PipHacker's Trading Jounral!

[B]Hahaha Actually PipHacker Can’t Sleep Without Pip’s…:smiley:
Even if PipHacker sleep’s then found himself fighting with Pip’s in his dream’s lol…
I was thinking to go long on E/U… but right now market seems to me bit slow maybe later in a day i enter but depend’s upon a valid apportunity…Otherwise I,ll be in action from coming monday…
Happy Weekend Guy’s…
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

Wooow I was just thinking & remain’s thier thinking to go long lol… :slight_smile: coz see Euro/Usd Now…When i was thinking to go long on it than E/U Was at 1.5900 & i didnt enter long coz it seems to me bit slow bur see now yourself it was a quick move up for +33 Pip’s with in 15-Minutes:eek:
Strange move was there in my favour…:mad:

looking forward for g/j to short

[B]I was thinking to short at 204.50 by the help of candlestick pattren though trend is still up, but seems 204.00 is a good level to go short if G/J Manage to break it and remains below it but let’s see …:slight_smile:
PipHacker!!!:smiley: [/B]

Well About Gbd/Jpy I have perdicted yesterday that this pair will remain bullish today & see by yourself that today it remain’s bullish , more than +260 Pip’s are recorded:eek: …
See the screenshot of daily chart , Upper line of trendline was clearly breaks yesterday and other condition’s were also in the favour of this pair to remain bullish… Well i was looking for apportunities to go short but the bullish relly was so strong that i didnt manage to enter for short:mad: …
AnyHow maybe later in a day i manage to enter…Otherwise meet you pplz at monday…:wink: PipHacker’s Analysis are rocking , Isn’t it???

[B][/B][B]PipHacker’s Performance so far from 31st March 2008 ----To---- 15th April 2008 are as Under!!!

Pip’s In PipHacker’s Pocket ---------------+413

Overall Max. Pip’s After Signal’s -------+956

Target of +400 Pip’s/Month Have Been Successfully Achieved

I,ll Be Active for trades from coming monday Again!!!
Have a nice weekened Guy’s!!!

See you Monday Piphacker. Just don’t hack my pips:D
Can you handle this truth?

[B]lol :smiley: PipHacker dont hack the Pip’s of his friend’s:p … Dont Worry;) Yep!!! PipHacker Can Easily Handle this truth Haha
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

Short Gbd/Usd @ 2.0007

[B]Hope So GU Will drop today for some very good Pip’s Let’s see:rolleyes: …
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]


Wooow I just close My G/U Position for [B]+30[/B] Pip’s & All Target profit’s are successfully achieved… G/U is still droping & hope so more bearish movement is still expeted… With in an hour [B]+30[/B] Pip’s are inthe Pocket of PipHacker:rolleyes: …
Isn’t it the wounderfull start of the second month by PipHacker…???:smiley:

[B]Seem’s that there is also a short apportunity on Gbd/Jpy which i have missed as im 15/20 Pip’s late so i didnt enter inthis trade…:mad: …I,ll try to enter in anyother pair in a day …Let’s see…:rolleyes: …
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

[B][B][/B]AUd/Usd well Guy’s seem’s this pair have break the important resistance level in 4-Hour chart which was 0.9390 & after breaking this resistance level so far AUD/USD Moved up to almost +31 Pip’s … Though trend is still up but hope so if AUD/USD successfully break’s the 0.9390 resistance level which now have becomes the support level & successfully manage to remain’s below this level than hope so some good bearish movement is expected Let’s see…:rolleyes: …

Short on AUD/USD @ 0.9415

Tp = 1 is successfully achieved …well this pair’s movement is very slow im still with +ve Pip’s… But i really hate with this sort of slow movement’s:mad:

It seems that 1st TP is less than or about 11 pips. Whats you SL on each trade also how many lots per trade?

[B]Hi there Guy’s…Im just back actually i have closed my Aud/Usd Position on just +7 Pip’s though it drop’s down to maximum +13 Pip’s after my entry …Well Aud/Usd movement seems to me very slow & i have also said this thing in my last post:rolleyes: …& i really hate to enter in these sort of positions in which i see pair’s movement is slow… & most of time i like to exit my position & same i did here… It was a good decision coz now see the Aud/Usd chart… 1st it goes in my favour for +13 Pip’s maximum but very slowly lol:p & i also said this thing in my last post than i exit myself for just +7 Pip’s profit & after that Aud/Usd goes for -26 Pip’s maximum from my entry but didnt hit my SL which is alway’s -40 Pip’s…Now see your Aud/Usd chart as i was right still seem’s to me a dead sideway’s movement even didnt hit my SL or didnt go in my favour for +30 Pip’s …
Anyway’s it was nice to exit for just +7 Pip’s…
PipHacker!!!:smiley: [/B]

[B]Result Just +7 Pip’s…
Well It was a nice decision to close my this position for just +7 Pip’s as AUD/USD is still struggling, still sideway’s movement , Didnt hit my target profit +30 Pip’s & even didnt hit My Sl = -40 Pip’s…:o
PipHacker!!!:smiley: [/B]

Smart move getting out. You no longer had any justification for being in that trade so you did the right thing. You were not greedy or arrogant about being wrong on your initial entry. This smart judgement let you exit at a gain instead of being stopped out.

Often if I am in the same situation, I will look at the setup again as if I never pulled the trigger. Then ask myself “If I was looking for an entry now, would I take it?”. If the answer is no, then it’s time to exit.

[B]My SL is…-40 Pip’s per trade…
My Target Profit is +30 Pip’s per trade…
I Use 2/3 Standard lot’s in trades in which im 100% sure about my victory…& Use 5/10-Mini lot’s in trades which i do after already winning any other trade in a same day…:rolleyes: …
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]