Political Opinion

Ha! Spoken like a true democrat in perfect double speak!

Contrast what you say above to your response to my question, "how many of us know that the Democrats created the KKK?"

I rest my case!

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Burning down their neighbors business and shooting children in the street is what you call “care” , please keep that kind of caring out of my neighborhood


At the time, I don’t think anyone thought that Obama got that prize for delivering peace across the world, it was for being elected president as a mixed race candidate.

On the face of it this achievement suggested that inter-racial relations in the US had been normalised - that “peace” between whites and blacks had been confirmed - but in reality you can only be recognised for delivering peace when you end a war, and there was no such war.

This is what’s happening in Melbourne today… Police can come into your house and arrest you for a FaceBook post… Incitement!!

The Victorian Government has gone right over the top… We are in some serious trouble!!!

Obviously part of the One Belt One Road Initiative fresh in from China…


This is embarrassing !

And I’m not even American !

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You think they are going to let him debate?

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INcitement to ----what ?

Strewth man - who are these fools ?


We can only hope ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I suggest that everyone in Australia should repost whatever she posted on their FB account. How many people will they arrest? :slight_smile:


Biden has had 2 surgeries for brain aneurism! The media has been silent about this of course. Creepy Uncle Joe (as he’s known) is incapable of formulating a cogent thought, let alone expressing one lucidly.

Can you imagine the field day that the media would have had if Trump had such a surgery?

Is this the best that the Dems can do? Joe and Kamala?! It’s really pathetic! They are making a mockery of the office, the American people and indeed our wonderful Republic! Can people not see their desperation? Is this the person you want to hand over the nuclear football to? WTF?!!!

Ask yourselves why are they so desperate and why they have chosen these 2 clowns to run against Trump. And some people still don’t get it.

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To me THAT is the really scary part ! - the apparent fact that so many people actually are so deranged (or stupid) that they cannot grasp the fact that the Democrats in the current configuration - Just must not be allowed anywhere near decison making - either on a world or National scale !

How these TDS posters on these threads can acually admit to such delusions - is the biggest argument AGAINST “Democracy” - that I know - BUT what other system can we instigate which would not be even worse ?

I don’t think there is one - sadly !

[ I wasn’t aware of this ! - So how can his family let him go through this ? ]

It’s their last ditch effort to escape prosecution for their heinous crimes. If Trump wins these criminals will most certainly be indicted. See this video.

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@Falstaff, @QuadPip, Today the Victorian State Government (Not Federal) passed legislation allowing Emergency Powers (6 months) that override any existing privacy laws, even a few Human Rights violations. Police have even been “visiting” television personalities and threatening them with Jail if they use their social media to suggest people should rally (peaceful protest, which Australians usually do) this Sunday.

Today’s arrogance may have been a step to far… The uproar, even by moderates (the silent majority) was pretty intense and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Federal Government start to step in and trump, sorry thump some skulls…

The State Governments here are really on power trips… and are using the Police like private security forces… Just like Nuremberg in 1945… “I was just following orders your Honor, I was too simple to think for myself…” The Australian public has never seen anything like this before…

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IMO, all Americans should read the following 2 books, authored by Trump Jr., before casting their vote.

At the very least read the free Kindle excerpt if you’re a democrat and don’t wish to purchase these books.

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It almost seems like a test to see just how many have drank the kool-aid from CNN and MSNBC, They are not really trying to win they just want to see how many brain dead zombies they have created

1984 , do I need to say more, this is what happens when you give up your right to bare arms,


The Patriarchy says NO !


Defund the BBC !

People Power works OUR Way too !

At one point it was
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 - on the Amazon Download Charts !

Defund the BBC !

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Another great compilation of Biden’s wisdom :point_down:t2:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape From The Democrat Plantation