Parabolic SAR - that's all!

HEY - I’m back!!!

You know - it’s funny - I was talking to someone (my father as a matter of fact) not more than a half an hour before I sat down and checked the thread - and I was saying to him that I’d REALLY like to learn to speak another language. How’s that for ‘coeincidence’ (actually this is REALLY happening a lot lately - it’s ‘scary’ - but good)!!! I can speak English (I think) and Afrikaans (similar to Dutch and is one of our 11 official languages) BUT I REALLY want to learn to speak Finnish (Suomi) but I would not know where to start. (And I know what you’re all thinking!!! It’s not for that reason!!! Well - it is (partly) for that reason BUT I think it is THE MOST beautiful language on earth to listen to. German would be the next choice). So - what languages does everyone else speak???

By the way ‘Robby’ - how come you seem to have gone all ‘serious’ lately???

No Dale,

Please don’t feel bad about what u said coz u didn’t say any thing bad and even if this is your opinion i really respect it.but as Rob said i think the treasure is with the pyramids it self.

Any ways yes this guy has been put on this as an expert and as the one who speeks about Egypt and history coz he is knowledgabe and wellknown of lots of things Don’t forget my freind that in Isreal they say that they are the ones who build the pyramids!! so that is why a man like ZAHI is the one to be speek about these matters. i remmeber when i was trying to have the permission while i was shooting in the pyramids i had to get the permmission from Zahi and he asked me about the subject and if it has any relationship to who build the pyramids or not!!!

Guten morgen

I took German a looooong time ago. I dont remember anything. I only speak English. I would love to learn Japanese.

What do you mean by serious? :confused:


I thought that u guys in South Africa u just speek English!!! never thought there is another language u have.

AFRICANO is a language or place???

I think it is a language and group of people .we have a very nice film Egyptian one that had been shot in South Africa and i was so happy to see lots of Lions and Dale’s Elephent was there as well!!!

Another thing that i know Dale for south Africa is that it is a very rich country and not safe to live in is that right???



Rob (‘Robby’), I don’t know what I mean - can’t ‘put my finger on it’. Something. Different. But it’s sure nice that you post all the time!!!

Akram - ‘my China’ (that’s South African ‘slang’ for ‘friend’) - believe it ‘my mate’ - we have 11 official languages!!! Afrikaans is a language (and a culture actually). You must remember that South Africa was ‘found’ originally by the Dutch (although the English may have something to say about that point of view)!!! It’s a great country but yes - we have a crime problem here - and it’s really unfortuanate. Again - funny this subject has come up - last night one of our South African ‘stars’ - a musician - by the name of ‘Lucky Dube’ (Bob Marley ‘style’) was shot and killed for his ‘fuc*in’ car’ - in front of his children I believe - I mean it’s ridiculous - why not just take the car!!! But unfortuanately we have a legacy of the ‘have and have nots’ and the gap is really wide and does not seem to be narrowing. It’s bad but it’s not that bad. I mean let’s face it - because of the media - you only get to hear the ‘bad stuff’. That’s news.

Couldn’t stay away from it!!! Just had to have a look!!! Looks like the Dow is ‘fuc*ed’!!! I’m so happy!!!

hey (My China)!!!

Woow that is bad killing him why??? just for some bucks that is not fair i hate that!!!

So u have a gun Dale?if i am in your place i will have one just to protect my self and my family.!!


Hey - this is not ‘Beirut’ - it’s Johannesburg!!! We’re not going around ‘offing each other in record numbers’!!!

It’s obviously very sad that an artist like him is gone - same thing as Bob Marley getting shot (to me anyway) - and yes - why not just take the car for crying out loud!!! So no - I don’t have a gun (I used to have a few but because of our strict gun laws they became a ‘pain the the ar*e’ to keep so I got rid of them)!!! I have a Rottweiller though (x 2) - don’t know if that counts??? The male - he’s my ‘king’ and he really is ‘man’s best friend’!!!

