PipHacker's Trading Jounral!

[B]Woow I exit My short trade on E/U At +20 Pip’s but it seem’s to drop so far before new’s +27 Pip’s:eek: …
But I alway’s try to do whatever suit’s me batter i tink to exit My E/U at just +20 was the batter decision by me…Coz trend seem’s to me bullish & i suppose to be go against the trend…& Whenever i go against the trend i like to target just +10/+20 Pip’s & Here my target is successfully achieved…:rolleyes:

[B]Hi There Guy’s… Well these day’s i am bit busy:o & not concentrating much on my trade’s anyway’s Now today at morning i enter short at Euro/Usd at 1.5688… It was a perfect entry from my side but E/U Already drop’s much yesterday & seems trend is in the favour of bull’s that’s why i just target +20 Pip’s & close my E/U Short position but after that E/U Totally remain’s bearish almost throughout the day & drop’s for +139 Pip’s after my short position:eek: …Anyway’s it was a good trade from my side…
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

[B][/B][B]So Far PipHacker’s This month’s Performance is as Under after my today’s Successfull E/U Short Trade!!!

Pip’s In PipHacker’s Pocket ------------+87

Overall Max. Pip’s After Signal’s -------+464

:slight_smile: PipHacker:) !!! [/B]

Short on Euro/Usd @ 1.5620

I wana lock atleast my +10 More Pip’s…:smiley:

[B]Trade Closed for +20 Pip’s Tp=2 is successfully achieved…well E/U Drop’s for maximum +24 Pip’s after my short entry at 1.5620 … Frankly i was thinking to target for just +10 Pip’s but it was a quick bearish move by E/U that i decided to target for +20 Pip’s & it’s successfully achieved also it’s friday today & i really dont wana hang myself in a carry trade…:rolleyes:
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

[B]I have entered for two trade’s today & both on Euro/Usd …& Both closed for +20 Pip’s each…

  1. Short on Euro/Usd @ 1.5688 = +20 Pip’s
  2. Short on Euro/Usd @ 1.5620 = +20 Pip’s
    ---------------------------------+40 Pip’s
    Total Pip’s Now This week------------------
    -------------------------------= +107

[B]Have a Nice Weekened…
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

[B][/B][B]Well This was a good week for me… Though I was actually bit busy with my other activitie’s almost through out the week but atlast manage to lock +107 Pip’s this week & i think it’s a good performacne…Anyway’s this is my performance table after yesterday’s couple of Euro/Usd successfull trade’s!!!:slight_smile:

Pip’s In PipHacker’s Pocket ------------+107

Overall Max. Pip’s After Signal’s -------+500

:slight_smile: PipHacker :slight_smile: !!! [/B]

[B][/B][B]:slight_smile: Im very Much sure about Aud/Usd pair that it will remain’s bearish at coming Monday…:slight_smile: I,ll keep an eye on this pair on coming monday for short trade apportunity & try to taget more than +30 Pip’s maybe +50 atleast…:smiley:
PipHacker!!!:smiley: [/B]

Hi ,
All seems to be cool and perfect why dont you create EA for MT4 would be very helpful for everyone here.

Can you tell me what exatcly indicators are you looking �t ? I still cant find any screenshots to be useful

Your help will be highly appreciated

P.S If i trade like you my account will go from 5000 to 50000 in a 2 weeks with my MM style :smiley:

Haha Believe me i never learn forex from any institution , any class or even from any book…:smiley: Just from BabyPip’s & FF… That’s it… :rolleyes:
My trading system is based on Trendline’s , fib’s , S/R Level, Specially Candlestick pattren and some commen indicator’s like Stoch , Moving Average’s & Macd … & The secret of my success is my hardwork & my experience… I practiced hard on demo for almost 2-Year’s (Anyone Believe me or not PipHacker’s dont care:p )… Now im on real from last 3/4 Year’s…I have learned a lot about candlestick pattren & here most of my winning trade’s are through from this pattren…It’s the most important part of my system…& i never read a book about this pattren just from my experience & now i can easily read through this pattren about the trend on higher timeframe’s & my entry is based on lower timeframe’s & i alway’s go inthe direction of trend & if i go against the trend then i target for just +10/+20 Pip’s…I dont know how to make an E.A & How it work’s… If you know than let me know i,ll make an E.A of my trading system…I,ll Glad to Help newbie’s
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

Well thanx for fast reply have a nice weekend we have alot to discuss.
I will contact you next week for now gonna enjoy my new girfriend :smiley: :smiley:

Take care c ya soon

[B]lol Keep Up Your Enjoyment :wink: … Thank’s …
See You too…
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

Handouts! Help teach them to fish Piphacker, don’t just give the fish away.:slight_smile:

[B]lol:D Actually i am A ‘‘PipHacker’’ Not a ‘‘FishHacker’’ :smiley: :smiley: [/B]

[B]Hi There guy’s im looking forward to short on Gbd/Jpy , Usd/Jpy, Euro/Jpy & Long on Usd/Cad…:wink: …Let’s see where PipHacker Managed to enter…:stuck_out_tongue:

[B]Oh Boy!!! i was 100% looking to go short on G/J , U/J & E/J but coz of very urgent work i have to leave:confused: … I just came back & see that G/J Drop’s for +52 Pip’s from the level where i was looking to go short , U/J Drop’s for +25 Pip’s so far & E/J Drop’s for +20 Pip’s:mad: …
I think i have missed some important trade apportunitie’s today…Actually PipHacker is not a Fulltime trader:rolleyes: … I have some other important work’s to do also…

[B][/B][B]Wooow Guy’s Gbd/Jpy drop’s for more than +100 Pip’s Now:eek: … Bad day for PipHacker as I missed the great apportunity to go short:( …
PipHacker!!!:rolleyes: [/B]

Short Nzd/Usd @ 0.7869

Im also looking forward to go short on Aud/Usd…:stuck_out_tongue: