Parabolic SAR - that's all!

Hello Dr. Zeus,

It was my pleasure helping u my what do u think about this bullet prove system??!!!



ofcourse i through the tawel and left!!!

That wasn’t wise to do such a thing .

so u guys want to go to finland for meeting??


Listen here 'buddy ‘ol pal’:

I am assuming that you meant that you ‘threw in the towel’??? Which I also assume means that you lost your profits???

I hate to be the one to tell you this but you had better start getting used to ‘not throwing in the towel’ and taking a loss and starting over again otherwise you WILL land up in the ‘sh*t’ very quickly!!!


I thought there will be a reversal there and went short in all these positions you have mentioned above -> as the result I Lost, did I read something wrong there or is just one of those ‘sh*t happens’?


Hey timbaboy,

Nope - you read nothing wrong - that does ‘just happen’.

The way I ‘played’ it was that I took profit when the price closed below the 50 EMA and did not enter until it closed above the 50 EMA again (not for any good reason - just my ‘intuition’ - which seems to be improving HOURLY)!!! Also - I was watching the Nasdaq - and that did not ‘free fall’ for that little period of time so I was quite confident that it was something else that had happened with the Dow and S&P and it was not a ‘selloff’ across the board. Give’s you confidence. Remember (here is a bit of traders ‘slang’): ‘The Naz Leads’ (‘The Nasdaq Leads’). Also - the Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq follow each other 99% of the time so if there is a big selloff coming they ALL go down at the same time. Another ‘point to ponder’.

By the way timbaboy: it’s happening again (while I’m editing this message) i.e. the Dow and S&P are ‘throwing their little tantrum again’ but the Nasdaq is steady. Let’s see what happens.

Anyway - as I sit here watching my balance grow (that sounds like a nursery rhyme) - I’ve got Lacuna Coil playing live at the Download Festival this year in June at Donington Park in the UK. Man of man - Cristina puts every thing she has into her performance - and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-NG!!! You can see she REALLY just loves what she does. Man - that’s a beautiful thing to see.

Now - while I was ‘dumping’ on Akram - I just thought that I’d like to make a point here:

Just because me and some of my ‘buddies’ joke around here about music and woman and the like does not mean that this business is something to be taken lightly. I can tell you one thing for sure: if you don’t take it seriously you will not only fail but your failure may cost you a whole lot of things and not limited to money either - things that you cannot even imagine right now because you will not be able to make the connection until your ‘down’!!!

All I’m saying is that if there is anyone watching this thread and is new to trading and thinks it’s a ‘walk in the park’ because I (we - some of us) SEEM to take it lightly - I (we) don’t. It’s just nice to be able to communicate with other like minded people who are trying to achieve success in this business on a personal level and sometimes that involves sharing things other than trading plans or thoughts or ideas.

I have no idea why I’m telling you this but I just thought it should be said.

yes u r right i agree i am not upset at all it is a demo this is day 1 for me!!

and i am so happy that at some point it was showing 1000 usd!!! so that means what? it was my problem that i didn’t get out of the market before it reverse.i know u r that sort of a guy who wants to be there till the end (till it reverse) but i am trying to apply something new here which is hit and run away. which i started to do in forex and it is working with me.


OMFG its like a damn soap opera in here!

I can’t keep up! Had to go through 10 pages just since yesterday! I don’t even know whats going on anymore! You’re toying with my emotions! :confused: :eek: :o :smiley: lol

Dale, you and Akram should use the chat room while you’re on together.

Anyway, I just finished applying to open an account to go live! Oh yea! Time to do this for real. Time to pwn some pips! Lets do this! ::c0cking of shotgun:: Sorry… thought I was in an action movie.

What the hell time is it there anyway? 11:30AM here and I see you guys are still up!? Craziness. Couple of crazy traders you are.

So Dale, you’re using the 50EMA with the Indices and all that? Going pretty good so far, eh?

edit: LOL they blurted out c-ocking? thats funny.