Oh man u got a very beauitful dogs i love them although these kind of dogs never play like the other ones they r a killer dogs!!

Dale Beuirt is very wellkown with the precentage of pretty girls they have the most (in my opinion) prietiest girls u will find on the earth so don’t talk about it in a bad way or else i will be offended here!!! (joking)

Go search for hayfa wahby and u will know how bad u said by using their country as a modle of terrorism!!! ( she is the most prritiest girl on the earth) and sorry to disappoint u about Tarja dude!!!


Hey, hey, hey - don’t mess with me ‘my China’!!! You know - being good looking is one thing - being good looking AND being ‘classy’ is whole other thing - and my ‘Fin’ - she’s got class!!!

well akram, your kids will learn 2 languages in school yes english and french, you can learn with them as they will converse with you so dont feel left out:confused:that will only make you sad and you wont be able to trade if your crying, right. just joking you will be fine. and oh yeah the naughty one who could that be there are a few lol love it. well dale yeah i am the mattress comercial, 24 inches and its not my head. ok. i love working out it makes me feeeellll gooooodddd. boy am i burning now cant say were but that work out got me. now on to the computers, well i figure i,ll be trading on one and researching brokers, education, emails etc, etc on the other. will have to get big flat screen in here so much stuff. thats a cute little puppy you got id pet him, them, i love dogs. well currently my trade is heading north will it should be going south, another reason to exercise im too hyper to sit all the time and moving is good for that. what do you think men of two computer system anyway?

Hey - you know what Akram - is it just me - but it sure seems that everyone else has disappeared???

Yeh - you see - that’s what I was saying!!! I used Beirut as an example because that’s all WE see on TV - probably a very nice place to go for a holiday!!!

does this mean your fine like chinaware, or doll? i dont understand that can you explain to us, its fun!:stuck_out_tongue:

Joanne - I’m calling you ‘the steroid chick’ from now on (if you don’t know - ‘chick’ or ‘bint’ is South African slang for ‘woman’). ‘Fu*k me’ - you have more energy than the traders selling off the Dow at the moment!!!

And if you think I’m kidding around - take a look at this chart!!! Man - did something VERY BAD happen in the US today??? Oh well - I’m short anyway!!! To bad - so sad!!! (‘Dow now’ - I love that - I just made it up)!!!

dale, funny you should say this i do have a lot of energy but i can relax, i dont think it would be good to take steriods they make you big and im not big at all and dont want to be thats a very scary thought. i know you love your beloved elephant, but not in girl forms that is not a pretty site, makes me have eeebbbiii cheeeebbbbies, lol. good my trade going south again had to peak also. by the way i speak french as well and have a austrian girlfriend and shes tryin to teach me some of that language which is fun and a vietnames friend hes teaching me somethings, but i dont think they are all good words if you get me. so can be embarrasing at times. lol

i havent heard anything bad happening in the usa today, just the norm. dale you crack me up man. have a great weekend men of trading im out of here now. talk to you all soon you to ‘just joan’, the other woman of trading. you go girl.:stuck_out_tongue:

yes joanne

It might works that way like i will learn with them from scratch!!

i think 2 screens will be perfect like one u will use to trade and the other one for posting.cheacking news and emails.especialy if u want to to this for living


I think Dale this news which is coming from the meeting today is not good that is why every thing droped down i was short too but i did it coz my tec analysis is telling me to do so!! thank god man i will tell u that now it is working perfectly the 15 min system i love that!!!


hey dale i just thought of something, i forgot to mention i am trying to talk and trade at the same time. i have a girlfriend manny, she is the austrian, anyway her husband is into soccer and i have another girlfriend and shes from south africa her name is liz and shes into soccer. so we ended up inviting the soccer team from s. africa over to dallas i remember it was in like 2003-4 somewhere around there it was a blast you guys know how to party, snaps to that. i wish i could figure out how to let you see the pics, but have to get with liz for that or maybe manny short for manuela. i cant even believe i forgot about that but hey life goes on. see ya. joanne.:smiley: