Political Opinion

I get the impression that politicians on both sides would like to do something but dare not, such is the clout the NRA carry.
Remember how strong the tobacco lobby used to be? It took a long time but look how things have changed there, and I cannot imagine many would disagree that it was for the better.
It can’t be right that commercial or commercially backed organisations can be allowed to influence politics to the detriment of the public

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NRA a terror organization and Antifa, based in SF, not. Sounds about right.
We have thousands living on the streets and poop and needles everywhere, so lets ban
plastic straws. Sounds about right.


There will always be influences on governments.

In a democracy with open government, these influences on government are visible and the politicians are accountable.

If policy is to the detriment of the people, its the politicians who are to blame. If any part of the system needs revision it is the mechanisms for responding to politicians who fail to apply policies in the interests of the people.

It is too easy for politicians to say, “Oh well, we’d like to do something, but the NRA is just too powerful.”. Excuses, excuses.

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Only the fools goes into politics and trading.


cartoon - 15


Exactly as i have thought and witnessed online (especially on BP) there is clear evidence that elder people lack the ability to distinguish between fake news, crusades and other online propaganda created to put people either far left or far right.

This perfectly explains the practice of elder forum members to share content which is clearly fake, intentionally or systematically factually inaccurate or just plain lies. This fake “evidence” such members then use to justify their agendas and personal crusades.

We’re in for a bumpy ride, all untill the babyboomers (the generation of postmodernism) go the next step which comes after retirement.



I can not resist but to make a connection between the researches in these articles with brexit, for which mostly elder people voted, who in return formed their opinions of “yes or no” on evidentily revealed and proven fake news and lies.

Taking into consideration of the amount fake news present in online medias and the overwhelming presence of online medias in todays daily life- we COULD conclude that elder people are a clear danger to democracy as we know it.



Sources of the studies and articles above

1 Princeton University
2 New York University (NYU)
3 Stanford University

I have first hand experience with members of my family who are 1. considered elderly, and who 2. can’t distinguish fake news.

But I only blame them a little bit. It’s hard work to figure out the truth sometimes, or actually, most of the time.

There is really no need for blame in any form. Yes it is very hard to figure out fake news sometimes.

Especially considering the backgrounds of elderly “source finding” as back in older times written words had much more credibility and control. Elder do give a lot of trust into written words, not knowing and not understanding that in the new medias anybody can say anything and make it look like it is real, accredited and proven news, which it is not in many cases.

September 11
a day for remembering what we saw
a day for questioning what we’ve been told

September 11, 2001
— it begins —

In Massachusetts, nineteen Muslim terrorists hijacked four airliners – full of passengers and fuel – and headed those planes toward New York and Washington, D.C., intending to crash them into the Twin Towers of The World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Capitol building. Three of those planes reached their targets. The plane headed for the Capitol was taken over by heroic passengers, who overpowered the hijackers, and crashed that plane into an open field in Pennsylvania.

The catastrophic damage to the Twin Towers, which you see in the photos above, was caused by the impact of two airliners flown deliberately into the buildings.

However, the subsequent total collapse of both towers – and a third building, not struck in the attack – was not caused by the impact of those hijacked planes. Those collapses were caused by carefully-engineered controlled-demolition, timed to occur shortly after the airliner impacts.

The nineteen Muslim terrorists who flew hijacked airliners on September 11, 2001, were just bit-players in a conspiracy that was much larger than anything they could possibly imagine. Their suicides were just part of the collateral damage in the first battle of the War on Terror, which began on that day.

A year ago on this date, I posted a VIDEO which reveals the disturbing truth that we have been lied to. What our government has told us about the attack on The World Trade Center is a series of lies.

Steel skyscrapers do not burn to the ground.

Only meticulously-engineered controlled-demolition can do what was done in New York on 9/11.

Who was responsible for that?

Who recruited those nineteen terrorists? – Who planned, engineered, and carried out the controlled-demolition of Buildings 1, 2, and 7 of The World Trade Center? – Who launched the War on Terror?

The CIA? – Russia? – Israel? – bin Laden?

Answers are long overdue.

Join us in demanding answers.


Clint…brother!..I thought we were friends…

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Of course, we’re friends, Stan. — Is there something you wanted to say to me?

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That is something which applies to EVERY day !

Sadly the ‘neuveau’ neo “intellectuals” do not seem to be able to understand the art of Critical Thinking - and are far more interested in accepting and regurgitating the unidimensional verbal diahorrea spouted by their “betters” :joy:

I’m not going to go into that rabbit hole with you.
I’ll wait for you here.

Watch the video. It’s not a rabbit hole. It’s evidence presented by scientists, engineers, architects, and demolitions experts, refuting the bullshit explanation foisted on the American people by the American government.

Several of the experts on this video explain the attitudes of people, such as yourself, who refuse to look at evidence which contradicts their preferred world-view.

Watch the video. Then talk to me about rabbit holes.

Understand. If you think I’m ignorant on this subject, I’m ok with that. Seen plenty of both sides.
Made up my mind. No one’s changing it.
Now, about the Kennedy assassination…:wink:

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You mean the attempted Kennedy assassination…

It seems very possible that although Oswald fired twice and wounded the President, the fatal shot was an accidental discharge from a Secret Service AR15.

You guys!

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Wow! — Biden has a plan
to put 720,000,000 women back in the work-force.

Let’s see: The population of the U.S. is about 330,000,000.

Where are those 720,000,000 women hiding?

Somebody suggested maybe Biden is counting illegals in that 720 million figure.

Or maybe he’s proposing a plan for China. — China has a population of 1,418,832,231.
Let’s say half of them are female, including little girls. Half of China’s population would be 709,416,115

Gosh, China doesn’t have 720,000,000 women, either.

India? — Nope. — India’s population is slightly less than China’s.

Africa? — Nope, again. — Africa’s population is about the same as India’s.

We give up, Joe. — Please explain. — Is this some sort of new math?

Joe Biden

Too dumb and too confused to be President

Hey @Clint - I heard this same guy warning the public abut the dangers of buying fake ketchup on the street - and this is straight from a reliable sauce.

Fake ketchup is a major problem (in Biden’s mind). Maybe before we tackle the fentanyl problem, we need to get serious about fake ketchup.

Here’s a wee anecdote from Newsweek magazine

  • At a St. Patrick’s Day reception for the then Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen in 2010, Biden noted that the visitor’s mother had lived in America.
    “His mom lived in Long Island for 10 years or so, god rest her soul, and, er, although she’s, wait—your mom’s still alive. It was your dad [who] passed. God bless her soul. I gotta get this straight,” Biden said.

Here are two recent Biden-isms:

  • “We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.”
    – Biden, Aug. 8, 2019.

  • “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
    – Biden, Aug. 8, 2019.