Hey ‘Robby’, nice to ‘see’ you again.

I WOULD use the chat room (gladly) but then I’d have install Java on my workstation and I HATE Java.

I don’t know - maybe you are right (although see my post just prior to yours). Maybe we should find someplace where we can just have a ‘leisurely chat’ without ‘cluttering up’ this thread.

Rob - it’s now 20h49 here (but it’s only 14h49 in New York so I have another hour or so to go - been at it since 06h30 this morning (my time)).

Yep - things are ‘getting back to normal’ since I stopped with this forex ‘business’. Like I said - not knocking it - but I feel confident on the indices and the like (for the reasons that I’m sure you’ve already come across during your long read ‘catching up’).

By the way timbaboy: now the Nasdaq is starting to follow suit so I’m out!!!

Thanx Dale,

Useful stuff there, thanx for the help, will try to keep up and do lots of testing with this system, in the mean while I am still using the orig. system and as I said before, I love it.
Will go to check now the Champions League, will be back shortly.


Actually timbaboy, when I say ‘I’m out’ what I normally do in a situation like this is ‘hedge’ the positions i.e. I don’t close the original position but open a position in the opposite direction. The idea is that if it is a true selloff I can make on the way down (in this case) and then close the ‘hedges’ when the reversal comes - take profit - and then let the loss which is now showing on the original positions ‘work itself off’. Sometimes you lose because the ‘hedges’ never turn to a profit or they turn from a profit to a loss before you’ve taken profit because you were not sure when to close the ‘hedges’ or closed them too late. Other times (most times) you make both ways though.

hey Rob,

that is a good news my freind finaly u will put some greenbucks!!

yes i have no problem to open a chat room with u guys but that will be like another pc for Dale to look at!!! i think they r 4 aren’t they my friend!!!


hi dale - hi all

here i am again - was busy losing money

Anyway here it’s late and i had an idea about a crazy/naive/stupid system.

Here it is - i’ll call it “if has a shadow it’s ok”

  • Open a position at midnight or when you bank opens trading.
    Put a take profit on the direction of daily psar.

  • If the stop is small (25/50) seems like it almost always get reached in the next 23/24 hours.

  • repeat it the next day.

ok didn’t check if it’s true just looked last days on some crosses.

I’m ready to be insulted.

No - I think it’s interesting - but do you think you could post a chart or something like that?

ok i’ll try without having a real platform and the help of MSPAINT

-these are the last 50 days of GBP/JPY:

-blue rectangles are the spread in the direction i said.

2 times out of 50 has failed, so maybe we need a stop loss to be secure.

i can’t calculate a value to put in takeprofit.

Dale this makes sence, I will do so from now on, at least if it is reversal you will have new opened position on time and lose a bit of a profit from the previous trade, but if it is no reversal you just lose a bit and continueing riding your profit!!! Ain’t that great!!!
Of cores we all know, it is no always happy ending, but all these details help to make a complete system which in the end should bring more profit than loss, much more profit :slight_smile: I hope :rolleyes:



Yes - it does work - but be careful with it - because the tendency is to hold on to the hedge as well because it’s now in a loss and you’re hoping that the price will ‘just’ retract enough for you to be able to close the hedge at break even i.e. without losing any money but it never does and pretty soon you land up with one position showing a HUGE profit and the other showing a HUGE loss so at the end of the day you end up closing out both of them at a loss (I hope that makes sense). In other words - if you’re disciplined enough to be able to take a loss NO MATTER WHAT then this will work but if you just cannot bring yourself to take a loss then this is a dangerous play.


Actually this has just happened to me i.e. I ‘called it wrong’ earlier on. The Dow and the S&P rallied for another two bars so now my choices are this:

Either close the hedges at a loss which reduces capital but does not decrease available margin


Hold on to the positions because at some point - be it tomorrow - next week - or next year for that matter - the price will come back to this point (and believe it or not this does in fact happen with stocks).

See the ‘dilemma’???

One good thing, by the way, is that on the indices there is no interest - neither earned nor paid - so you can hold on to a position indefinitely.

Dale -

Did I read you correctly to say that there is no interest paid or earned with indices trading? I had read differently - that you pay interest when you “borrow” money to go long, and earn interest when you “loan” money to go short. Maybe what I read was referring to CFD’s in individual stocks, not indices.

Who do you trade with, GCI or Delta?

Yep Dale, that does make a lot of sense, but as I have learned it before, discipline is the key in this business and if you have got it working (which I don’t yet) then we are on the right path, but then again, we get so anxious with the opened positions that we forget about everything and let the emotions control the trade, wuhaa, how do we get rid of that…
Well, it has been a busy trading day today for me and not so good, I have opened 5 positions since Monday 15th and yesterday they were showing in total 1500USD profit which is the maximum since I have opened them and right now is -119USD, but I hope it will get back to the + later on, since these were opened on our original PSAR system with few very minor modifications of mine, nevertheless, I am trading 1usd/pip and 1500 pips in 1 week is not bad I guess, I was just too greedy to take the profit and here it is ‘Discipline’, I think I should have taken half at least and the other half let run.
It is 23.50 here in Finland, good night folks,
And who ever is on the other half, good day.


“I have opened 5 positions since Monday 15th and yesterday they were showing in total 1500USD profit which is the maximum since I have opened them and right now is -119USD, but I hope it will get back to the + later on, since these were opened on our original PSAR system with few very minor modifications of mine…”

What pairs did you trade on? Last week was not a great week for me…

Good morning,


Sorry - I only got your messages this morning (went to be ‘semi-early’ last night - could not see straight anymore I was so tired)!!!

By the way - I see this morning that I get a ‘reprieve’ on my hedges from last nighyt i.e. prices did indeed drop last night just after close so I’m good to go this morning i.e. take profit on the hedges and ‘hope like hell’ the futures have another good day!!!

Anyway - sorry - I should have qualified my ‘interest statement’ i.e. at GCI you neither pay nor receive interest on open positions held overnight on the indices but at Delta I’m not sure (I’ll have to check unless you’ve done that already).

Just remember (you probably know but for those of you who are monitoring this thread and don’t know) at GCI you would be trading the futures index (e.g. Dow Futures) but at Delta you would be trading the main or full index (I call it the ‘proper index’). The futures are open 24 hours (well they are not tradeable for about a half an hour a day or so - the Dow a bit longer - just after the close of the NYSE). The main indices are only tradeable during the session of the applicable exchange e.g. the ‘proper’ DAX is only tradeable during the hours that the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is open, the ‘proper’ Dow is only tradeable during the hours that the NYSE is open etc. etc. etc.

And that’s another important point. You will notice that the prices always differ between the main or ‘proper’ index and the futures index i.e. don’t get confused if you see your chosen financial channel (Bloomberg TV for example) quoting a totally different price than you have on your screen. If you look very carefully you’ll always see that they quote the ‘proper’ or main index prices AS WELL AS the futures index price i.e. they are two different things.

At GCI - like I said - you would be trading the futures. The lots cost a minimum of $50 or $500 depending on which account you have. The leverage is 200:1. At Delta you would be trading the ‘proper’ or main index and the prices differ considerably e.g. 1 lot of the ‘proper’ or main Dow costs $684 (currently) and the leverage is CONSIDERABLY lower. I was so excited when Delta came on line with their CFD’s BUT I was unaware of the costs involved and lower leverage so I have to stick with GCI which is fine. There is and always will be a debate as to whether or not highly leveraged accounts are ‘good or bad’ and whether the ‘pro’ traders use high leveraged or low leveraged accounts. From what I gather the ‘pros’ would be trading the main or ‘proper’ indices with low leverage BUT the ‘pros’ sure will have a ‘sh*tpile’ more capital than I do. With limited resources (capital) we don’t really have a choice i.e. we (well me anyway) could only trade the futures contracts at GCI i.e. high leverage / low margin requirement.