Political Opinion

Impeachment Summary

After three days of embarrassing themselves,
the Donkeycrats fail to make their case.

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Good cartoons. Made me chuckle.

But knowing they cannot win, what do the Democrats see as the gain from losing? Being wrong does not make them stupid so they must have calculated their gain from a not guilty verdict - I fail to see it.

Hello, Tom

You have asked a deceptively simple question, which requires a very complicated answer.
I’ll try to offer a small bit of that complicated answer.

First of all —

Here is A SHORT ARTICLE BY PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS which gets to the heart of the matter.

And here is an excerpt from his article —

Democrats themselves describe it in this way. For example, here is how Rob Kall, the director of one of the progressive Democrat websites, described the purpose of the investigation:

“The idea should be to keep the impeachment going as long as possible, with new testimonies and new releases of disclosures of alleged corruption and treason on a regular basis.

“Looking at impeachment as a process for removing the president is the wrong way of thinking about it. Looking at it as a key that gives access to investigative tools is the smarter, more strategic, way of looking at it.

“Ideally, it will get so bad for Trump that the Republicans will end up putting up someone else to run in the general election.

“But keeping him under investigation, at least through the November election, will increasingly erode the support of both Trump and the Republican party brand, making a Democratic takeover of the Senate and the White House, and an increased control of the House even more likely.”

In other words, it is a political power play.

My personal opinion is that the Democrats have the objective of discrediting and delegitimizing President Trump, so that one of the following will occur (listed in order of preference) —

  • he is convicted and removed from office prior to the November 2020 election

  • he is so worn down by the incessant attacks from Democrats and mediacrats, that he chooses not to seek reelection in November

  • he runs for reelection, but loses, because his base of support abandons him

  • he wins reelection, but is so damaged in reputation, in credibility, and in spirit, that he is unable to govern effectively

  • he wins reelection, remains strong and effective, but is subjected to another impeachment, which effectively destroys his second term

The Democrats’ worst fear

One of the things that absolutely terrifies Democrats of all political persuasions, especially Radical Leftist Democrats, is the prospect of another Trump nominee making it onto the Supreme Court.

Our Supreme Court, as you probably know, is a nine-member Court. In recent years, it has been divided 5-4 along ideological lines, with the 5-member majority at times being the conservatives, and at times being the liberals. (Roughly speaking, the conservatives are Republicans, and the liberals are Democrats.)

Trump has already achieved the appointment of two Justices: Neil Gorsuch and Bret Kavanaugh. Ultra-conservative Gorsuch replaced ultra-conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, who died suddenly. Conservative Kavanaugh replaced Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was considered the Court’s “swing vote”, shifting the 5-member majority from conservative to liberal, or vice versa, depending on the issue being decided. So, Trump has already tilted the Court slightly to the conservative side.

What the Democrats fear is the death or retirement of Justice Ruth Bader Ginzberg, who will be 87 in March, has been on the Court for 26½ years, and is a three-time cancer survivor. She is a staunch liberal, and has sworn to stay on the Court as long as Trump is in the White House. If she is unable to do that, Trump will surely nominate – and the Republican-controlled Senate will surely confirm – a staunch (young, most likely female) conservative to replace her. If, or when, that occurs, the complexion of the Supreme Court will be dramatically altered.

In recent decades, the Democrats have relied on a compliant federal judiciary to help them do certain things that they have been unable to do legislatively. This tactic is referred to as “legislating from the bench”, and it has extended all the way to the Supreme Court on occasion. The Democrats are terrified of losing this important part of their political power at the very top of the judiciary. They have already lost a lot of this power in the Federal District Courts and in the Federal Circuit Courts, where Trump has been filling federal judicial vacancies at a prodigious pace.

A second Trump term will likely result in many more conservative judicial appointments in the lower federal courts. And a second Trump term will likely outlast (or outlive) Ruth Bader Ginzberg, resulting in her replacement by a “rock-ribbed conservative” – the Democrats’ worst nightmare.


Makes total sense, thanks @Clint.

Here is a darker vision of the impeachment obscenity playing out in Washington.

This article by Daniel Greenfield distinguishes traditional Democrats from the Radical Leftists who have infested the Democrat Party, and threaten to take it over completely. Greenfield exposes the real goals of the Radical Left, and what he exposes is frightening.

The Greenfield article was written in September 2019, prior to Speaker Pelosi’s decision to proceed with impeachment. You will see references in the article to her hesitation regarding impeachment.

After reading the Greenfield article, you might be reminded of Alfred’s chilling description of the Joker, in the film The Dark Knight — “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”


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Yes, its a familiar pattern. The Left seek a disintegration of society, in which confusion they can seize power. Then, establishing the opposition as immoral they can only do no more than respond morally by banning the opposition. Orwell saw this, and to his eternal redemption, pointed out the trap. People like Castro, to his eternal damnation, did not. Nor would many other Leftists.

It is just appeasing the dunce four socialists who are currently running the democrats.



Well, yes, maybe, maybe, they said OK do this for me and my codes of conduct or else you can forget it and find another candidate, so they were trapped and they had to do this stupid impeachment thing. So they had to do it and its going to go nowhere but maybe that’s not really the point anyway. What a shambles.

Ben Shapiro discovers the Worst Headline Ever

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Bernie Sanders surges to the lead among democrats, at the same time stocks sell off, could these two events be linked?


Most of the Donkeycrats are NOT thrilled to see Bernie gaining traction

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More Bernie cartoons

( Is that redundant? — Bernie is a cartoon! )

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Well, Hillary, given a choice between Bernie and YOU, everybody likes Bernie!

Early results from the Iowa Democrat caucuses:

SANDERS comes in second, behind NONE OF THE ABOVE. :rofl:

But, tabulating the votes in Iowa seems to be a giant FUBAR, so the early results are subject to change.

CNN headline:

Delay in Iowa’s Democratic caucus results caused by ‘inconsistencies
in the reporting’ of 3 sets of results, state party says

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The RUSSIANS are interfering in our elections and Trump is doing nothing about it!:wink:

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so basically when dems run out of fingers and toes they have trouble counting


They counted 3 times and Sanders won each time,

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If Democrats cannot do a simple count of caucus delegates in a small state how do they expect to run the whole country?

In other news DOW up 500 points, NASDAQ hits all-time high,


Let the conspiracy theories begin. :slight_smile:

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I think the problem is –

the DEMOCRATS are meddling in our elections

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Definitely one of the two?!

Democrats are still trying to count the votes in Iowa

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It is a “Conspiracy” and that is no “Theory”