Please Share What Motivates You to Learn Forex

Hi @Elliotrades08, thanks for sharing your thought. i guess from your nickname you are using Elliot waves?

Hi @chimmyfx, thanks for sharing. So how far do you learn forex?

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Iā€™ve been into trading for some time now. :blush:

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Well, I find motivation in the potential for financial independence and wealth creation. Some may be driven by the challenge and excitement of the market, enjoying the intellectual stimulation it provides. But I see forex trading as a means to diversify my income streams and achieve long term financial goals.

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My main currency pairs are taken from AUS & EUR as key currencies, utilising other currencies like USD CAD and occasionally CHF as partners. I do not trade GBP, although many traders favour GBP/USD because similar patterns follow price action and movement depending on their economic strengthsā€¦

hope that helps.

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Image of Forex is not that bad, it is just viewed as being hard to get into. My one and only motivation is making some good money.

I"m a bit of gambling junky, and one day working for others was just not going to work. It was time I dedicated my life to achieving financial independence and literacy. Iā€™m trying to sleep under silk sheets in a mansion in Italy.

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No problem friend, Iā€™m happy to help.
Over all Iā€™d say that being a professional and profitable trader means that you are among the top 10%
So I set a goal, that I want to be that successful that means you need to be that intelligent, and to be honest intelligence motivates me. Anything that can add to my knowledge interests me. So now, I want to know about Forex before I just trade. Because I believe that trading without enough knowledge is just gambling, and it can be addictive and ruin you.

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@chimmyfx, are you full time trader? would you mind to share what strategy that you are using?

Hi @andrewlewis, thanks for sharing. How you decide to choose forex among the other financial instruments?

@steve369, is it like basket trade?

@Oli_jackson thanks for sharing :slight_smile: is it trading forex are your main income?

@centipede thanks for sharing, and hows your journey in forex?

@Phonix, among so many strategy in forex, what strategy that interesting for you?

Currently, Iā€™m studying fundamental analysis for trading Gold and trying to develop a news trading + scalping on Gold during the overlap of London and New York sessions, when market has high liquidity. But thatā€™s not my long-term investment.
My main plan is actually working with an EA. Iā€™m studying programming, and taking courses to reach a point where I can develop my own EA based on chart analysis. Although this might sound too far fetched, I must say, Iā€™m not in a hurry.
Iā€™ve seen cases where people with little to zero knowledge of Forex are making constant profits using only EAs and running those EAs 24/7 on a VPS.


Cool, hey what your thought about forex signal?

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Also great to pass time when youā€™re bored :upside_down_face:


@DaddyPL :rofl:


Testing your understanding of the economy is not a bad thing, just for a casual trader it can be a nice hobby actually.


No, I work a 9 to 5 as well. Canā€™t trust an unstable source of income.


Itā€™s all about achieving financial freedom and independence, moving away from being an employee to being self-reliant


Depends on your source of signal. Canā€™t trust everything mate.


I am motivated by the freedom and flexibility of this market where you can make money. Here you can determine when, how and where you trade and how much time to spend on it. But you need to learn how to analyze the market and choose a reliable broker with many years of positive work history.


Hi @Ethan.ishere, please do share, what do you trade mostly?

i feel you broā€¦

Hi @eleanorkim, do you have achieve it yet?

noted broā€¦

Hi @Fin_Trader, what do you trade most of the time?

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I trade the major currency pairs because of my brokerā€™s minimal spreads. And there is enough volatility here to make money by intraday trading on them.

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The final goal which is financial freedom.

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