PipJoker's way to trader's life

As for today i am looking for SHORTS. Just like i said in yesterday’s post. And it seems it happen faster than i expected it would :slight_smile: Nevertheless have the same bias today. As fiber is in such a terrible spot by not knowing where its going (we have 3 indecisive candles), i would prefer trading cable.

What i mean by terrible fiber state:

Now for looking shorts at cable this was and it still is trade idea:

  • Daily fractal, looking for some retracements.

  • My mentioned yesterdays 60 level today is R1 pivot point.
  • We have asian low at that level as well
  • OTE

Still waiting for some divergence between cable,dollar,fiber. We already had yesterday one - between fiber and cable. Fiber making higher high, while cable dipping lower. But was fully fulfilled?

By the way, adding to that, we have recents swings extension sitting right on that spot.

Well, i did trade today. I got filled short on 16225. Reasons why:

  • I was already looking to short that day for above mentioned reasons.
  • As price drop down i knew i was too late to take any trades. Fiber was tanking pretty hard at that moment. So i would have sited on my hands… Buttttttttt as the news came out we had a bullish candle up to CCP and not further. While it looked pretty scary, i had confidence about news spikes after i saw the cable drop on 04.25. I mean at 04.25 England literally said that they are back at recession. Everyone panicked, and what do we see after that? Banks drove the price where they wanted after all :slight_smile:


OTE to short cable

  • Centra pivot point
  • 20 institutional level
  • Recent days Asian levels.

My TP was 65 noted Key S&R level. I’ve mentioned that couple of times in our skype group chat and elsewhere. And i nailed that to the pip, but exited a bit earlier due to always adding couples pips above or under those key levels.
So, today’s results: 50pips
This month profit: 1.5%
Overall profit: -8.5%
Overall balance: 1930

Good luck buddy, I’ll be watching too :slight_smile:

For tomorrow. I will be looking to go short at fiber from the figure 13200. Its seems more clearly for me than cable. Reasons:

  • The 13200 have been broken, which for me is weekly/monthly support line. And it was BROKEN, not touched or swept under it for stops.
  • We will have Fractal high formed after today is finished.
  • Fiber failed to go higher while cable was going higher all two weeks. I mean waaaaay higher :slight_smile:
  • We will have OTE at 13200 level
  • OTE will line up with 05.01 low as well with Asian low and S1
  • 05.02 day’s MS1 perfectly within OTE line.

    Just how i imagine it will look.

OTE for tomorrow

It fits quite perfectly :slight_smile: So hopefully i will see it fulfilled.

P.s. For SMT and divergence for stoch we’ll have to wait for tomorrow.
P.s.2 Almost forgot ! I never usually poste my TP as i thought it wasn’t my biggest problem :slight_smile: I felt that if you entered right - you will get your profits right :slight_smile: So this time i will include it, and try to stick with it! :stuck_out_tongue: My TP - 13100. Why:

  • Higher time frame OTE (daily). I do beleave we might just be in buy program thats why i will play it safe.

Thanks Clark ! :slight_smile: would love to hear some feedback whenever you feel like talking/posting :slight_smile:

And hopefully for all who sometimes (hopefully someone besides fellow ICT traders :smiley: ) drops by, and have some logical statements/insights - please do share them with me. After all, i am here to learn!

Well, i woke up and my prediction didn’t fulfill. Because i anticipated price to move above 13160 level. And right now it just ragging between the 30 and 60. We do have 1h stoch pointing upwards move, as well as 4h at oversold.
We have some SMT going on, but right now don’t know how to interpret all that.

Edit. Nothing is really happening at the market right now… so no trading.
Edit2. Can we look for fiber longs? At least till the figure?

  • 1h fails to close below 30 key s&r level
  • 1h stoch pointing up (divergence)
  • 4h oversold
  • SMT divergence. Fiber didnt make lower low, while usdollar made.[/B]

Longed at 30 :32: SL 15 pips below. If its broken its broken.

