Please Share What Motivates You to Learn Forex

Hi everyone, I want to ask you all. If we look for information in forex forums and local news, there are so many cases of fraud under the guise of forex, but you are still enthusiastic about learning to this day. Some of you may take a bolder step, deciding to become a full time trader, what motivates you to enter the world of forex (even though the image of forex is already so bad)?


Freedom and counting only on yourself


It is the only pursuit I have entered that I have not been able to demonstrate a positive outcome from. About four years ago, I decided to invest a small part of our assets in crypto currencies, and all the knowledge and experience I had expended over the past 15 years brought me success. I can now say that “forex” has brought me the success I craved, but only by applying what I have learned over thousands of hours of participation in the pursuit of Forex profits. In January 2024 I took a decision to remove all of my previous investment in Forex and crypto, back to Fiat world, and am trading and investing in this subject on profits earned in the past four years.


have you got it? Is it like what you imagined it would be like when you started trading forex?

Thank you for sharing your story with us :slightly_smiling_face:, it really inspired me. I am increasingly enthusiastic to continue learning…

For me it is a welcome - and a minor profitable - hobby that keeps my brain ticking over. Enough to buy me a free lunch every so often - because I am saving from income expenditure.

My current exposure is trading on a LUX Trading firm, now $ 209 profit - which is on a demo account that pays me back my initial cost when I have reached a $1,500 profit. As my T/P & S/L is now c. $50 a trade on the weekly platform with a 55% win ratio I will look forward to a profitable result by the end of this year…


Partially, yes, but it is not the end of this journey.

long time ago, I decided that FX trading will be my way of life and I looked method which will be comfortable for me, I found it, it is algo trading.

you know what @ProfesorPips, just listen to your story it’s already giving me strength… i wish i could learn about algo trading from you… is it possible that I can get that opportunity? :pray:

Hi @steve369, thanks for sharing it, it mean alot to me… do you mind to share little about your style trading?

I share my general knowledge and experience about algo trading on the forum for free. On my profile you will find all my posts and categories :slight_smile: Profile - ProfesorPips - Forum

:slightly_smiling_face: thats very kind of you, thank you…

I used to be only money motivated but after quite some time and a couple breaks from losses, I took a step back and had a different approach. I saw it as a knowledge that could be turned into profit and after that I just tend to learn more rather than trade more. So now it’s just for the knowledge sake.


I am a FX currency trend trader following the Weekly Time frame money movement backed up by assuring the 4hr T/F is in line. At least there is a positive probability that the trend could continue for that day.

It is more difficult to trade Range markets which are more common, and in my opinion more suitable for swing trading Indexes on the lower TFs.

Best of luck.


I think what you’re trying to say is that there are a lot of idiots touting some sort of “secret strategy” to fast riches in the FOREX market. But, I have news for you. There are just as many in in the stock market as well.

It doesn’t matter what you trade, there are always going to be hucksters.

Here are my reaons for trading FOREX exclusively. Others here may have more to add:

  1. FOREX charts have few gaps, even on the lowest timframes. Contrast that with individual stock charts, which are often gappy and fragmented. I personally hate that.

  2. FOREX price action is mostly range-bound. I am a scalper, so this environment is ideal for me personally.

  3. The tiny positions sizes I can order on each trade make high frequency trading possible, all while being able to fine-tune risk parameters.

  4. We all have our favorite pairs. Mine is the EUR/USD. Once you get familiar with the “personality” of a pair, it becomes easier to trade over time. That’s harder to do with other instruments. The exception might be some indicies.

  5. I can easily set up my favorite platform-- Trading View – with almost any FOREX broker. Other instruments, I am stuck with garbage, such as Ninja Trader.

Before the rise of online brokers, currency trading was mostly for the rich and powerful since you had to have a lot of money to invest. But now, with specialty MM brokers, you can trade with high leverage using a very small account. In fact, you can call most accounts today “micro-accounts” since they are so small.

This phenomenon attracted younger and younger traders over the years. Instead of only middle-aged millionaires using FOREX to hedge their riskier equity bets, you now have a legion of twenty-somethings living in their mom’s basement trying to get rich quick instead of going out and trying to find a real job.

At the same time, YouTube was just coming into it’s own, featuring these same idiots making FOREX videos from the same basement where they recenly blew their account.

So, is it any wonder that FOREX has gotten a bad name?

But fret not. It is still a great instrument to trade, as long as you ditch the gurus that tell you trading is easy, and learn price action trading.

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thank you @Phonix, now thats new approach in seing forex to me :slightly_smiling_face: would you share what most interesting in forex for you that keep you want to learn more?

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yeah i guess you’re right, i could agree with that :slight_smile:

now this is interesting, i personally never try to scalp, because dont know the skill and it seem very intense and need sharp strategy :slight_smile: but if you would be kind to me, i want to learn it from you. Would you mind to share it?

i never trade in tradingview before, i used MT4 most of the time, would you mind to share your thought about tradingview compare to MT4?

btw thank you @steveepperson for sharing your story :slight_smile:

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what is favourite currency pairs @steve369 ?

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Actually, Forex is different from other freelancing jobs because in other freelancing jobs a person has to pay his mental and physical effort but in forex once you make a good entry, it will make you profitable without any tension. It’s relaxing actually!

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I’ve heard stories and know people who have found success in forex. That keeps me motivated to continue learning.

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Nice that you find forex trading relaxing. I hope I can feel the same way about it someday. :grin:

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