 1 stone is like 20 tones and no one know hopw they left it up??!!



U want to do that for living??

How about u Rob?


I think we r going to be alot who is trading for living will have to have an online chating to those who do that for living very soon my friend

So did any one try the 15 min (8-21) EMA’S any good bad results???


Hey Akram,

Yup - that’s the guy!!! Sorry - I wasn’t being ‘funny’ about the pyramids - it’s just that I know that I would not be able to contain myself - I’d have pulled them down years ago to find the treasure!!!

I’ve ‘gotta’ tell ya’ man’ - I may have discovered my ‘niche’ method of trading today!!!

1 and 5 minute charts - Dow, S&P, Nasdaq, Gold, Oil, and Silver (yes - believe it or not)
50 EMA
Parabolic SAR

Works like a charm and to be honest with you I’m thinking of ‘sticking’ to the above instruments from now on. ‘Fu*k forex’!!! (Well MAYBE I’ll start using my daily 50 EMA ‘method’ on forex pairs IF I find one that closes on the 50 EMA daily). Forex pairs ‘jump around’ too much for my liking. Even with all the positions that I had open yesterday and the day before based on the 4 hour charts I got stopped out of about 8 of them and these little losses ‘eat’ away at your money. Like I said - that’s on the 4 hour for crying out loud - I shudder to think what will happen on the 1 and 5 minute charts. I reckon - it’s stocks and commodites and metals for this guy!!!

Seriously - I think I’ve found it!!!

And by the way the Dow Futures are right on the daily 50 EMA as I type. Let’s see where it closes and then I can REALLY put my 50 EMA daily ‘plan’ to the test!!!

Anyway it’s Friday night here and I’ve had a good day (well - a good hour or two) so I’m calling it a day. I’ve still got about a half a bottle of the Captain left and I’m all dressed up in my Lacuna Coil gear so I reckon it’s time for me to get ‘coiled’!!!

ok Dale,

I will be intrested to know how things going with u so far with this new method.

but as i told u the 15 min is working properly and it has a nice constant gain into your account u should have a look on it.

As far as the pyramids concerned i think it is something nice that we do have it but the sad thing i think we will have to promot it more than we do coz it is really something nice to visit .I Remmember that when i was shooting inside the pyramids i had to walk for long inside a tunnel to go up while my body was bending and when i went up in the king’s room coz i was shooting something with an American director i saw something very strange that i saw a few girl were up and they were sitting in a funny way talking to nobody and never move i asked the director do u want me to move them from this spot as we were shooting he told me they will never move coz they are praying now so i discovered out that these people beleive on the old Egyptians and this is their religion!!! this religion has a name like (islam-chistianity) but i don’t know the name now.

It took them to build one pyramid about 20 years of F**KING WORK!!.when islam came here they refused to distroy these pyramids which tells u that what Taliban did with there incient status was not right.But when Napolion came here to Egypt he tried to use his strenth to get these pyramids and the sphinx down he could’t do it and it was left over 7000 years just to tell the whole world about this civilaization that was here that these people were probebly high tec more than what we have now adays

So far no one knows how the left these stones up did they use magic? did they use elvators?

One of the secreats that no one discoverd so far is that if u leave an apple inside the pyramids it will never decay!! how and why? well this is one of the secreats that they manage to unreveal and even CLEOPATRA when i asked her she never answerd that!!


Walking like an egyptian so we do have a funny walk!!!



For some folks, the pyramids ARE the treasure. Like me, I’d love to go see them. Amazing piece of history. It would be a funny sight to see them tearing down the pyramids to find treasure. I think people would be outraged. And you know what, I don’t mean any disrespect to you Akram, but whenever I read your posts, I imagine Zahi Hawass speaking! :o

Are you asking if I would do trading for a living? I’d love to, but at this time in my life, I’m not able to. If I could find a successful way to consistently gain a considerable profit, everyday, then I will. Now considerable profit is different for everyone. To me, it would mean making $500-$1000 a week at this point in my life. So if I can do that, yea I’m gonna be happy. And I want have some stupid job working for some a**hole. I’d be at home enjoying myself. So yea, it would be nice to do this for a living.

To be honest, I haven’t even been using the PSAR. It hasn’t been on my charts for awhile. :eek: Blasphemy! Heretic! Burn him! :eek: Just that with using the EMAs, I don’t really see any point to having it on my charts other than nostalgic value.

Well, I’m out for the weekend. Although, I’ll probably be back… tonight. :rolleyes: Everyone have a good one.

Happy trading.


