Political Opinion

Health Experts Now Recommend Maximizing Social Distance By Attending A Biden Rally

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Nothing to worry about. It’s just Antifa engaging in a little peaceful protest.

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Anyone have a clip of Obama going to a church and being prophesied over?

Someone does indeed :point_down:t2:

Anyone have a photo of Trump going to a church and having peaceful demonstrators gassed?
Someone does indeed :point_down:

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Trump calls reporters criminals for not reporting on Biden’s criminal behavior

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“Repeal and replace. I am going to take care of everybody… Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

DJT - 2016

Re-election would have been an easy win if he had spent more time on this from the start.

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This will probably get flagged. I wonder what motive someone would have for hiding this?

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Its shameful that it has come to this

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No mute button needed for these debates, best debates have the fewest rules otherwise your just getting courtroom style arguments

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So these debates are run by the political establishment, no wonder they want to keep out third party candidates or anyone else not playing by their rules

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You ever stop to think the fake Russiagate and the fake impeachment were there just to keep the President from spending more time fixing the damage Obamacare has done to our healthcare.

Obamacare is an insurance scam written by the insurance industry to enrich that industry, There can be no change to American Healthcare without first ending Obamacare,

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When was Trump elected and when was the impeachment? Impeachment didn’t start until September 2019. The admin didn’t send a lawsuit to the SC until THIS year, like May or June, after GOP attempts to do the same thing failed in 2018. Trump is pretty hands off in his policy work. That’s been reported by everybody, and he told us that every time he went golfing. He’s had the entire US government at this finger tips since he was elected. He’s had the time and the human resources. He just didn’t care. Until now. Before the election. During a pandemic.

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Huntergate story is crumbling before our eyes.

The author didn’t want to pen his name to it. The two authors they did name didn’t have anything to do with it. The two sources are Guilani, the president’s personal lawyer, and Steve Bannon, former Trump administration official who was recently arrested and charged with… fraud.

And the Senate Republicans smoking gun corruption report from last month came away with:

an 87-page report summing up the findings, released jointly on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees, contained no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed. In fact, investigators heard witness testimony that rebutted those charges.

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Be aftraid - Infidels - Be VERY Afraid !




To be modelled on South Africa model apparently




This is what you useful idiots want ???

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I am guessing those here who are defending Obamacare don’t live under it

Just as those calling for socialism have never lived under it

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that is right out of the old Soviet Union, imagine that


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15 days to go.
15 days to President Joe

dude, I just don’t understand you at all, I don’t want to make this personal but come on, The man shut down the whole economy, he put himself in front of the media for questions every day for like 6 weeks straight, and you pretend it never happen. Are you for real or just a Troll as all your post peddle political propaganda.

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Just one question, did Hunter Biden get paid 50K a month for sitting on a board of a Ukraine company?

Should not the story be just how did 50 former intelligence officials just by chance happen to be in the same place to sign this.

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