Parabolic SAR - that's all!

check your email and give me your feed back

the guy who is singing is the most famous singer in the middle east he is number 1!! Egyptian as well


OK - well - seeing that you and I are the same time - then you must watch the Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq tonight from about 21h15 - 22h15 (if you want to see ‘action’). It happens (just about) every single night (US day). From about just before 15h30 New York Time (21h30 our time) the market reverses and then from just after 15h50 it reverses yet again - like ‘clockwork’!!!


I did not get any email from you - just checked.

i am in profit with the dow and the SPI 200 560 USD for 10 lots each i don’t know is that good or bad???


man u should give it a try just for 1 time and then if it really doesn’t work for u then forget about it for good!!

i am talking about the 8-21

even it really work properly with the NASDAQ and all these stuff


Is that good??? Of course that’s good!!! When is the last time you made $560 USD in less than an hour or so???

I like the song - very much - it put’s you in a good mood - makes you feel like moving!!!

I like all music (except R&B and Rap). Obviously the ‘heavy operatic gothic symphonic rock metal’ (whatever you want to call it) is my ‘scene’ but I really do like all music. I like what you sent me. I also like Indian music (you know - from India). Most (white) South Africans say it’s a noise (well the ones in this house anyway) but I think it’s fantastic!!! Have you seen some of those Indian dancers in their music videos??? They were moving like that before Britney Spears was born for crying out loud!!! I can tell you that I’m the only one in THIS house that will appreciate what you sent me but who gives a ‘sh*t’. I’m the boss!!! I’m playing it again (I can just picture those ‘belly dancers’ performing for us in our ‘tent’ while we’re being fed ‘grapes’ and ‘wine’ - or rather - in my case - Captain Morgan and prawns with ‘bucket loads’ of garlic and peri-peri)!!!

Yeah the indians are great although u understand nothing from them even the language and they way they speek is very difficult but u know the show is awsome!!

OK there were 2 indians one of them was asking the other one he told him how old r u?? he said i am DIRTY!!! then he asked him back he told him how about u??? he answered I AM DIRTY 2!!!LOL

well i like them by the way i have a very close freind who is indian and we r always call each other by our country name!!

yes u r right i don’ do that much in forex i love the indicies and i will give it a try and i think u guys should do the same thing coz it is very nice pays off!!!

by the way i am now 740 in profit!!!

I will send u another song and i think this one i will send will make u love that guy BIG TIME


Listen - I don’t care HOW many songs you send me - I’ll never ‘LOVE’ the guy - but I get what you mean!!!

I chuckled at the ‘dirty’ thing!!!

By the way - how can you say that you can’t understand the Indians??? What makes you think I can understand a word that ‘your guy’ is singing??? It’s Arabic!!! I told you - I only know one foreign word in Suomi (Finnish)!!! (No - it’s not ‘Tarja’ - it’s ‘kiitos’ - which means ‘thank you’)!!!

By the way Akram - what you are now seeing is the ‘pre market’ ‘action’ - which normally means that when the NYSE opens - and the main indices come online - things will keep moving in the same direction (that’s in exactly four minutes time)!!!

I love it when I hear the NYSE opening bell - it makes me feel like a REAL trader!!! (You know - small things - small mind).

I don’t mean their language i mean while they speek in English.Beside music and songs are something that u should feel no matter what are the language do u think i do understand french? no and i will never but i like when i listen to a nice french song.


Ohh really woow i think i need like 2 month togather all these information but u know what ?they r really better than the Forex!!


pip hunter,

Can you describe your 8-21 system again? I’ve tried reading through the thread but I haven’t found it yet. What TF do you trade? What is your TP?


I have it playing now - very nice - makes a ‘refreshing’ change for me - seems to ‘calm’ the mind - very nice - ‘kiitos’.

Check my ‘babies’ move (Dow, S&P, Nasdaq)!!! They say that the Nasdaq leads (although many people see the S&P as ‘the benchmark’).

Are you even reading any of this???

Hello Dr zues

Ok it is very simple method that Dale came up with

Basicly u do have 2 EMAS


when they cross each others that means it is a vailed entry and telling u to go short or long but what i do (and i don’t know if Dale said that or not):

GO SHORT when:

Both crossed each others , PSAR is showing down trend and 50 EMA is above the closed candel

GO LONG when:

Both EMAS cossed each others , PSAR is showing uptrend and 50 EMA is below the closed candel.

Exit when:

They crossed again to the other direction never close if they touch each others.

I do it with the 15 min TF



Very nice ‘additions’ or ‘tweaks’ Akram - very nice - very nice.

Yes i am and it is too many things that i have to work on it is my first day with these stuff the software is different but i am really doing my best and i like them alot.hope that will work out

So guys why no one is posting ???



But if the truth to be told just follow it Blindly and beleive me it is a bullet prove!!!



i just discoverd something these stuff is really rarelly ranging!! they r all the time trending like going up and down

Is what i am saying is right?


Hey Akram, if you’re trading what I’m trading you should be smiling around about now!!!

No - what you’ll find is a ‘pattern’ of ‘trending’ then ‘consolidating’ then ‘trending’ then ‘consolidating’ and if you watch them for long enough you’ll get a ‘feel’ for them.