Political Opinion

The protests in Hong Kong stepped over the line when they began destroying property, exactly as the US protesters have done. None of us should condone that, regardless of politics.

Uyghurs have been responsible for terror attacks in China - Google it if you don’t believe me.

Media across the world do this, as do politicians. Dont kid yourself that Potus is an innocent in this, he’s the biggest user and abuser of media of them all.

I’m not defending China, but equally I don’t believe all that Potus is saying about them because he flips his opinion so often to suit whatever his agenda is at that moment in time. Don’t take everything politicians tell you as gospel, try looking for the reasons behind the statement then decide if they are in the publics interest or just in their own interest.

“finally admit it”? - I never denied it.

Police brutality in the UK is not an issue because when it occurs (not if, please note) its down to just bad policing by poor police officers. I have no doubt these officers are equally brutal to every person they have confrontations with, regardless of colour, creed etc. However, the fact that these things happen does not prove the state is brutal or the police force is brutal, nor that the UK police are more brutal than anywhere else.

As for the race question, you were the one who jumped on the race band wagon in the aftermath of the George Floyd incident so don’t try to make out as if I’m the one weaponising the race question.

I can’t make out if you’re far left, but you share their viewpoints so what’s the difference.

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I tried to have a reasonable disagreement with Mark a few times, he just is not one of those to say " let’s agree to disagree and move on" anyway better to be here fighting then to be doing it in the streets


As in all these things - the oversimplification of issues like this present a distorted view.

Having been through years of 3 day weeks and electriicity shutdowns - the like of which you can only imagine (at least until the “Global warming zealots” get their own way :roll_eyes: ) THe country was (or at least everyone I new was) Thoroughly pissed off with Scargill and his antics. The miners were just his “Useful idiots” and the police tactics were Maggies response.

We WILL NOT be held to ransom by anyone using “Useful Idiots” to Bully us !

Living as we do in the most peaceful and prosperous time in the whole of the human existence- the opportuities available to anyone in the western world are better than they have ever been and we have bent over backwards to mollycoddle people who have been taking the P*ss for decades now - Enough Is Enough !

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The 3 days weeks were 10 years earlier and introduced by the Tory government to conserve energy because if the oil crisis. At that time the miners were on a ‘work-to-rule’ and Heath was concerned that there wouldnt be sufficient electricity without coal.

Typical " Fake-News Falstaff", dont let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Best get yourself back to school, boy.

Den, I’m more than happy to agree to disagree and move on. This has discussion on the police brutality has dragged on long enough

Is that what they teach you a school ? - I was there ! However - I said

"Having been through years of 3 day weels and electricity shutdowns "

You said "

Confirming my account !

Yet you say ;

I see the art of reasoned discussion and civil debate is still alive and well then ! :roll_eyes:

Scargill’s union went up against various Governments and held the country to ransom - All of them capitulated and there were at least 2 “Winters f discontent” due too the miners and many other Unions going on strike - The miners were the most powerful.

When Maggie got elected - part of her mandate was to wrest control from the unions - particularly the miners - but she capitulated immediately and gave them what they asked for straight away.

We were shocked !

But she quietly built massive stockpiles of coal and when they came back with fresh demands a few years later - she said “NO - do your worst”

They went on strike and the mine owners brought in others to do the work - who were called “Scabs” and the zealots turned violent in trying to prevent them from working. After some time with no money some “Blacklegs” went back to work - but a good many lasted many months with NO MONEY and their families suffered greatly. but Scargill enjoyed his power and of course he didn’t go without as his Minions did.

That is the backdrop - when the strike was broken - Maggie started closing mines and importing coal - Eventually pretty much all coal mines were closed and coal was imported.

This - naturally put the miners out of work and laid great swathes of teh Noth of England, Midlands and Wales virtual deserts with respect to employment a situation from which those areas still have not properly recovered.

