Pepperoni and pineapple please

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;510403”]We had a pretty crucial event last night for the UK pound… The MPC minutes were released and this contained the voting details regarding whether or the the BOE would increase its bond buying program. The last two meeting the vote has been 3-6 for increasing the program. Now with Carney as the new governor, the vote is 0-9.

This is a very big development because the pound has been suffering the the cloud of more monetary stimulus… With this removed, expectations will naturally begin to shift towards the existing bond purchases ending as well. To top this off, some really good employment numbers were released which should support this expectation as well.

Was short eurgbp a little before this release as I was expecting a vote to drop from the support of more bond purchasing… I was not expecting all three to drop.

I will continue shorting eurgbp for a few more days with my typical 10 pip TP.

Here is an updated screenshot of my account. My open positions are a short EURCAD and a long gbpusd.

<img src=“301 Moved Permanently”/>

The realized profit is profit on closed trades in the last 24 hrs … Which was my eurgbp short. Unrealized profit is the floating open position value.[/QUOTE]

Welcome back Pizza.

After your little break, a more confrontational person (such as yourself), might suggest that you have now had a chance to deposit some more funds after having been burnt by one or more of your 500 pip stop loses (as you with ICT).

Before going all Rambo on me, let me remind you that i dont give a flying rat’s rear end about this. Just merely pointing out the irony.

Best of luck with your trading and kind regards from one of your thread subscribers… Don’t forget to subscribe to my thread, ok?


I am too lazy to look lol… Where is your thread? I’ll take a look if you don’t mind…

Pizza is not playing guru, making claims of big fortunes and wasting people’s time with endless hours of drivel and promises. He’s just a guy on a forum.


I am too lazy to look lol… Where is your thread? I’ll take a look if you don’t mind…[/QUOTE]

I don’t have one Pips… I just like to kid him.


Welcome back Pizza.

After your little break, a more confrontational person (such as yourself), might suggest that you have now had a chance to deposit some more funds after having been burnt by one or more of your 500 pip stop loses (as you with ICT).

Before going all Rambo on me, let me remind you that i dont give a flying rat’s rear end about this. Just merely pointing out the irony.

Best of luck with your trading and kind regards from one of your thread subscribers… Don’t forget to subscribe to my thread, ok?[/QUOTE]

I’ll PayPal you the entirety of this account if you find the trade I called on my thread that would have resulted in such a loss :slight_smile:

I can put monthly trade reports of this account from my broker on this thread as well … Of course all you’d say was that I photoshopped it lol.

Ohh LOL… I didn’t get that sorry… It must be the Pizza I ate lol… Ohh it’s Chicago style pizza incase someone is wondering…:wink:

[QUOTE=“Daz2007;510489”]Subscribed! I’m slowly realising that technical analysis means nothing, and indicators only show you what’s


Pizza is not playing guru, making claims of big fortunes and wasting people’s time with endless hours of drivel and promises. He’s just a guy on a forum.[/QUOTE]

He has trolled multiple threads on this forum, so it’s only fair to do the same on his… you can do the same on my thread if you would like.

Trust me, Pizza plays lots of things on this forum.


He has trolled multiple threads on this forum, so it’s only fair to do the same on his… you can do the same on my thread if you would like.

Trust me, Pizza plays lots of things on this forum.[/QUOTE]

So being skeptical and pointing out the obvious flaws with ICT is what you consider trolling?


I’ll PayPal you the entirety of this account if you find the trade I called on my thread that would have resulted in such a loss :slight_smile:

I can put monthly trade reports of this account from my broker on this thread as well … Of course all you’d say was that I photoshopped it lol.[/QUOTE]

No my friend, thats all YOU would say… and you know it. Like I said, I don’t really care. I just think you’d be better of laying off of your trolling. It’s easy to be the pain in the butt on everyone’s thread.

So he is comparable to ICT because he trolls? I’d have to agree with you.


Ohh LOL… I didn’t get that sorry… It must be the Pizza I ate lol… Ohh it’s Chicago style pizza incase someone is wondering…;)[/QUOTE]

Buen Provecho!!


No my friend, thats all YOU would say… and you know it. Like I said, I don’t really care. I just think you’d be better of laying off of your trolling. It’s easy to be the pain in the butt on everyone’s thread.[/QUOTE]

I am not your friend.

And also there’s a difference between intelligent observations, questions, and skepticism and what you are trying to do…

Do you want to point everyone to the thread you have in mind where I was trolling someone who called over a hundred live trades…?


I am not your friend.

And also there’s a difference between intelligent observations, questions, and skepticism and what you are doing…

Do you want to point everyone to the thread you have in mind where I was trolling someone who called over a hundred live trades…?[/QUOTE]

Good night, my friend. Abrsive… OUT!!!


Good night, my friend. Abrsive… OUT!!![/QUOTE]

Uh huh… Didn’t think so :wink:

Hmmm I wouldn’t base your trading off just the news or you’ll have a lot of false moves. Technicals always show the way first. That’s the petrol and the news is the match. Without the right technical setting trading the news is just guessing.

Not been following this thread but I’ll keep an eye on it and see how people do.

Pizza - are you just trading news or news with a general bias to trade along with?

Muchas gracias. Estoy lleno!


Hmmm I wouldn’t base your trading off just the news or you’ll have a lot of false moves. Technicals always show the way first. That’s the petrol and the news is the match. Without the right technical setting trading the news is just guessing.

Not been following this thread but I’ll keep an eye on it and see how people do.

Pizza - are you just trading news or news with a general bias to trade along with?[/QUOTE]

First two pages explain what I do…

As far as which happens first… News creates the price action… Not vice versa. If you know what you are doing you barely even need to pull up a chart to trade successfully.

I’ll take a read but each to his own method, I can say by looking at the charts I know what the news will be hence I don’t even look at it.

Not discounting what you do, hence why I’ll take a read and see how you do it.

I can say by looking at the charts I know what the news will be hence I don’t even look at it.

Hehe… So you can predict natural disasters, presidential elections, turmoils in the Middle East before they happen with chart patterns? That’s pretty impressive…