PipJoker's way to trader's life

Currently waiting for better spot to go. But i am looking for longs. The biggest difference that we have SMT just screaming at us today. I just need a better enter - judas swing. Will update with pics…


Entered Long on fiber at 12975 because it a key S&R. Was waiting for cable’s 30lvl which has huge confluences. I am quite sure about this trade thats why i was looking to enter on both pairs with 0.5% risk.

GMT 09:05. Seriously if this fails i dunno what to look for:31: … i mean we have kinda everything here.
GMT 09:20 i believe at H1 fiber broke that 12975 support with the next candle retest it as a resistance. Should close i guess…
GMT 09:41 well cable just tanked. Closed my fiber longs for one more -0.5%. So basically back to nothing once more. Seriously ICT if you’re reading this you gotta start making some sense and start posting something before the moves and not after. Its easy to do that, and everything fits perfectly, but you can see SMT at the top of the post. Point out something logical why it didn’t work. I start to lose hope just like piphanger here… If you care to see your system somehow work for others start making live sessions or whatever… just do SOMETHING! :frowning:
GMT 12:13 Went on a revenge trade. Entering cable at the figure and fiber at 50 key s&r. i believe i will lose these too. Now i feel emotional emptiness actually. Its like everything falling around you and you just stand with a weird smile…
GMT 12:21 Taken out on both pairs. Done trading for the week…

So overall:
Total profit this week: -24,5 euros (-1.225%)
Risk taken on one trade: 0.5%
Overall profit: -203,5 euros (-10.175%)


Im long on the Cable at 1.6135. Triple nested OTEs, todays MS1, yesterdays S1, TT/PP buy zone, SMT divergence between EUR and GBP on 5m, as well as what you mentioned. Looking to take most of the position, if not all of it off at 1.6180 as we are counter trend and there is great confluence there of OTE short from Mon high to Tues low, 261 extension of smallest OTE, and 127% extension of other OTE used for entry. Just my thoughts…

Personally, when i saw the action this morning at LO… The trade that stood out for me was the short, and it actually would have bagged some nice pips, the main reason i chose not to take it was because it was against my longer term weekly bias and didnt feel too comfortable selling as this point in the trinity…

I’ll post my analsysis on it later today when i’m home and have my proper charts - didnt take it but would have worked out (as long as you dont mind - otherwise ill post in the other thread)…


As i am done trading for this week or even a month or even considering to go back demoing i have decided to post how to launch your history trading on MT4. Just like i said i would.
The flaws are:
[I]- No SMT divergence, because i cannot find any history for USDX or US dollar. Concerning kubio post i have installed them both, but those platforms history center have only 4-5 months of 5min charts. Thats not enough.

  • You will have to install 2 or 3 MT4 platforms (depends how comfortable you feel switching between time frames).
  • You don’t have weekly/monthly data. The highest is D1. [/I]

The good side is:
- You can go back in time however much you want and don’t have right side of the chart. Example below. I thought i will start from 2010.01.01 and work my way to now days. 2010 is the period i don’t remember how it looks in charts. I guess i don’t have to explain why its important that you don’t remember what will happen next :))


  • You can plot key S&R levels, you can plot pivots (yes, the ICT indicator. it works), asian ranges. You can plot Stochastics and any other default indicator.
  • You can look for SMT divergence between cable and fiber, but once again you have to have few more platforms running :slight_smile: you will find out why.[/I]

Steps how to set up your history trading center:
1 Step. You have to download Alpari MT4 because it has the biggest historical data there is. The web page is - Alpari (UK) | Forex (FX) Brokers | Online Forex Trading Company.

2 Step. Register. Don’t worry, you can use not our own name and create literally multiple accounts using same email address.
3 Step. “Demo Registration Successful!” go to your email get your username and pasword and download alpari MT4.
4 Step. Once you installed everything, go ahead and extract this “Expert” folder (see attachment bellow) into your Alpari MT4. Merge what needs to be merge, don’t copy/copy what needs to be re-copied.
5 Step. Launch MT4 (Terminal.exe). Login with your new account.
6 Step. Set chart’s bar amount and download history. Instructions from Alpari site.

7 Step. Open strategy tester. Picture bellow (Note: for symbol: you have to have history data for the pair you chose to history trade. so if you want to trade AUD/USD you have to download AUD/USD data to history center). You have to tick “USE DATE” (chose from - to), visual mode. Time frame on your right. Advice: adjust speed to max while in asian session or at the start of day because its rather slow.

8 Step. Start.

Note. Once you chose the time frame, the tester will only work for that time frame. That’s why if you want to look both at H1 and M15 at the same time, you have to have at least two windows. And if you want to note your key levels, you can open one window for daily, one for H1, one for M15. This is the reason why there are way more windows for SMT divergence :slight_smile: you have open another for cable H1 or whatever time frame you look at.

HAVE FUN! :slight_smile:

experts.zip (668 KB)

End result

I think trading like this gives you opportunity to test your own abilities - daily bias, MT4 flow etc as you are drop right into the market without any indications whats going on. The only thing you have is your charts and technical analysis along with price action. Hopefully it will help to trade better. Not only for you but for me as well, as results aren’t screaming with success :slight_smile:

Hi PipJoker,

I am really pleased you have choosen to use our demo accounts to test your trading strategies.

Please do however note that an automatic system is in place that permanently deletes demo accounts with incomplete/inaccurate personal contact details and/or incorrect email addresses. Demo accounts may also be deleted if they remain inactive for long periods.

You can read more about this on this page.


Alexander Chadwick
Alpari (UK) Representative

Hello, Alex,

And i am pleased with the data you guys provide. It would be even better if you had USDX or USdollar indexes :wink: Just to report something to the main office. Thank you if you will.

Due to the automatic system, i hope it won’t delete my accounts. I guess am like most people - not very fond of the idea that my personal info is in some databases and can be used however somebody want :slight_smile: Yes, my story in the first page actually shows how good i hide my identity :smiley: anyway… I do log into the demo accounts daily, because i do my history trading daily. But its good to know this information. All in all, i hope i can use your platform for as long as i can/want. Thanks for info. Keep up the good job!

lolz, spot on PJ! :wink:

My trading idea for next week or whenever Fiber reaches 1.28. Long :slight_smile:

Until then, am demoing :stuck_out_tongue:

Today was a nice day. My entry was at 12810, asian session low was at 12814. From there it went about 60pips up which would have be enought for me or at least BE trade. Instead i missed that, i reentered from 50level expecting further move up and not missing the move. Finally i had 1% on that 50lvl, and one more 1% at that 12810 which i totally forgot till it got triggered after the fall :slight_smile: ended -2%. Why i risked that much? Because i was so sure of HIGHER TIME FRAME OTE, it was at the figure. Such a strong S/R which got blown like a fcking leaf… It seems no matter how i look at the market i end up on the wrong side. Its like a have a talent for this ****. Some could say will either go up or down, 50/50, and somehow i manage to make it 20/80 not my favorite… lool… am a pathetic trader.

1830euros left.

Took long scalp during Sidney/Tokyo open from the figure.
Profit: 35pips (20 euros)
Total balance: 1850

I’ve found that instead of trying to pick the low of a bearish market or high of a bullish market when you’ve found an area of so many confluences on the daily chart, instead of entering right at that level, why not wait for a power of three formation to occur to confirm the analysis? You may not get in at your desired level, but if it blows right through it, you’re safe. Also, since the anticipated reversal would take place on a daily chart - were it to materialize - it would give you opportunities on the following days to get in. Combine it with a shift in market flow, and your odds are that much higher.

You know, thats exactly what i was wondering about lately :slight_smile: because every loss i took, it was either in buy program trying to sell, or in sell market trying to buy. Always trying to catch the whole move. And i believe if i finally start to trust the market, i mean to jump when its moving where it wants to move rather then say this move should end “now”, next day “now”, following day “now”… All in all, yeah, re-watched the power of three video and starting to learn patience :slight_smile: hopefully… Thanks for comment!

Took a short trade on fiber from 80level. I thought it will reach the 127 figure, and thats why i kept it open till it took me out at BE. :\ Once again, had to be reminded about securing my profits.

For tomorrow i’m not quite sure what to expect after today’s rally back to the figure and actually popping it. I think we might still think about shorting, but as lower prices were rejected or at least they want to look that way, it might even be logical to maybe go long from the 128? Am talking about fiber :slight_smile:

Depending on how asian session will look, i still think i want to go short from the 12850 level. Reason:

  • As we didn’t have any retracements last week, this week we might see it. So, as you can see (if you can) looking at 4H, from the 05.07 high to the low, we will have fib 50 level right at the 12850.
  • Institutional level
  • 1h; 4h overbought;
  • Last week’s trinity 127 extension;

What scares me is:

  • We have daily raising from the oversold region.
  • We have weekly ant monthly at oversold as well. But i know that those stochastic levels take time to actually move the market. In meanwhile we might have some shorts.

I will update tomorrow morning about more zoomed details (pivot points, asian highs/lows etc).

Good night.


Shorted the pound. Will update after work.

10.19 GMT. Well, am at work and i will still update :smiley: cuz am excited :slight_smile:
Why i took the cable? Like i mentioned yesterday, i was looking for shorts of fiber. I was looking for retracement to 12850 which didn’t happen. We didn’t even had a judas swing for fiber. Cable was a different story:
- Previous week’s trinity extension. Holding like a boss.

- Down move at stochastics 1h and 4h

- Judas up to pivot sell zone.

did u catch the '‘rock ‘n roll’’ on Cable PJ? :slight_smile: I’m short on Aussie and Kiwi, 40 pips banked on both, BE+1 on the remaining 50%. yeah! :slight_smile:

Yeah. Right now sitting on +55 pips. Wondering what to do :slight_smile: As i still anticipating a bigger slide down. Right now is just a short moment for bears to catch their breaths. But i moved my SL for whole position at +30 so already sitting on +1% green.
This trade is also an experiment for myself to hold trade maybe more than a day? Maybe go for a weekly range?

GMT 13.19 Bah. Didn’t have the nerve to hold it :stuck_out_tongue: Closed at +50pips whole position:
Today’s results: 50pips (1.5%)
This month profit: -1%
Overall profit: -10%
Overall balance: 1880

well, its up to you I’m still digin myself out of the equity hole, so not keen to risk too much, closed my trades for total 86 pips on live, more than happy with it. left the demo one running thought… already met the weekly goal risking only 1% per trade, so happy bunny :slight_smile:
*note to myself: should take it easy tomorrow!
Re: holding for the week, I would go little bit further every time (dont run before u can walk), but securing the bottom line is top priority!


edit: forgot to add: I am not certified trade advisor, everyone should make their own decisions. :smiley:

…oh, and another tip for you: I ‘‘turned the corner’’ when kicked Fiber-Cable (the ‘‘twisted sisters’’) out the door, so think about it :wink:

You know, i wonder sometimes about letting those sisters go. As it seems that Kiwi and Aussie act more “normal” :slight_smile: or at least thats what people say… I just have to make myself start looking at them :smiley: which is hard because am so lazy :smiley: Nevertheless your post might just be it. You saying this directly… Damn it! While writing i figure that laziness is in my way to make a million! :smiley: I will prepare my charts for trading them today!

And me, holding cable for a weekly range would have been quite ok i guess. At least till today:

But after the BE trade yesterday, i wouldn’t have had the nerve to keep it like this. Bah… who cares, made a solid profit :slight_smile: fine with that.

Took two trades:
cable long from 50lvl, just got a sucky entry at 57. Made 0.75% on that trade.
Cable short from 80lvl, which am holding currently. Isn’t looking like much while we have train tracks on 4h

[I]13:50 GMT.[/I] My cable short didn’t work out. So overall for the day am -0.25%.