PipHacker's Trading Jounral!

[B][/B][B]Hey Guy’s Seem’s like i have Missed the great move by going long on G/J:confused: …Even i was sitiing Online there but my eye’s were on other’s Pair’s…:rolleyes: NeverMind i,ll try to enter in any other pair later in a day:p
PipHacker!!!:wink: [/B]

This was a clear breakout in lower tf’s & even i was Online there but strange that i missed this one apportunity to go long on G/J :eek: IT WAS a quick +80 Pip’s Move …Damm How i missed this:mad:

Short On Usd/Jpy @ 103.75

[B]Hey Seem’s strage Movement …first it dropped so fast and now Seem’s very slow at 103.65…:rolleyes: Well i really hate with slow movement’s:mad:
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

[B]Wooow Big down move in U/J :eek: Hammm U/J Seem’s getting back in Business:rolleyes: …I,ll Post the screenshot’s later with detail…
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

[B]Hamm U/J Still now struggling to break an important barrier in lower timefram’es now if it fail’s and retraces back than i,ll close my Position which im still holding in even in profit now:D
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]


Tp=3 Is Successfully Achieved +30 Pip’s & Position Closed:D
PipHacker!!!:wink: [/B]

Hey Guy Wana See that how today PipHacher enter’s for a successfull Short trade today at U/J @ 103.75…:wink:
See the screenshot i enter through lower time frame & also i have pointed the level 103.75 in which i enter for short after a clear breakout:) …

Hey Guy’s first see My Post No # 378 in which i have perdicted about E/U That it will show some good bearish movement today at the start but after that bullish coz from daily chart bull’s are in favour + in 4-Hour chart it was a clear breakup at the end of last friday but Stoch & RSI Was in a overbough region & that’s why at the start of the day in 1st Session E/U Dropped for almost +70 Pip’s but in 2nd Session E/U Moved up for almost +160 Pip’s just coz of Reversal Bullish hammer + Breakup + Bullish trend in a daily chart …E/U Did same today as i was expecting…

[B]After Today’s Successfull Short trade on Usd/Jpy Below is the PipHacker’s Performance…

Pip’s In PipHacker’s Pocket ------------+364

Overall Max. Pip’s After Signal’s -------+1288

:slight_smile: PipHacker:) !!![/B]

Hey Piphacker,
It looks like you made a trip to the beauty salon.:smiley:

It must be all them pips.:slight_smile:

[B]Haha:p … Hey Buddy where you lost yesterday? You didnt seem’s to me in action:cool: …
I really like your contribution’s in almost all the thread’s:)
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

[B]There was an excellent apportunity to go short on E/U @ 1.5474 But this important new’s was coming before i enter
USD Retail Sales m/m
USD Import Price Index m/m
So i didnt enter for short coz of new’s but E/U Eventually drop’s for almost +44 Pip’s so far…
I was also bit busy today that’s why didnt did any trade today…
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

No I’m not lost, just busy. I am still not live trading right now. I guess I will have to go open a personal bank account for my Forex funding. I don’t want to use my business ones with funds unrelated. The other account that I have that I use for personal is actually a biz account too. Since it is in a dba and not my name(but I am the sole owner?), I guess it won’t work. Hmmm, I am going to have to get off my lazy butt and go open that account if I want to start live trading again!

[B]Hi Buddy I just came back as i was bit busy today also…well so who will be your new broker now…? Actually i am also thinking about switching from my current broker to any new one:rolleyes: … what you think who is batter…
Inter Bank Fx , Odl , Nf , Gft , Gts , Fxdd , Mig , FXSol CMS or Finex… I have no experience with any of them:o … If you have than let me know… im testing different broker’s demo platform & so far i like Ibfx , Fxsol & Gft…
See You…:slight_smile:
PipHacker!!!:smiley: [/B]

I am going with IBFX. My other broker for my micro account was outside the US. I won’t mention them because they might be a nice firm and don’t want to run them down, but they are too small of a shop for me to put big money with. My goal with my micro account was to double it. Now that I have met my goal, I will open up a mini with $2000. My goal will be to double it too. If I do, I will bring my account to $10,000 and start taking trading more serious.
If I manage to do well after that jump for at least one year, I will look to becoming a full time trader with larger amounts.

With this time off, I am also looking at GFT. Tymen, Tonymand and others really seem to like them and their charting. I figure I will check them out and download a demo to play with before I make my final decision.

Why do you want to switch?

How is your showroom coming along?

Two questions with just one post:D I guess that is enough to keep you busy:)

[B]Hey It’s a good strategy that you started on real with very small amount. testing yourself on real with micro is a good step… I remember when i open my first account than it was also with very small amount:p Now im with both mini & standard… Anyway’s Gft’s charting package is really very good … I like their platform with deal book 360 but now i think im habitual of using Odl & Nf’s Mt4 platform for just charting purpose but i,ll take my decision about Gft , Ibfx & Fxsol that which one is batter for me…
Well your stratigie’s seems to me very good… Im wishing you best of luck to double your $2000…

[B]Haha well my investment will be Big there… As i said that it’s construction is almost complete so i,ll start my this business with in couple of month’s :wink: … Actually i have craze about forex & car’s & now both are my business also…:slight_smile: My Current broker is Fxcm … SLippage , Slow in order execution & very slow also while closing a position , even im using high speed internet connection but strange… I have read about them that they are stop hunt’s though i have never experienced with this problem from them as im not a news trader but they also sometimes seems to me slow in their withdrawl process… Maybe i carry on my mini with them but im seriously thinking to close my standard coz my most of trades are on standard & i only do trades with my mini when i wana do more than one trade’s in a single day…I like Ibfx , Fxsol & Gft … I have no problem with spread’s i just want a honest broker with quick response in their offered services…
PipHacker!!!:slight_smile: [/B]

I was absent today at morning & i have missed the great short trade apportunity in AUD/USD…See the screenshot’s …You may know the reason why AUD/USD is bearish today…