Pepperoni and pineapple please

It’s not sustainable, I wouldn’t want to risk that amount for 10pips.

It’s obvious - longevity.

Me neither. But they are arrogant people.


It’s not sustainable. [/QUOTE]

Well we can agree to disagree… :slight_smile:

How many accounts have you blown? You state 5 years trading experience?

Trading that way I would be suprised if you’ve not blown many.


It’s obvious - longevity.[/QUOTE

Agreed :slight_smile:

Excuse me? Are you talking to me or are you referring it to yourself?

Well each to their own. Everyone knows their own performance so if it’s not truthful it don’t hurt me.

So??? It deos not mean you won’t be blown out. Markets are allowing your ego to grow and grow and make it more and more painful to you. Lucky for me my ego was not that big.

Surprising thats all.

You must have great wealth if you’ve been profitable for 3 years.

I am the one who admits when makes a mistake and gets out of a bad trade. The same one one gets rid of a bad date.

And you are the one promoting irresponsabile behavior. So again guess who is the arrogant.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;510582”]

So??? It deos not mean you won’t be blown out. Markets are allowing your ego to grow and grow and make it more and more painful to you. Lucky for me my ego was not that big.[/QUOTE]

:slight_smile: love you too.

You have not answered the basical question, what if your SL is activated, what will you do???


Surprising thats all.

You must have great wealth if you’ve been profitable for 3 years.[/QUOT

I’ve made up better excuses for my credit card balance to my wife. Finally I told her the truth. Thanks God it was aa amount I could easily paid off in one year, but still recovering from the wounds after 2 years.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;510591”]

I’ve made up better excuses for my credit card balance to my wife. Finally I told her the truth. Thanks God it was aa amount I could easily paid off in one year, but still recovering from the

The other way of trading not just technical analysis is what I am promoting. I will draw the line or set boundaries if the behaviour is acceptable for me or not specially the negativity and depressing comments… Other than that, I just let it go.

I don’t need your pitty. Do you know how many times I was ignored? Do you think I care? What you proppose is just irresponsabile, period. Iguess by now you are lying to your friends if not you soon will. By the way, can you point out rule #3? I mean I think it was number 2 cannot remember, in the post asking for me to be banned?? Just point it out and maybe I’ll walk away from this thread.

Did I said a direct insult to you??? I think not, I just think what you promoted is just … well irresponsabile.