Political Opinion

Sadly the infestation of our media and many other institutions with those who have received the “Woke” indoctrination of the non-stem students at the Universities who “Need” to be employed in jobs they are just about capable of performing - guarantees this - AND that it can only get worse whilst the UNiversities and now schools too are allowed to spout this rubbish as the new “Religion”.

It “Got” the BBC decades ago !

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Now It’s “Rule Brittania” and “Land of Hope and Glory” - which are suddenly “Offensive”

OK then _ excercise your freedom of choice :sunglasses:

Be my guest !
BE OFFENDED ! :rofl:


Let’s hear the “EU ANthem” Beat THAT ! :wink:

De-fund the BBC !

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after a rude interruption by one of our resident TDS posters, back to the topic

I have grown to like Neil deGrasse Tyson for not allowing others to pin labels on him

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There’s no deep political comment here, I just love the humour -


Anyone with a leftward limp able to explain why the aftermath of rioting and the new reality in Democrat governed cities such as New York isn’t being shown on lamestream media…

Anyone… Anyone… Anyone…

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It’s because the violence goes against the narrative - they were"mainly peaceful" remember. ?

Just out of interest ;

WW1 was 81% “peaceful”
WW2 was 85% “peaceful”
1963 Presidential Cavalcade in Dallas was 99.98% “peaceful” !

[Sorry no “Leftward Limp” here - just a “Truth seeker” ] :slightly_smiling_face:




The rats are jumping ship? :grinning:

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Here’s another one. Its not new but I like watching this stuff.

A personal reference ;

She’s Good - this lass !


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[quote=“Trendswithbenefits, post:4372, topic:42247”]
Anyone with a leftward limp able to explain why the aftermath of rioting and the new reality in Democrat governed cities such as New York isn’t being shown on lamestream media…

Our TDS posters get very quite when you ask them to join in a conversation, and I have yet to see one of them denounce the violence without first being called out

It takes Great Courage to stand up to the bigotry of the Democrat Party and Herschel Walker is truly a Great American,

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The only reason they will not engage in discussion is because they are incapable of making a coherent argument - It’s just the same on the Carbon Dioxide derangement thread - All they can ever say is "our feelings Trump your facts and logical reasoning " and point to some “Mad child Saint” !

Here they don’t even have a “Mad Child Saint” - Just a senile old man acting as a front for a Horrendous woman - whose standing was in single figures when she was pulled out of the Primaries - and No Policy at all that they can publish !

All they have is “Orange man Bad” - as is perfectly demonstrated without any reasoning at all by our “Tame TDS proponent” - who even as we speak is sitting somewhere waiting for someone to send him his next post ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl

It will say “orange man bad” - as have ALL his previous ones - :rofl:

I wonder why he bothers ? - I’m certain sure no-one is Paying him to do it ! And he clearly isn’t capable of a thoght process of his own !

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Actually - It’s the same tactic isn’t it ?

  • Over there they have "You can’t be cruel and attack this clearly disturbed girl child by stating the truth ! - You Bully!"

  • In this issue we have "you mustn’t be cruel to this clearly senile old man by expecting him to actually DEBATE ! - You Bully !

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You may want to do the same seeing as Clint Eastwood flipped over to the Democrats earlier this year.

You’re wrong, as always.

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What a woman ! 2024 anyone ?


Mike Graham’s Plank of the week

Against fierce opposition - BBC gains that honour (Personally I’d have given it to the new director of teh British Museum )

But hey BBC is a great contender ! - just listen to teh last minute and a half -