Closed early with -10pips.
Well that was dumb :smiley: These trades kill me the most. I know i should have not traded but yet…
Current balance: 1926

Here comes frustration. I went against my own bias. I already knew what i was looking yesterday. Bah:17:

As am tracking my results, i thought i will add my emotional state as well. And for now, i start to see trade ideas everywhere so i could get back my lost 4 euros :slight_smile: and while am writing this it starts to look more and more stupid than just looking at charts alone. Writing does calm you down. Or at least shows why you shouldn’t trade. AAAAAA… its hard :smiley: and funny at the same time. How a grown up man can feel so irrational… like a baby from whom candy was taken

As tomorrow is NFP, i won’t be trading. To sum up my week. [I](Additional info - i started with 2080 euros)[/I]
[B]Trades made:[/B] [I]3 (2 winners 1 loser)[/I]
[B]Total profit:[/B] 26euros (1.3%)
[B]Risk taken on one trade:[/B] [I]0.5%[/I]
[B]Overall profit:[/B] [I]-154 euros (-7.7%)[/I]

At this pace i should reach 2000 by the end of the month which would be cool - i could start risking 1% again.
So overall am happy with my first profitable week! Even tho i took a bad trade in the end, but… comparing to last month that’s a huge leap forward :slight_smile: So horrayyyy:57:

Good luck man! I’ll be watching your blog/journal, bookmarked it. I took a very similar line to yours: poker, then get into trading, although i still play poker. Luckily , my insignificant bankroll on FTP reached 0.05$ before the Black Friday :slight_smile: Pokerstars ftw. Btw , rumors have it that PS will buy FTP, so there 's a good chance you’ll get your money back. If you wanna get in touch on skype, just PM me your skype id.

GLGT! :slight_smile:

Small steps… enjoy the process. When you are ready, the money will deposit like you could never imagine. Develop the Trader needed to reach that… I know you can do it PJ.

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

Thx guys! :slight_smile: i really appreciate your support!

@Vladul11. Yeah, heard that rumor too … But it has been two weeks and none of the side spoke publicly which just means either we will have another overdue process just like with french investors or i won’t see my money again… One way or another i think am already in peace with that. It would be super great to get them, but i don’t hold my breath for that. Heh, i envy you that you didn’t kept your whole br there :))

@ICT yeah thx. i really start to enjoy it… I was thinking about the same thing you said. If i was able to make almost 1.5% risking 0.5%, that means theoretically if i was risking 2% i would have already made 6% which is more than half of my monthly goal :slight_smile: its pretty sick when you think like that. And making 100% a year is even sicker. I mean what kind of business gives you such ROI? I wanna take small steps, because it is all it takes to make it in this game. And am happy that i didn’t switch to other method or strategy. Because if you try to jump from one to another you’ll never find consistency. Hopefully new week - new opportunities to test myself. As a retired starcraft:broodwar player all i can say to the market right now - go re? :slight_smile:

Well, as we broke some heavy support lines, i will be mostly looking for shorts this week. Even tho, i was thinking of going long for a scalp at 16110 (i have this line marked up in my charts). But as it wasn’t my LO killzone i had the willpower not to push the button.

After that we had and OTE (Hidden, watch ICT latest videos) on cable:

  • OTE (Hidden);
  • Institutional 50 level;
  • We have some previous clustered highs and lows around that level;
  • Its previous day’s MS2 as well as before that S1.

All in all, i didn’t push the trigger once again because i was anticipating 16165 level, which is a huge support line. And if it reaches that level then my stop would be almost at another strong support line - 16200 level. I would have some good solid backup. Hopefully it will somehow reach that :slight_smile:

OTE (Hidden)

Cluster of highs and lows

My pending order is at 16160 short.

EDIT: Trade triggered. Lets see how that goes.

Edit2: Down move is pretty choppy… And now we start to see a climbing. I wonder is that another short OTE for late NYO?

Right now we have some SMT going on… So either this is a Late NYO short for cable or this trade will go against me.

Fiber vs Cable

Cable vs USdollar

Edit4: It seems i will be screwed :frowning: dunno what wrong i did here. Maybe i should have moved my SL at BE when it reached 20pips profit? Because i had days where it comes back to the same level and rockets where i wanted in the first place. Thats why i got that rule to move SL at BE when it reaches 30pips+++…

AK its in ICT latest video - Market Review 05_05_12 & Introducing Hidden OTEon Babypips Inner Circle Trader - live streaming video powered by Livestream

Market review 05.05 with Hidden OTE.
Ak, sorry for not explaining it here, but i believe the creator himself will explain it better.

As for today’s trading:

…trade is still running, because i entered at 16165 and chosen a 40pips SL due to the support of 16200 figure. I figured there is no way it will run over them both. I was kinda right, but it doesn’t really help me, because the price is dancing around 90 right now. One way or another i imagined this:

I am stuck right now between closing it earlier and killing only 30pips instead of 40. But as usually there is hope shivering inside me, which whispers that it will drop over night to the 65 level :slight_smile: I don’t know :expressionless: One way or another i’m counting this as a loss. I will wait till this is official i guess.

…as trading slowing down now I would wait PJ, if we indeed going up tomorrow, Judas down to your entry (6065) which is OTE long will save your ass… just hope Asians wont try to brake the high, lol :51:

but, why the heck u went with 40 pip SL in this wobbly setup and why you’re trading today at all? :slight_smile:

p.s. well to be honest I traded too, but demo money and min risk, was hunting for shorts as daily fractal pointing down and saw same setup, but closed for about -10 pips realising a) this is an up day and it is not very likely to reverse in NYO; b) lovely buy OTE was just formed and c) they was killing all bears from Friday on the way up…
the setup was pretty much spot on with only one thing missing from the ingredient: SMT, which proves my theory (every significant move is triggered by SMT, [U]no exceptions[/U]) and puts more weight on my rule: ‘‘No SMT-No Entry!’’


Finally! I was waiting for critical thinking :-)) About the SL - like i said i really thought if they will go higher they cannot brake 16200 level.
About trading today… mmm… i still haven’t settled down for one/two trades weekly. I am so afraid that i won’t make any pips that week that i usually look for setups everyday :slight_smile: I admit this to my psychological problem. But, i still believe its possible to make BE or +30pips everyday. Just haven’t figured how :smiley:
Thanks for honesty :smiley: I would want to extract more info about the a) point. What do you look to see a reversal day? I thought we will see that as we were approaching a good key s&r level 16165, it was also CPP, OTE etc.
And i still sometimes have trouble differentiating the right SMT between wrong. Any key points you have for SMTs? As you said yourself you have a lot of weight on SMT.

And believe me, i do pray that swing down to 16165 will save my ass :51:

Well kids, don’t trade like uncle pipjoker does thats one thing for sure. Below you can see my genius trading. As kubio mentioned the 16165 is a nice OTE long and i thought it just might work with judas into that level etc. running over 16200 again. Just in case i am not blaming here anyone :stuck_out_tongue: these are my decisions.

Two days action

That sends me back to this month total:
Total profit: 9euros (0.45%)
Risk taken on one trade: 0.5%
Overall profit: -171 euros (-8.55%)


I got stopped out on almost the same long today also =[

It was a very reasonable trade. OTE from yesterday’s NY session low. Judas swing down in LO kill zone. Stocks bullish diverging indicating risk on environment. GU and EU bullish divergence on 4 hr and daily timeframe. 6160 is a key HT S/R level. I took the same trade and got stopped out.

It was a reasonable trade, but it didn’t work out. So either we missed something or… we missed something :slight_smile: Yes, sometimes we have to accept the fact that market will go against us, and we will be taken out. But i will admit this fact when am doing 10% every month which would mean that am already consistent and i can let some trades to go negative. And as far as i am making negative income, my personality just can’t let go of such stuff :slight_smile:

Also i understood that am easily thrown away from my BIAS or strategy by BE trades or the ones which almost hit my SL. Like the yesterday’s. I was right yesterday, and i got SCARED. I usually can’t take it or can’t understand that market can retest same S&R levels few times. I always think this time it will brake it :slight_smile: What am saying is that i will try to find this golden line between standing my grounds and changing gears!

Andddddd finishing this post with a good note. I have finally found a way to trade history! I will upload every step how to achieve that. The biggest flaw tho - i cannot find USDX history data or usdollar’s. That means i cannot use SMT divergence between USdollar and fiber :expressionless: But i can use SMT between cable and Fiber. At least i think so. Still haven’t tried the full potential. Just saying that i found a way… not the perfect one, but still… :slight_smile:

…right now technicals doesnt worth a penny imo, it is all doom and gloom in Europe… I think I’ll stay out this week…

Forex Ltd MT4 for USDX and FXCM MT4 for DJ USDollar… you aware of these? :45: