Parabolic SAR - that's all!

yes i am but i am not feeling well as this is just a demo:( i wish i was having a real money acctualy i was just telling my self why can’t i put 2000 usd and i will ask Dale what kind of stuff i will look at!!!

i am now 1000 usd proft and that from 20 lots (means 1000 usd onlly!!)


Do you see what I mean when I say that these instruments ‘obey’ the rules??? Just take the S&P today for example and look at how many times the price ‘touched’ the 50 EMA on the 15 minute charts and then moved back instead of just ‘blindly’ ‘barrelling through’ the ‘poor fuc*ing EMA’ like a freight train on steriods!!! And the best thing about them is that when they DO in fact ‘barrel’ through the EMA’s you can bet your arse that they’re going to keep going!!!




On the 15 minute chart go long when the price crosses and closes above the 50 EMA and go short when the price crosses and closes below the 50 EMA.

ok my friend will check it out!!

I wonder where are everyboday???!!


Oh - by the way Akram - did I mention that they can change direction as well???

What settings do you use for PSARS? I think default is something like .02 and .2 … is that what you use?

Yup - that’s the default - that’s what I use.

no u never mentioned that but i just saw it now!!! lol



I see you love Finland and Finnish music very much:)
Well, in this case I have no choise but to advice you to check out band called ‘Poets of the fall’ song called ‘Lift’, I am not sure if you know them or not, but they are Finns and not yet very known internationally, so check it out and let me know what you think, in case you never heard them of cores!!!

P.S - if you will like this song (Lift), you will like the rest of their stuff.

P.S - if not download, then just Google it by the name of the band and it will give you direct link to YuoTube to see the video of this song.


Thanks for the reply Akram, easy enough. Dale, I’d hate for the forum admins to shut us down for discussing non-forex trading, but I’d love to read more about the trends and behaviors of the indices. Do you have any recommended reading or links you can send our way?

Hey timbaboy,

Thanks for that. I had a listen (went to their website and listened to all the samples). It’s a bit ‘tame’ for me although it’s is musically a very good band (and they seem to be quite big as well just judging from the tour information and stuff on their website).

I’ve always been of the opinion that the Finnish (and German and Polish and Russian and Dutch and Italians . . . you get the picture) produce far better rock bands than the the USA (no offense to anyone from the US - I LOVE the NYSE - and I love Amy Lee too) i.e. the rock that comes out of these countries has a very much ‘harder edge’ (which is of course my ‘style’) but at the same time is ‘melodic’ (if that makes sense). I would imagine that Rap is not big in Finland!!!

And then of course there is the Finnish folk music.

I don’t know what kind of music YOU like but have a listen to Sonata Arctica, Stratovarious, Tarot (of course I don’t have to even mention Nightwish and ‘you know who’) and you’ll get ‘my Finnish picture’.

The Finnish are a very ‘special’ people I think. I’ll bet that most of you don’t know this but when Russia (Stalin) tried to invade Finland it only took a very small army of Finn’s to wipe out ‘gazillions’ of Red Army soldiers just through sheer determination, courage, and brute force. (Don’t get upset with me here - I’m not taking sides - the Russians also had splendid victories - just not against the Finn’s - just sharing ‘a piece of history’).

Hey - that’s also a good point - are then any Russians monitoring this thread? If so I’d like to hear from you. I try and watch ‘Russia Today’ as often as I can because I love knowing what’s going on there and Prime Minister Putin is one of the very few policitians that I admire. I have to also admit that I was extremely upset when Boris Yeltzen passed away - he really was a very good and honourable man - even if for reasons unbeknown to us he was unable to accomplish all the goals that he set for Russia.

Just by the way - I know that it’s POSSIBLE that the above may offend somebody (it may not be the kind of thing people want to be reminded of nor talk about) - but that really is not my intention. If it does offend you then please let me know and I’ll delete the text immediately. On the other hand - it is history.

You know lot of us, but you’ve never been here(?). you watch F1?

do you know finnish band called Children of Bodom?

dr_zeus, you do have a point.

As far as the indices and that are concerned I can’t think of anything in particular that I have read other than the ‘stuff’ that I’ve ‘picked up’ on the Internet and really from watching Bloomberg TV and CNBC and trying to understand what makes these things ‘tick’ and how they fit in and where.

I know that there are some very good explanations and articles on John Foremans own website (‘rhodytrader’). Just find any post by him on babypips and he has the link as part of his signature.

dundee, yes I do!!!

Hey Dale,

I don’t even know how and where to start from replying to your post :rolleyes:
Ok, first of all I think you are not offending here anybody and it is the fact that it is history.

I am not a Finn my self, but has been living in Finland for the last 7 or so years. I was born in Soviet Union (Minsk, Belarus) and when I was a little boy we (my family) have moved to Israel since we are Jews, but I still visit Minsk and also St.Pitersburg very often, say every 3 months or so, I still have got great connections there, and my best friends live in St.Pitersburg.

I have listened to all these you have mentioned in your post (Sonata Arctica, Stratovarious, Tarot (of course I don’t have to even mention Nightwish and ‘you know who’) and you’ll get ‘my Finnish picture’.),
I do like them, but is not the kind of music I would listen in every day life, I like any kind of music though which is good.

Now, about Finnish people, they are truly very special and when I mean special you will never understand what I mean by that unless you meet some of them and spend some time with them, if I would put it in few words hmmm…:rolleyes: Honest, weird (a lot), different then any other nation I have ever met before.

So in the end of the story, if you really like to set up a meeting, I guess the ideal for you would be to come here to Finland (the place you love a lot:)) and from here continue to St.Pitesrsburg which is only 7 hours away by train, so that you could visit 2 places you dream of at 1 shot!!!


You read my mind!!! The only reason I have not embarked on this ‘adventure’ is because I allowed myself to consider too many other things and too many other people previously and a while ago I came to realise that this is not getting me anywhere and I’m going to have plenty of regrets if I don’t do certain things that I want to do before I’m ‘six feet under’.

So - I’ll be there - hopefully (again - EQUITIES willing) - next year.

Thanks for the very nice post.

Hi pip huntter I was refering to the Parabolic SAR system

Sorry FXRYAN, it seems that somehow or another nobody replied to your message.

(I’m assuming it’s your post about money mangement to which you refer)???

I (personally) cannot advise you on this because I would not advise anybody to follow MY money management rules.

All I CAN tell you is that money management is money management is money management i.e. it really does not / should not matter WHAT system you decide to trade money management is money management i.e. if ‘recommended’ money management dictates that you only ever risk 1% or 2% of your capital on any single trade then that’s the rule i.e. it does not vary according to which system you’re comfortable with.

Sorry I can’t be more specific (you really don’t want to try my money management rules i.e. my money management rules have a tendency to add years onto a persons life)!!!

Hey dundee, (admit that you only added ‘Children Of Bodom’ AFTER you posted your original post - I only saw it now).

Anyway - I had not heard of them but I just listened to some samples.

‘Fu*k me’ - now that’s what I call ‘heavy’ man!!! What did I tell you guys about that ‘hard Finnish edge’???

Anyway - I’ll probably buy it (the last album which I think is ‘Are You Dead Yet’ (2005)). Thanks.

Akram, are you still alive???

What did you do when the Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq ‘threw their little tantrum’ and went down for bit??? Did you get out in time to save some pips??? What did you do??? Me - I’m back in again - long.