No i beleive that this guy is little bit showy and he IS promoting for the pyramids there are lots of people who are following what he is saying blindly and as he is well knowledgable so any thing he is saying is like a bible or a Quran to most of the people!!!

Put it this way Dale u r in South Africa when u hear that there is a treasure in the pyramids offcourse u will think of comming here to vist the pyramids who knows u might find something which might turns your life upside down!!!

still i don’t know why the pyramids are having all these lots of propaganda although to be honest in Luxor or Aswan there are like 3/4 from the old historical places in the world yet the pyramids are wellkown than these 2 places!!!



hi men of trading, yes yes yes i want to trade for a living, you are absolutely correct … that felt soo good! anyway yes i will invest in myself and this. this is a new career change for me i can afford this, dont get me wrong i am not stupid with money, infact i detest that nor am i tight with money. i just go for quality. i am paper trading now and will until i am set that i will lose minimally. thanks dale for all and continued essential reading. hey akram i think your french will work out east the trick is to atttempt to speak french they will finish the rest for ya, if they know you at least tried. good luck man. its pretty cold there get a good coat! ive been trying all the systems dale and still making friends with this computer, it has and will continue to be a learning curve but i love a challenge. i also the love the fact that just joan is trading at work this is so fun, shes making money while shes making money lol lol. dale, i think i will start with 2 computers and add a third screen after i get better. im going to go work out now and i’ll talk to you all soon, all have a most excellent weekend and dale i really appreciate all the very very hard work and effort that you put into this thread, you are all just great. see ya. and remember all if ya cant behave at least be funny!:eek:


No Rob it is ok this guy talks in a very good way as i mentioned before he knows how to make every one just listen to him and get influenced i think he has an excellent chrizma that makes u respect and listen to him.Now i beleive he is very famous i thought he is but not to the point that u all guys know this guy!!

well as far as the income concerned Rob i think 500 or 1000 a week is easy to have just u need to focus on the trading u r doing and this will take some patience but i think we r so close to this target.

oh guys yesterday i saw the new 007 i know it is an old film now as it has been released 1 year back but the funny thing the moment i try to watch the movie i have something that happen bad to me!!! once i treid to watch it i found my dich is not working properly after fixing it i ordered the movie again )(pay per view) the electricity went down!!! yesterday i fixed the dish and the electricity went off again when it came back after 30 min. i desided that i will watch the movie even if it is my last day on this earth!!! i saw it and i can tell u that this new 007 is the woriest model for 007!!!



Hey ‘woman of trading’ and my good friend Akram,

Man - I feel good!!! Me - I’m sitting here in my office with Nightwish going in the background, a Captain and Coke, and my ‘good buddies’ (I had a life before I started trading)!!!

Anyway - Akram - (I don’t know why but I’m feeling bad about what I said about the pyramids) - I would LOVE to see the pyramids and I have a very keen interest and a great respect for them and the people that built them and I actually get quite ‘pis*ed off’ when they start taking those mummies out and putting them in museums and the like - I think they should be treated with respect and left alone. I know that sound EXTREMELY contradictory to what I said earlier. It’s just that I’m so sick and tired of hearing about all the treasure that’s buried here and buried there and buried everywhere - so I was ‘venting’ I suppose (although I do like that ‘old guy’ - he’s entertaining and extremely knowledgeable and at least I know that in his own way he actually trying to protect Egypt’s heritage).

Oh - and Joanne - you ain’t seen nothing yet baby!!! Actually though - I’m trying to picture this: running in the morning, working out now. Man - I’m one of those people that generally wakes up in the morning wondering if I’m still on this planet!!! You make me thing of those ‘mattress adverts’ - you know the ones I hope - you know - the woman opens her eyes and spreads her ARMS and with a big smile on her face jumps out of bed and the whole idea is that you think it’s because she’s had such a good nights sleep because of the mattress!!! ‘Fuc*in’ rubbish’!!! I want to absolutely vomit when I see those ads. When I wake up in the morning it’s like ‘Oh God, no, I can’t do this’!!! Of course then I go through my daily routine of downing my first two Red Bulls for the day and ‘whoalla’ - I’m there man!!!

Anyway - as a matter of interest - why do you feel that you need 2 computers for this??? Just curious.

I’m not finished with this message but I have to go and pour a drink so check back later if you like!!!


I know they offer lots of program to make people read and speek french but to be honest i hate to do that while i am 32 years old i love English and i want to improve it much more than that.i will leave my Wife to speek the french as she already do instead of me the problem will come soon as my child and my future one (after less than a month) they will forsure speek french and i am afarid that the time will come that they will (the 3 of them) speek french and i will just have to sit understand nothing of what they say!!!