Most of us - athough as your teacher says, we had been suffering from the effects of the union excesses for a decade or more, felt that the miners families had suffered enough and wanted her to stop - because it was the Union Bosses who caused their suffering - but it contnued and Maggie also started funding “Anthropogenic Global Warming Research” as a further device specifically directed to establish a causal link between coal burning and “Global Warming” to further weaken the miners.

That directive was written into the job specification and it is STILL outside the scope of IPCC et al to consider any other possible cause than specifically “Anthropogenic”.

(Maggie as a serious Scientist - did later change her mind - and tried to shut down the silly argument - but by then it had so many people getting paid to “Prove it” that she found it impossible - to inject sanity - the beast already had a life of it’s own ! )

A good many of us DO have criticisms of the UK police - but it is for being too Cowardlly and too “Woke”

I’m sure we would appreciate your help as an SJW - to assist in getting Justice for the estimated 1 million predominantly white English Girls who have been stystematically gang raped and tortured over around 40 years by predominantly Pakistani Muslim men - you could start by simply signing the petition which is still live !

[Note also that this particular issue is DEVOID of any action by the Fraudulent Feminists - thereby Proving that they really don’t care about “Women’s issues” - just about destabilising soociety ! ]

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Do as I say, not as I do

You rely on an absence of data to form your opinions.

The Press Freedom Index is compiled by Reporters Without Borders. (Press Freedom Index - Wikipedia)
The index lists 180 countries ranked from best to worst in order of decreasing press freedom -
USA - 45th
Iran - 173rd

In the 2020 index, the US has actually improved from 48th to 45th, while Iran has worsened, from 170th to 173rd. There is no comparison between the press freedoms available in the two countries and that disparity is widening.

Hey @Markaria, the US hasn’t killed thousands of it’s own protesters??

Some protesters became RIOTERS when they stepped over the line and began destroying property… Unfortunately, only separate groups in the Republican states…

The US has never turned it’s Internet off…

The Press IS roaming free to the point of getting caught up in the malee??

It’s a Barbaric leftist world out there… a lot of fiction without the science…wouldn’t you agree…??

It appears from Wikipedia-collated media reports that 13 people have died during the George Floyd protests in the US.

Of these, 2 were killed by police (perhaps a third person will be found to have died - although police did shoot at him, the cause of death may have actually been the explosion on an ATM machine which he had just robbed).

In the latest Iranian protests reported, during 2019-20, calling for the overthrow of the government and the Supreme Leader, it is estimated that perhaps 1,500 people have been killed.

Again, there is simply no comparison between the US and Iran in their responses to protests.

Hmmm… perhaps a word is missing at the beginning of that statement - are there not protesters still who are not rioters?


Doesn’t fit the Narrative - of course !

Marxist race baiting propaganda - This is what the Riots are all about


“meet directly and personally with the protestors, there would be a happy and enlightened ending…”

Wonder why he’s not doing this himself? Coward or was it just BS in the first place?z

Trump’s post to Xi dates from August 2019 and was obviously not posted in the context of the George Floyd protests.

In any case, the occasions when it helps for a leader to meet protesters is when they have a structured organisation and clear, achievable political objectives. The HK democracy movement has such a structure - or it did have until the Chinese authorities started arresting prominent persons involved, maybe it doesn’t now. Either way, the George Floyd issue of less than a week old, the HK issue dates back at least 6 years. Why not criticise Xi for not doing in 6 years what you have only allowed Trump 6 days for?

Actually, do you have any words of criticism concerning Xi? What’s your opinion of him?

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It wasn’t enough that China helped create a pandemic, now they are back to their usual war mongering, land grabbing tactics. Their impudence is quite annoying!

Potus better get his act together before its too late and the unthinkable happens

And Joe’s been in the basement for 3 months. Can you imagine what will happen
when/if he starts talking to the press regularly…


I wouldn’t mind being a US citizen if I had to. All our politicians are pretty cr@p as well anyway. But only a gun against my head would convince me to vote for Trump or Biden.