Pepperoni and pineapple please

Really??? Had you even read anything about trading?? You both are impaired or what??

Hmmm something is wrong with your thinking here… So you don’t want money but then you risk money and time to trade?

Money off course. But not losing all I have in the attempt to do it. Not Again.

Cognitive Dissonance my lady. Have you ever heard of that??? Traders are alway in the grey area. Black or White, just won’t do.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;511371”]

Money off course. But not losing all I have in the attempt to do it. Not Again.[/QUOTE]

Then learn how to trade fundamentals :wink:

It is fascinating Mr. Gone… Maybe you are reading a different book/ blogs/ forum than I did… Amazing…

Really??? You seem not paying too much attention. I use fundamentals but I trade what those suckers reading 'em think of it. I don’t swallow all that economy theory.

Mine says Red and Pink so it is very very different than yours…

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;511375”]

Really??? You seem not paying too much attention. I use fundamentals but I trade what those suckers reading 'em think of it. I don’t swallow all that economy theory.[/QUOTE]

Your right… I haven’t really been paying attention to anything you’ve been saying lol

Indeed. But any serios trading course will tell you RISK LITTLE and expect VERY HIGH, recommended 1:3 or more. Let profits run and cut loses short. You both seems to promote just the opposite.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;511378”]

Indeed. But any serios trading course will tell you RISK LITTLE and expect VERY HIGH, recommended 1:3 or more. Let profits run and cut loses short. You both seems to promote just the opposite.[/QUOTE]

Show us these serious courses…

Your seem just to pretend to be green but at the it will be very dark. Trust me I’ve been there and you both just are quite arrogant as I was back then.

Babypips for example???

haha It sounds like my strategy! Well I would lose money with any strategy! While Pizza will make money with any strategy. But I really wondered few time how much money more he could have made if he would let the profit run a bit more…but well maybe I am just worng…what do i know? I am the worse trader ever…am I not? hahaha :slight_smile:

So how is it working for you doing what your doing? And for how long you’ve been successful? Until you proved that you are successful and a serious trader then I’ll start to listen… Until then… No. Sorry…


haha It sounds like my strategy! Well I would lose money with any strategy! While Pizza will make money with any strategy. But I really wondered few time how much money more he could have made if he would let the profit run a bit more…but well maybe I am just worng…what do i know? I am the worse trader ever…am I not? hahaha :)[/QUOTE]

Sometimes I would… When it’s really obvious I will hang on to trades a little longer. But 10 pips over and over again is enough for me.

Well, you are just another swan lost between ducks. I think just like you, he maybe make some money but for how long??? Dam, I hope Pizza understand the meaning of defenestration.

You neither, you don’t get it right???

Haha Opps… I didn’t even know it was your strategy lol well everyone goes to phases where testing everything out until they find what really works for them… It does take time.

I just could’nt figure Mr. Gone out… I have this impression that he doesn’t even have a trading strategy that he call. I don’t know he confuses me … He acts like a woman with hormones sometimes ( or worse lol)…

No you don’t get it and I don’t get your thinking… Just focus on your IEC code if I were you :wink: