PipJoker's way to trader's life

Get to work bub… :slight_smile:

Yeah. Got a bit lazy, because i always waked up during 7-8 GMT and there was no time to post analysis on the forum :slight_smile: nevertheless, market for me is a bit unclear. Yesterday could have been a good trade for shorts. The 20lvl both for cable and fiber showed good resistance.

As for today, i still look for shorts for fiber from the CPP level - 50lvl.
GMT 7:03. Got triggered. Cable did shoot up… and thats not a very good view for shorts :smiley: Already thinking shouldn’t i look for fast exit at BE if it ever goes back to that point…
GMT 9:00. We have railroad tracks on 1h, which is nice :slight_smile: hoping for lower prices.

If you want to know why price stopped where it stopped. We have last week’s trinity’s 127 extension (right to the pip). I didn’t thought we will reach that far… but it was a nice level to have at your back just in case:

GMT 10:20.
This time i will definitely try to hold this trade at least till the end of the day. Hopefully!!:57:
GMT 12:08. Trade moved to BE
GMT 13.32. Market is really in a fun place right now ;-D
GMT 15.45.
Still holding :slight_smile: will post with charts. I know i did one mistake :stuck_out_tongue: moved my SL from BE to just below the top of today’s candle…

The reason i moved my SL was that from today’s high to the low we had 61 fib sitting right on the CPP. I thought this will be one more NYO move up and huge down just like past couple of days. Yes, i shouldn’t have made this… Anyway, sitting on +60 right now. Wondering should i hold all week. Because we broke rather important higher time frame fib level.

2012.05.30 GMT 9.18. Still holding. Right now sitting on over 100pips. Hopefully this will be my first 100pips on live account.
2012.05.30 GMT 10.50. My TP will be at 1.24 figure. Higher time frame swing 127 fib extension.
2012.05.30 GMT 11:03. Taken out by this huge spike on fiber. Profit 100pips (60 euros, 3%)

Overall i believe i am done for this month.
Total profit this month: 30euros (1.5%)
Risk taken on one trade: 1%
Overall profit: -150 euros (-7.5%)
Balance: 1930

And thats my first profitable month. Hooray! Secondly i somehow manage to get back up from 1830 hole to what i started with 1900 and even more! Happy about that.

Good Job Bro…

GLGT :57:

And thats my first [B]profitable month[/B]. Hooray! Secondly i somehow manage to get back up from 1830 hole to what i started with 1900 and even more! Happy about that.

Shorted the fiber at 1.2495. Will update.
Took a loss -1%. Might be either i entered too soon, or this is a bigger retracement.


  • Big figure;
  • Previous week trinity level;
  • Overbought 1h, 4h. That moment bearish divergence at 1h;
  • Previous week lows;
  • From last weeks high to this weeks low 62% fib
  • SMT divergence between cable and fiber. Cable is making lower highs while fiber is making higher highs

GMT 07:18. This might be a turtle soup pattern. Bringing all the kids to long this move from the figure.

GMT 07.26. Yep, a real beautiful turtle soup. Bah. Too bad i won’t have a bit of this piece of cake :expressionless:

Took a trade today. Short cable. Reasons:

  • Previous week trinity extension 161
  • This week trinity level
  • Big figure
  • 1h candle stick.
  • Both 1h & 4h were overbought.
  • Higher time frame fib level.

Bagged myself 30pips.

Tomorrow will be looking for longs on fiber. Will update in the morning, because my battery is dead :slight_smile: cya.
Good Morning. So i am looking long for fiber from 30-35 level.
GMT 7:26.
I waited for that level which it almost got. For my data feed it went below as 37, and Oanda feed was 40. And finally i snapped and longed from 48 as i was feeling i might miss the move.


  • Broken higher time frame fib level
  • Recent high becomes support
  • Trinity level, CPP
  • Judas swing lower

GMT 11.28 Fiber trade is lol :)) while cable moved 130+ pips, ausie and kiwi aswell. We have fiber who moved +40 :slight_smile: talk about luck…

Had a nerves breakdown. Ended up with -5 euros profit. Had open possition when FED told about their plans. And that move which made my +70 to +30 broke me. Took out at +30 manually, but reentered at the move lower. And yes, while it went lower, i didnt hold it. I got scared it will consume even more than today’s profit, thats why i closed it. Only to see now that they are taking it back and i believe it will top today’s made high before the speech. The main reason i took it so strongly that i was thinking between cable and fiber. I went with fiber, while cable was the obvious winner. That decision was eating me today and thats why i reentered at the drop and thats why i made nothing today while it was such an obvious move :confused: am so pissed at myself… asdfasdfsafafafsafsasafsafs!!! Taking off till next week.

Tomorrow i will be looking for shorts on euro.

  • EUR/GBP is on the downtrend, that means euro should fall stronger.
  • We have OTE on 1h
  • 4h overbough, 1h sliding down which likely will give divergence
  • Will be looking at the figure or 80 institutional level (today’s R2)
  • Market in trinity sell zone
  • Daily OTE.
  • Divergence between cable and fiber

I will be changing my trading system a little bit. I will go for 25pips gain on every trade. SL will be 25 pips aswell. I won’t move it or change it. As my main reason for my losses is always wanting more and in the end losing everything…
And for every week i have a negative gain, next week i will trade demo. If i have a positive gain on demo, i move back to real money account.

Will be looking for longs on cable tomorrow.

  • Downtrend resumed on EUR/GBP;
  • 15650 Showed huge support;
  • Previous lows. Today went right to the pip and bounced back.
  • Will be looking for divergence.

Level am watching 35/40.

I will be going underground for a while :slight_smile: as am trading demo for a week and will continue till i find my right tune. When i do i will come back :slight_smile:

Great post man!

Hello All.

So i will be coming back to real account since this week/this month. I will update my front page with my fxbook account so you could all follow my progress. Hopefully progress :smiley:

What i have learnt is NEVER predict tomorrow. NEVER to look or THINK what will happen tomorrow and WHERE price should be. This kind of view is the most dangerous thing in forex. Right along with emotional imbalance.

This doesn’t mean you don’t draw weekly, daily support lines or other things. The main point is not to clutter your head with predictions which most of the time are wrong and will only throw you off.
You trade what you see.

As for emotional imbalance. We all know what that leads to - the dark side :slight_smile:

Nice brother! :smiley: Couldn’t agree more!

Looking forward to tracking you bro!

Few more rules i will be applying to my trading:

  1. (Mentioned) Never predict tomorrow. Trade what you see.
  2. Preserve your capital! If you have a risky position which just turned against you, tighten your SL. (will add today’s trade). Move SL at BE as soon as +10/15 pips.
  3. Aiming for 25pips on a trade (1.5%). 50pips weekly. Lock profit as soon as possible.
  4. Control emotions. No revenge or any other trades. When feel like it, take a deep breath, turn off charts, GTFO :slight_smile:

Concerning 4th rule, i even get “euforia” trading. The rush when you take a large bag of pips and feel like you can earn even more so you enter… anywhere

Will post this in the first page, when i find out why i can’t edit it :slight_smile:

Took a trade today. More info later.

Todays trade. Cable:

  • From the figure;
  • OTE
  • Had a nice backup support at 15690lvl (S1, as well as highs and lows)
  • Asian session high;
  • Stoch continuation

As i gained 15pips i moved my SL to BE. That ended my trade at BE :slight_smile: Which am pretty happy. Taking a shot at market and not losing is a huge win.

Got burned today. Tried going long on cable.
Entry - 15695. Reasons:

  • OTE
  • Resistance at 15690 level. Trinity level.
  • S1;
  • Holygrail at m15, h1 was forming.
  • Divergence between fiber and cable. Fiber wasn’t giving into lower lows.

That ended with -1.5%

But, am proud of myself as i didn’t take revenge trade and manage to keep my cool. Another note to myself, wait for OTE. Dont jump into 62% retraicement… Patience patience patience. Till next trades :slight_smile:

By the way, it seems they won’t let you edit your pages past 24 hours since it was posted. So am posting my fxbook account here for now - PipJoker System | Myfxbook

As you can see am a bit losing :slight_smile: Those -23% is since i began trading. And in the begining i wasted over 10% for the sake of it. Didn’t actually knew what i was doing. But for the rest -13% i take whole blame :slight_smile:

My main goals till this year end is to reach BE. The whole -23% :slight_smile: wish be luck!

Good luck to you.

I will be honest here. Those sound like sound reasons for a long. Especially since momentum is to the up side. Sorry for the loss. If it were me I think I would have lost to. I have been getting burned as of late on the 62% and not waiting for OTE. Oh well always tomorrow

Bobmaninc thank you for kind words :slight_smile: appreciate!

As for trading. I have been working on an experiment right now. Just a peak using today.

Took a trade today. A bit early i think. One more note to myself :slight_smile:
At least this time i took it at OTE :slight_smile: so those notes keep me in line.
Alright, took Fiber short. From 12312. Reason:

  • OTE;
  • Holy grail m15;
  • Continuation down move on stoch;
  • Previous day’s S1;
  • Judas up;
  • I had a good resistance to back me up - Monthly pivot. As well as previous highs.

Pictures below.

Once again, i failed to notice this. Or i should have taken of when i was in profit for 20 pips :slight_smile: Picture below. And it continues to bounce of that level.

So a BE day :slight_smile: Which is GOOD!!! I could have them all day every day lol :slight_smile: that only means am going somewhere positive (negative -> BE -> positive). I would welcome BE months :slight_smile:

That was an excellent trade, your analysis was perfect :slight_smile: We do the same kinda things! :stuck_out_tongue: The only reason you didn’t make a real killing from this one was your entry; had it been at R1 you would’ve raked in the pips bro :slight_smile:
This is something I’m also working on, just having the patience to enter precisely at those perfect levels. I see it more and more with each trade I take - price almost ALWAYS goes to the key level, so if you just wait for it, or better yet, use limit orders to enter, you’ll kill it! Let’s work on it together bro! :smiley: