GoT for the win \m/ i’m Actually missing a series as my girlfriend has never started watching it and I would have to watch it from the start for a third time just gonna make her binge watch it when i’m trading
good is more of suspense, apocalyptic, than of terror and you should consider it and see it. My appreciation is that humanity has been judged and we have been found deficient. They have different names. They have a world religion and a mythology full of mentions of demons or spiritual creatures. Very interesting.
Very true Netflix is very worthwhile.
Academia Umbrella, tambien me dejo en suspenso, esperemos una temporada más.
Isn’t GOT about to start airing again very soon?
Believe so, I’m behind a whole series though And still haven’t finished searies 2 of west world. So much work so little play Just managed to find time to get through Red Dead Redemption 2
I haven’t even tried Red Dead Redemption yet. It I am all about Borderlands 2 remastered right now.
“The OA” on netflix is verrryyy interesting lol if anybody is into supernatural stuff then this show is for you
I have a friend who mentioned watching that series and that she liked it. She also mentioned something about a talking octopus being featured in it?
GOT tomorroooooow! I’m soooo excited. Haha. I just finished binge watching the series just so I’m super updated and I don’t get lost in the awesomeness of the last season’s first episode.
I don’t know why but I thought that it begin to air toward the end of April , thank you for reminding me!