Parabolic SAR - that's all!

thanks akram, i think i need more than one screen and system. are we doing trades of the 15 min screen now cause i just got used to the 1 hr screen and 4 hr screen, is the noise more on the 15 min screen i would have to sit and just watch it all the time, is that more like scalping. ok guys , sorry men go to this site Forex Education 4 Noobs and look at this article by nickb its under the title: the nickb method, part 2: scalping the 4hr. its about 27 pages long. tell me what you think of him. thanks joanne.

here is the pic for baby hayfa for u Dale have a look and tell me what do u think of her!!!


By the way

As far as Haifa is concerned i am not going to talk much more about her coz i know for sure that my wife is watching!!

So as i told u before Dale i hate Haifa alot i just love my Wife!!!



As i told u before 15 mint is the best for me and yes u have to sit watch your charts every sec!!

But as u want to do that for living why don’t u want to sit and watch your canndels u should love them babe!!

THE good thing or the 15 min trade is that when u lose u lose less than any other time frame.

Let me tell u something i was down with my account for 30% and this week i tried yesterday and today the 15 min and i am now got recovered and i have 14% more to my margin!!


akram im shocked, lol lol i can t believe you just did it in front of your wife you better give her a big kiss. see im same size who wants to be elephant girl. sorry dale beloved elephant is a thing of beauty.:stuck_out_tongue:

really i’ll try the 15 min chart with the emas we have been using thanks, let me enter a trade if i can find one and let me see, i’ll get back with you.

NO NO joanne i posted her pic coz Dale is in love with her and he is my friend i wanted to made his day that is all!!!LOL


Geez!!! I can’t believe the ‘smut’ that has gone on here while I went to go and buy some more rum (and a Cheeseburger)!!!

Akram - she is ‘common’!!! You see - that’s the difference!!! MY ‘honey’ does not have to pose in her ‘birthday suit’ to look good - she ‘JUST IS’!!! Get it - ‘SHE JUST IS’!!!

And listen - Joanne - I don’t wan’t to hear about this ‘girlfriend - girlfriend’ ‘stuff’!!!

Actually - you had me going there for a while i.e. at least you’re not ‘coy’ - I think you’re ‘full of sh*t’ but be that as it may - your’e ‘open’ - you’re the first person on this thread that has mentioned ANYTHING about the way they ‘look’!!! Ok - you shared - so I’ll share!!! We have a series on TV here called ‘The Shield’. Well - ‘Vick Mackey’ could be my twin (at least I like to think so - love that guy - and NO Joanne - don’t get excited - when I say ’ love that guy’ - I dont’ really mean ‘love that guy’)!!!

Akram - somebody should tell her to stop biting her nails!!!

Hey ‘Robby’ - are you home yet?

COMMON!!! SHE IS COMMON. oK DALE i will speek no more i will let Rob reply on that!!! how do u think Rob on Dale’s DREAM GIRL!!!

She is eating my friend her nails are full of sweets!!! u wanna taste them??!!!


And by the way Akram - ‘my China’ (my ‘boet’ - that’s MORE South African ‘slang’ - ‘boet’ means ‘brother’) - take all that makeup and crap off - and you’ll want to ‘chew your arm off’ in the morning!!! I KNOW what Tarja looks like without all that ‘crap’!!!

My ‘king’ is sitting here in my office thinking to himself: ‘What the fu*k are you doing now - I want some of that cheesburger - and how come you’re not blowing my brains out with (the old) Nightwish’!!!

what are you insinuating my new friend that i am full of. play nice or not at all. pet king on the head for me he really does look like a beautiful dog is he mean? i told you before you cant offend me easily i have seen the best and the worst of mankind in my past profession in nursing and i am not really shocked by any of it nor my friends. also nurses, doctors. sorry you feel the need to do and say somethings that i am sure you later regret. i just lost my trade it went north, later dale. hey akram i have total understanding lol joanne.:eek: ps enjoy the weekend all.

OK - WHOA - again - I went away for a little while - and things went ‘pear shaped’ again!!!

OK - Joanne - I have absolutely no idea what you took offense to or what could have possibly ‘shocked’ you OR what I could possiby have said / typed that I would regret in the morning!!! Sorry - you’ll have to be a little bit more clear on this point!!!

And Akram - ‘mate’ - again - tell her to put her clothes back on!!!

OK - ‘fck it’ - let’s stop joking around here - it seems to lead to 'sht’ every time. Probably for the best anyway - I can’t see the Administrators putting up with this ‘banter’ for much longer.

My (personal) email address is [email protected] (for those of you that have ‘issues’ and wish to ‘debate’ them further)!!!

the news just said we are in a recession that will last for a very long time in the usa. catapillar a large company here is in agreeance. this is really not good news for us but maybe for the rest of the world. hey dale im cool and your right im not coy. and no you didnt offend me i told you no one does that cause i dont listen or even acknowlegde it ok. so play on. what do you think of those beans, thats pretty bad news well i’ll keep a close watch on that.

No dude

I like her without clothes opss i mean with this kind of clothes!!!



u r the one who gave Mr .Bush your voice so that is why things are going badly my dear!!!


yeah and hes from my state what can i say, i wonder has anyone ever traded trough a recession and made a profit? dont know i’m going to find out. that kind o sucks though if you think about it. i will stay positive and think this will be ok. lol.:slight_smile:

hey dale did you go to sleep? king wake him up. have you any thoughts on the recession and trading should we do it differently? i dont know.:slight_smile:

yeah it will be ok i think besdie when ever u do any trade u don’t care about your currency if it went down or up coz u can gain both ways just u have to follow your tec anlysis that is all

Today i follow 3 EMA’S and it worked big time (8-21-50) i go on short or long based on the EMA’S (8-21) and i didn’t lose to any of the postions i opened coz when i was lossing i waited till the candels crossed the 50 EMA and when it reversed back i was on profit.

Also the PSAR was another signe for going long or short it just a confirmation for me to follow.

I think Dale is with TARJA right now she might talking to him right now!!
