Political Opinion

Police in UK generally and in Ireland act in an ‘advisory’ role - they have been told that fines are to be a last resort - instead advise first.

For example it is compulsory to wear face coverings on public transport. In the period from 15 July to 15 August police stopped 14,726 people for breaking that rule - 14 of those received fixed penalty notices.

Pity about the journalists being so weak - hope there is soon an election.

@peterma, That’s how it started back in May, June… But as of August 26th… Victoria Police had issued 20,000+ COVID19 Related fines… Just across a population of 6mil in Victoria… The media now refuses to release the over all numbers but the revenue is known to be north of $60 Million Dollars…

When you lockdown the public and destroy your Tax Base… It’s the only way to generate revenue…

Next election is set for 26th November 2022!!.. I don’t think they’ll make it to the next one…

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Same here mate - UNbelievable when I first posted it last year - now seems very modest !

Now we have Boris’s Govt apparently encouraging indoctrination of our actual MPs !

A few are saying No !


Yeah, read the UK reports on the arrest - the lady refused to be intimidated.

I’d imagine a police report:

Apprehended 2 dangerous looking suspects today. Our 5 person squad had to use all our skills learned from our training with the Special Forces.

One of our team managed to distract the suspects whilst a colleague applied a camouflage technique and was able to approach from behind unnoticed and quickly disarm one of the suspects who was holding what appeared to be a dangerous recording device - report end.

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2 Whistleblower Shadow Government Psy-Ops Operatives tell us how it all works.

This stuff is better than any political intrigue movie that Hollywood can produce.

In the words of Mark Twain, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

Yet more disgrace - BBC Bias - Defund the BBC !


Campaign to Abandon Liberalism Goes Viral

The Clintons have a history of doing nothing that does not benefit them, If you think they did something good I asurre you it was all for show and the real winners were the Clintons

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Disagree - we were on the receiving end - bet you didn’t even know that she was the first 1st lady to come to NI and the last.

There was no votes to be won, no money to be gained, not even any publicity for back home - just a bunch of housewives chatting over tea - and I’ll tell you this - housewives can be a huge influence.

The real winner has been peace.

That’s right, nothing to be gained, I am so sorry for your country, you deserve better than this monster

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Kinda sad that you have missed the point.

Peace knows no boundaries, only when you become aware of it’s absence can you understand it’s presence.

Imagine to live in a war zone, it’s not your own safety that becomes your concern, instead your children are your first thought.

I used the term ‘housewife’ - that was a poor reference - I’d say ‘Mother’ is maybe better.

You think in terms of politics, I think in terms of people. You feel sorry for my country, I feel joy.

God Bless :wink:

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Come on peter, we’re talking about two slippery lawyers together. Lawyers never do anything from the kindness of their hearts. Even the good they do will serve them first and uppermost.

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He he - good chance the next PM will be a lawyer :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t trust a single one of them with my car keys to go down to the local shops.

When does the first “Debate” happen ?

I’m seriously wanting to watch the emergence of sleepy Joe from his basement - to have a quiet chat with President Trump - and I know it happens tomorrow - but struggling to find out what time (in Greenwich Mean Time ) we are talking about here ! - can anyone help out please ?

2020 Presidential Debates

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

9 pm to 10:30 pm ET
First Presidential Debate
Moderator: Chris Wallace (Fox News)
President Trump and Former Vice President Joe Biden
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

9 pm to 10:30 pm ET
Vice Presidential Debate
Moderator: Susan Page (USA Today)
Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris
The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

Thursday, October 15, 2020

9 pm to 10:30 pm ET
Second Presidential Debate
Moderator: Steve Scully (C-SPAN)
President Trump and Former Vice President Joe Biden
The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, Miami, FL

Thursday, October 22, 2020

9 pm to 10:30 pm ET
Third Presidential Debate
Moderator: Kristen Welker (NBC News)
President Trump and Former Vice President Joe Biden
Belmont University, Nashville, TN

Source: 2020 Presidential Debate Schedule - Election Central

Thanks mate - that converts to 2am GMT - and to 1am BST - which is where we are at the moment - I’ll be there ! :sunglasses:

Looking forward to it !

If any other President did this - the whole World would be barking for a Nobel Peace Prize …"


President Trump gets Third Nomination ! …


He is also the only Western Leader so far who has had the courage to dump the “Paris Accord”

  • The man will be recognised by history as one of USA’s greatest Presidents of all time !
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