

A broker respecting the wishes of a local regulator isn’t a bad thing. Even if they don’t run their business under that regulator.

Thought I’d point this out, I noticed a few days ago that Pepper has web trading back up… at the top of their main page you’ll see a link to the login:

As of yet, there is no announcement or email from them about the new web trader… and I don’t see it listed as a platform in their navagaitonal panel, but it’s at the top and the login works. I’m still waiting for the tablet and alternative mobile trading platform (in addition to the one by Metatrader) to come out as well… I hear the tablet version of Sirix (platform they are using for webtrader now) is pure HTML5.

Pepperstone wants a short list of things from their clients when they open an account:

#1) Client Profile including a Residential Address

#2) Photo ID - doesn’t have to match the residential address given

#3) Proof of Address - bank statement/credit card statement, etc with the client’s name on it. The address must match the residential address provided in the application.

So, the solution is to get a residential address outside of the United States, open a bank account with $100 or so in it (doesn’t matter which bank…can be the one down the street from you) and have the statements sent to this non-U.S. residential address.

Once you have this complete, you can input your new residential address into the Pepperstone signup page without lying on the form. The bank statement backs up the address. The photo ID proves that you’re a real person.

Now that you have the path, just google “Virtual Residential Address”. You’ll find that people set up these types of things all the time in order to do things like avoid stalkers, and get away from one’s crazy ex-spouse who hunts you down wherever you move to and sprays your lawn with roundup and vandalizes your car and stuff. For a list of OTHER crazy reasons why people setup Virtual Residential addresses, check out this link:

I don’t see the CFD trading referral link on Pepperstone’s site any more. Maybe they will get their own CFDs soon?

I found this out a while ago but I figured people here might find it interesting:

Pepper is going to use sirix’s platforms for some new mobile and web interfaces. The web interface has been up for a bit now on the main site (which you’ll see at the top bar as “Webtrader” from the home page: but they haven’t officially put out the mobile stuff yet.

Sirix’s mobile apps are HTML5 based, so they also work from any web browser on any platform that supports HTML5 (all modern browsers.) I found out the ‘unreleased’ mobile and tablet links for Pepper, and you can take a look here:

Pepperstone Mobile

Pepperstone Tablet

They work with any Edge login (found they work with my Edge login at least), and trade live even, but you can also use the ‘guest login’ just to preview the app. It’s cool stuff, and a nice alternative to MetaQuote’s mobile apps. Plus, useful if you have a tablet for a better interface.

I still miss Xogee’s mobile apps that Pepper used to have, they were awesome, but this Sirix platform isn’t bad either.

Anyhoo, after fumbling around on my mobile phone (Android,) I also figured out how to set the app as an icon on the home screen:

[li]Go to the link from within your phone’s browser (the default one that comes with Android, not sure if this works with Opera and other 3rd party browsers.)
[/li][li]Bookmark it.
[/li][li]Exit the browser and go to the home screen you want to put the icon on.
[/li][li]Tap and hold and empty part of that screen (ie, not on other app icons.)
[/li][li]When the context menu appears, select “Shortcut”
[/li][li]The next menu will allow you to select “Bookmarks”
[/li][li]Finally, pick the bookmark you made of the link.
[/li][li]An icon will appear on that screen which will launch the mobile HTML5 app… it should be named properly as “Pepperstone Mobile”

I imagine there will be an official announcement out of Pepper on how to use the apps and such later, but til then enjoy poking around.

Just thought some of you might find this interesting.

why they reject us traders, what now, any update?

Because the CRTC and NFA in the US prevent US residents from trading with offshore firms that don’t have a locally regulated office in the US.

Pepperstone is regulated by the ASIC in Australia, and has no US offices.

Another member mentioned a way for US residents to use Pepperstone involving an IBC, that works from what I’ve heard, but being Canadian I haven’t had to do so myself to trade with them.

Hope that helps.

Hey Jack, didn’t know you were on Babypips, too.

I’m an avid lurker on Pepperstone thread and especially your own big thread on FF.

Nice to see you here.


There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
(Colin Powell)

so made my first withdrawal from pepperstone whole process took 2 days very good keeping in mind i’m in the caribbean and pepperstone is in Australia

Heya, :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’ve been meaning to become more active on Babypips in general… Babypips was one of the two main communities that helped me the most years back when I started with forex (specifically, the school section, which I constantly recommend to new people first starting out.) The other site was FF, for it’s user contributed content. So I try to give back where I can… these sites are a wealth of information.


Yes, Pepperstone has proved to have superior customer service.
I particularly like the way they are dealing with complaints about spikes, technical issues, and the occasional freeze.
If one can supply adequate proof a loss was caused by a ‘Pepperstone problem’, they usually issue a refund quickly.

I have always believed that one of the best ways to judge a broker is how they react when receiving a justified complaint.
Pepperstone has got straight 'A’s so far, in nearly every case I know about.

They may not be perfect (who is, anyway?) but in my opinion they are among the top brokers out there.


There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
(Colin Powell)

I’ll open a demo account with that broker, thank you for your very helpful response.

this has been what I found to be true as well

They sent this out recently via email and within the mailbox tab of MT4, but just in case here’s the holiday schedule:

Operator Pepperstone Live has joined the chat.
Pepperstone Live7-47-20 PM
Welcome to Pepperstone. How may I help you?

Visitor7-48-36 PM
hi, and happy new year! Can Ninja Trader be employed through Pepperstone’s API?

Pepperstone Live7-49-35 PM
I have had to check for you

7-49-54 PM
The technical team believes that connection maybe restricted, even via the API

7-50-16 PM
So in effect no, you wouldn’t be able to use Ninja Trader via Pepperstone’s API

Visitor7-51-12 PM
Thank you. Now I’m confused about where you guys are. Is it Australia, NYC or both?

Pepperstone Live7-51-59 PM
We are located in Australia

7-52-11 PM
Our servers are in New York close to the major banks and liquidity providers.

Visitor7-52-58 PM
ah! What other instruments do you offer other than Forex?

Pepperstone Live7-53-15 PM
Currently we only specialise in FX

7-53-22 PM
We also offer metals.

7-53-38 PM
But we are essentially a boutique Forex Firm

Visitor7-54-15 PM
Nice, I love boutiques. What is your minimum deposit for new accounts?

Pepperstone Live7-54-51 PM
It is US $200 to open an account

7-55-00 PM
After that, you can deposit as much or as little as you like.

7-55-09 PM
I see that your IP is based in the USA

7-55-28 PM
Please be aware that due to CTFC restrictions, we cannot take on US clients, unfortunately.

7-55-56 PM
But if you are there only on holiday and have a passport / proof or residence in another country, we can accept you as a client.

Visitor7-56-06 PM
Thank you for noticing. I assumed that your NYC address indicated you did.

7-56-37 PM
I intend moving to Andorra.

Pepperstone Live7-56-51 PM

7-57-12 PM
Once you have proof of residence in Andorra we would indeed be able to take you on as a client.

Visitor7-58-36 PM
I would be interested only because I don’t appreciate how the US is regulating its citizens more than the markets. It is painfully obvious to me why that is.

Pepperstone Live7-58-49 PM
Yes, we don’t like it either.

7-58-55 PM
The US market is huge

7-59-10 PM
and US clients are usually very good clients

Visitor7-59-47 PM
it’s fine that the banks should be kept on the up and up, but I don’t like giving DNA samples just to open a crummy trading account, when it’s my money.

Pepperstone Live8-00-13 PM
Yes, I can imagine that it is quite frustrating, indeed.

Visitor8-00-18 PM
I want to thank you for your due diligence.

Pepperstone Live8-00-35 PM
You are welcome.

I would add, that I sent and e-mail to Martin’s supervisors with a most positive report on his performance.

i had a little problem withdrawing cash between the christmas and new year holidays but i contacted a csr and i had to re -submit my application to withdraw the csr ensured me a speedy transfer and to my i received the cash in my bank account the same day taking into account i live half the world away

I just noticed Pepperstone updated their client panel (the client button you see in the upper right section the main page.)

Interface seems a lot more snappy now, cleaned up a lot, and more things can be done within the client panel automatically instead of having to send in a request form.

Nice :slight_smile:

During the christmas most business hours are different, I had also to double check my transactions.

The holidays have passed, but to touch upon this subject in general:

I usually take time off around mid/early-December through to the first week or so of January. While there are plenty of trading opportunities during that time, it’s just too volatile to keep trading with the same systems that you did throughout the year, and the whipsaws that come of the lower liquidity times make putting on higher size trades kinda ‘ballzy’.

I mean, if I was allocating risk to various setups throughout the year (since relative risk between strategies is almost as important as managing risk in a single trade), I couldn’t punt the same size during the holidays given the extra ‘unknowns’ in price and volatility without feeling like there’s too much risk committed to the trade.

That’s not to say that time of year is impossible to trade, no no, it’s very possible and can be profitable, I just simply focus on other things and if I have a few hours to spend in the markets I’m doing so with a fraction of my regular size. Heck, there were a few days this last holiday session where I was seeing a great hit rate and excellent overall return but on less size, smaller targets, and higher frequency of trades. Kinda like how some scalpers treat the market, just grab what the market gives you and move on to the next trade. (Normally I’d advocate for letting a winner run a little, or leaving a little on the table to see what happens, but some market conditions warrant capturing what’s there and moving on quickly.)

I suppose I think that way since a lot of the huge moves that come from the market (not just spikes, but the month long strong and clean trends and such) aren’t set off by the “big traders/managers” at large institutions since the they are all enjoying the holidays. I mean, think of it from their perspective, sure they’ll leave someone manning the guns while they are out of the office (usually some poor Jr. with no family commitments over the holidays), but you’d be a fool to think they’ll also entrust said person do anything beyond manage the risk already on their books (ie, not going to take huge speculative positions.)

Anyhoo… just saying…

Some sites do a liquidity monitoring service, like ForexFactory’s market page, or MyFXBooks widgets… so you can start to see how holidays affect available liquidity vs price during the next major holiday season. It’s interesting to watch if you’re into the mechanics of the market itself.

VERY happy with my live account this last few weeks. Been getting some positive slippage on my take profit and limit orders, and what feels like near instant execution ~~ it’s nice since some brokers don’t even pass on positive slippage to their clients and others still take 2+ seconds to fill an order.

now, if only Pepperstone can break into the USA, i have a few friends there that would love such trading conditions