PipHacker's Trading Jounral!

Actually I really dont wana hang myself in those trades in which i feel movement is slow… At morning Aud/Usd totally remain’s bullish then after that i enter for short through reversal candles but in a 2nd session of the day after my entry Aud/Usd move very slow even seem’s like dead to me lol:p …
Nither hit my Sl Or My +30 Pip’s target totally a sideway’s movement so that’s why i decided to exit for just +7 Pip’s Onthe other hand my G/U Winning trade was rocking today +30 Pip’s i gained even it dropped for +200 Pip’s today , totally bearish…:smiley:

[B][/B][B]Hi there Guy’s No trade today from my side as im bit busy today & also maybe tomorrow…:rolleyes: …

[B]Hi There guy’s … I Just came back as i was bit busy well seem’s i miss some great movement on Gbd/Jpy , Euro/Jpy & Gbd/Usd as all pair’s are in a great bullish mood:confused: …
PipHacker!!!:rolleyes: …[/B]

Short on Euro/Usd @ 1.5978

[B]Im also looking forward to go short on Gbd/Jpy but later on well seem’s bearish to me… :rolleyes:

[B]Hi Guy’s let’s have a party:D …+30 Pip’s are successfully locked & all target profit’s are successfully achieved…:smiley:
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

Oh Boy… I was busy with my Euro/Usd successfull trade & forget to keep an eye on Gbd/Jpy after my E/U entry … i have perdicted this morning that im also looking forward to go short on G/J…But i missed & forget this short apportunity as i was busy with E/U My today’s winning trade:) …But see G/J Drop’s for almost +100 Pip’s after my bearish perdiction…:mad:

[B][/B][B]So Far PipHacker’s This month’s Performance is as Under!!!

Pip’s In PipHacker’s Pocket ------------+67

Overall Max. Pip’s After Signal’s -------+330

:slight_smile: PipHacker!!!:rolleyes: [/B]

Congratulations Piphacker for the great pips.:slight_smile:

Why aren’t you counting those pips with your previous ones? I know you already met your goal, but it is still this month.

Wouldn’t the next count start in May?:confused:

[B]Actually I Have set a target of 400 Pip’s/Month mean’s in 22-Trading day’s in a month I have to lock 400 Pip’s & last time i achieved my target in just 16 day’s & PipHacker’s month complets when his target successfully achieved anytime before 22-trading day’s lol… & start the new circle of target of 400Pip’s/Month, …Also i never kept any record of my Pip’s in Past, This is first time that im keeping a record on Word:) …So if you scroll down you will see the previous month’s performance & scroll up then this month’s performance…Also im counting the Maximum Pip’s which gone in the favour of PipHacker after it’s entry:D … The main reason is to test the Maximum Ability of capturing the maximum Pip’s by PipHacker…Coz Maybe after sometime i may increase my target profit from +30 Pip’s to +40 or +50 Pip’s…Thank’s Buddy!!!
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

So in Piphacker world months are determined by number of pips unlike the real world where the whole earth revolving around the sun thing, calendars, etc:D

Hopefully you will always have a month every real two weeks.:smiley:

[B]lol …:smiley: Well Actually Right now im not a fulltime forex trader though you may see me on line most of the day, i am also doing a very good job + Im Also a Impoter , forex is my part time business…Thank’s Buddy
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

[B]Wooow There was an excellent apportunity to go long on Gbd/Jpy at 204.77 while i was sleeping:eek: … Almost +50 Move up was there…:rolleyes:
Try to enter later in a day…

[B]Hey What the hell is this…PipHacker wana add MytwoPip’s to his Buddy list:) but Mistakenly click on to Ignore List:confused: …
Now im finding a way to undo this:( …

[B][/B][B]Hi there Guy’s I was very much busy today… So didnt did any trade today… I,ll be back Tomorrow …Thank’s
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

Short on Euro/Usd @ 1.5688

[B]This is my another entry in which i go against the trend … i think i have to limited upto tp#1 or tp#2 …Well Let’s see…:slight_smile:

[B]Hammm some quick Pip’s In My Euro/Usd Short trade. Seem’s more are expected…:smiley:

[B]Tp=2 is Successfully Achieved… Well guy’s as i already said that today i go against the trend:D & when i saw that tp=1 is successfully achieved & also some quick pip’s are coming in my favour than i let the trade open & lock my limit to +20 Pip’s /tp=2 …Though it dropped for +22 Pip’s after my entry but i dont wana hang myself here also important data is about to come after 45-Minutes so im happy with +20 Pip’s today!!!
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

[B]Dammm:mad: i was busy with my short trade on E/U But seem’s i missed the another short entry chance on Gbd/Jpy…:eek: more than qucik +20 Pip’s move down & im very late…:frowning: