Political Opinion

Here’s some common sense from the newspaper USA Today, reprinted in msn.com
(a mouthpiece of the Microsoft Corporation).

Tellingly, msn.com and Microsoft have disavowed the common sense put forward in this article.

In case you don’t feel like reading the article, here’s my take on it:

Building homes and cities in obvious flood-prone areas is extremely risky.
That risk should be borne by the people who choose to build in these hazardous areas –
– not by the taxpayers of the country.

Building homes and cities in places like New Orleans or Houston is just plain stupid.
It’s time to stop paying people to rebuild in these areas.

USA Today article –


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September 11 – Sixteen Years Later

September 11, 2001 – The attack on the twin towers of The World Trade Center

September 11, 2017 – The September 11 Memorial Site, where the towers once stood

Until the worldwide terrorist menace has been eradicated,
we will continue to remember and avenge the attack on 9/11.

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[U]Excerpt[/U] –

"As long as this “what did Hillary know and when did Hillary know it” question is of no interest to Mueller, his investigation has no credibility whatsoever. But therein lies the dilemma for Mueller. A real probe of Hillary would mean a review of his own actions and those of his colleagues. He’s cornered.

“Mueller’s strategy is clear. He has to rescue himself, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and others from their complicity in Hillary’s dealings with the Russians. Mueller is creating a diversion by going after Manafort, the lowest of low-hanging fruit. Just about any inquiry into Manafort’s dealings over the years was sure to yield results.”

President Trump has an enormous swamp to drain.
Apparently, the U.S. government swamp is vast enough
to float a significant portion of the United States Navy.
Here are some stories about Navy Swamp Creatures.

‘Fat Leonard’ scandal expands to ensnare more than 60 admirals

‘Fat Leonard’ scandal expands to ensnare more than 60 admirals

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Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me 'old,'
when I would NEVER call him 'short and fat?'

Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend -
and maybe someday that will happen!

President Trump, tweeting from Hanoi, Sunday morning, during his extended trip to meet with Asian leaders

The Awesome Red Button

In these perilous times, the president’s finger is never far from the red button



Charles Manson

has made the world a better place.

By leaving it.


Good riddance.


U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, speaking for President Trump,
has offered a binary choice to certain countries (which shall remain nameless)
which might be tempted to condemn the United States in the U.N. vote on Thursday

Either stand with the United States, or

don’t bother coming hat-in-hand, asking for foreign aid.

Here’s how Obama’s Catch and Release Program works –

**-- [U]and is still working[/U], because President Trump has not put a stop to it.**

I support Judicial Watch financially, and you should, too. Click the DONATE button and consider joining the fight.

What a sad spiral.

All countries without exception throughout the world and throughout history want to have control over their own borders and of immigration. Its a brilliant yardstick for measuring how (in)competent an administration is.

Did US markets finally wake up to all the B.S. coming from Washington, Friday saw the biggest one-day selloff in over 18 months, and it was not limited to stocks as Gold and Silver also took a big hit.

This selloff seems to center around the Nunes memo that made public what most of us already knew, that there was a coordinated effort between, the CIA, FBI, Obama administration and Hillary Clinton campaign to stop the election of Donald Trump. Yet as the evidence mounts, the players of the Deep State and Democrat party yet again double down on this fake story of Russian interference. The United States is anything but united as we tumble into a full-blown political civil war. So far this war has confined its self to the Washington beltway, and the misinformation campaign of the mainstream media. But for how long

Where do we go from here, your thoughts

Nothing to do with politics - just economics.

Look at the chart posted, it’s time for a breather. Trumpeconomics is working and producing results, those same results will likely cause a modest increase in rates, there has to be control.

The market is simply reacting to this reality, see the NFP, better still see the average earnings, this tells the tale.

Clinton, Obama etc are of zero interest to a market that always looks forward.

The market sees no war within the US, instead it sees rising employment, rising wages and economic growth - the rest is for the media.

An excellent Town Hall article by attorney Kurt Schlichter.
It’s long, but it’s well worth your time to read.


The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.


“So the only outcome is that one side wins and the other loses. There’s no truce to be had, no possibility of a tie. And the frightening thing is that the Left is so foolish, so stuck in its bubble that it has no understanding that it can only push so far before the people with all the guns and all the training push back. That’s the problem with kids who were raised on participation trophies and who never got into a fistfight – they don’t consider the possibility that they will lose, and lose hard.”

A sequel to Kurt Schlichter’s article The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.

Thanks to Rush Limbaugh for calling attention to this article on his Rush Limbaugh Show today.

Great article… We have the same battle raging in politics and the media in Australia…

The political parties are so busy fighting over who said what and who’s sleeping with who etc… all just political point scoring via the media who lap it up and publish it as gospel… that neither party is concentrating on policies for the next 5 years let alone the decades ahead…

We are the “Lucky Country” no more…

“Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pen and keep your eyes wide the chance won’t come again and don’t speak too soon for the wheel’s still in spin and there’s no tellin’ who that it’s namin’ for the loser now will be later to win for the times they are a-changin’.”

“Come senators, congressmen please heed the call don’t stand in the doorway don’t block up the hall for he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled there’s a battle outside and it is ragin’ it’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls for the times they are a-changin’.”

Bob prophesied with song…

As do we in UK - “Global Warrmi…” er “Climate change”, “Evangelising vegans”, "Me too…"
We took the bull by the horns and voted "Britain Exit " - They are still pushing propaganda and the Socialists are saying they will regnegotiate a re-entry calling it “Common this and Common that”

The human race apparently is the only animal species where the weak gang together and destroy the strong !

I say take away the vote from anyone who does not pay taxes !

Ahhhh Socialists… they want us all to be equal…so everybody’s got nothing.

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And then the weak become the strong and the conservative becomes the socialist (John Major previous Conservative PM calling for re-entry).

And inevitably the right become the left and the left (EU) becomes the right.

It’s all just semantics.

He wasn’t a Proper conseravative - just some “protige” of Maggie - Lord knows why !

Srry P - I think “semantics” is a naive stetement in this discussion.

{edit - in actual fact there was nothing wrong when we joined the “Common Market” - except we had to refuse to trade with the “Commonwealth” and agreeing to that was a betrayal of our principles and our Partners in the Commonwealth. Something any proper UK citizen should feel thoroughly ashamed of allowing to happen !

Watch out China, we have have you on U.S. radar and we are coming for you.
The free ride is almost over.