Pepperoni and pineapple please

Bought usdchf

a play on the ECB rate announcement coming up

… Maybe 15 pips would be th

… 10,000 contract and 10 pip TP

Bought A1.0245 … 10,

eurgbp which

In a nutshell,

What about tomorrow? Any ideas?

[QUOTE=“Trasimaco;484586”]What about

If NFP comes better we will see Yen pairs go to the stars.

If NFP comes worse we will see Comdolls pair gain again.

Any thoughts?

And what about before NFP? Will we see any big movement?

I just shorted eurgbp at 0.8416 with 10,000 contract and ten pip TP… Before today this

Gbpusd short… At 1.5524 with 10,000 contract

Technical trade or do you have a fundamental reason for the trade?


Technical trade or do you have a fundamental

[QUOTE=“RavenRoshi;484943”]I like that you post your account balance and profits. This way I’ll know exactly when everything goes tits up. (I


It’ll be like V for Vendetta. I’ll mail everyone a

I have to admit, it’s kind of sad to see him go.
He’s fun to have around, but regardless of what he says, I still think there may be some kind of mental issues involved.
Not saying he needs to be institutionalized, but maybe a restriction from working near children or something, or not allowed to work with sharp objects.

I bet the next profile will be all lower case letters, like aquapip. Lets have a competition to see who can remember the most AK profile names.

for some weird reason, I am starting to think that this “Aaron” character is ICT himself…

[QUOTE=“yunny1;484986”]for some weird reason, I am starting to think that this “Aaron”

I was thinking the same Yunny, the “Aaron” character was invented to support ICT whilst he himself learned how to trade and now he uses this character to attack the people that he feels turned on him!

Haha but its sounds to demented to be true…