Political Opinion

Saint George in Retirement Syndrome

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Black Lives Matter Marxist…oxymoron?

Poverty and Crime-Ridden DC Paints ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’
On the Street Near the White House In Giant Virtue-Signal

Brittany M. Hughes
June 5, 2020

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered a gigantic – and by that, I do mean gigantic – “BLACK LIVES MATTER” sign to be painted on the street heading up to the White House, presumably in a sign of solidarity with the tens of thousands of protesters who’ve taken to the street this week to demand an end to racial injustice and police brutality.

CNN reports the massive sign, painted in huge yellow block letters, spans a full two city blocks of 16th Street.

D.C. street art

Now, the report doesn’t detail how much it cost taxpayers to paint the giant sign on the pavement, which does exactly nothing to better the lives of urban communities or solve issues facing black Americans. But given the government’s track record of overpaying for everything from copy paper to jet planes, one can assume it wasn’t cheap.

But while painting “Black Lives Matter” on a road might be an easy method of scoring social justice points, according to the data, the city - and the people who run it - sure don’t seem to care much about black lives beyond publicity stunts.

A 2007 report found a full one-third of D.C. residents are functionally illiterate. Roughly 1 in 4 black D.C. residents live below the poverty line. In 2018, D.C. ranked among the highest in unemployment among black Americans among U.S. cities, with a rate of about 13 percent. Math proficiency among D.C.’s public school students sits at 28 percent – and that’s actually an improvement over past years. At Luke C. Moore High School, one of the city’s mostly black public schools, the drop-out rate sits at about 49 percent. In 2018, D.C.'s crime rate was nearly two times the U.S. average, higher than 95 percent of U.S. cities.

But I’m sure some yellow letters painted on the road will go a long way toward solving all these real life issues.

I’d prefer to see signs on stores, and public buildings and police stations that say



Evidence, what evidence?

I’d prefer to see signs on stores, public buildings and police stations that say


Antifa attempts to ignite a race-war in the United States

cartoon - antifa riots - 1

cartoon - antifa riots - 2

cartoon - antifa riots - 3

cartoon - antifa riots - 4

cartoon - antifa riots - 5

cartoon - antifa riots - 6

cartoon - antifa riots - 7


We’ve dealt with Trump’s literal verbal garbage for 3+ years. We’re still alive, a little stutter or lame crap story from the past won’t hurt anybody. But seriously, has there been a worse orator ever in the recent history of the Presidency?

"Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that’s happening for our country,” Mr. Trump said. “This is a great day for him, it’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality.” - DJT talking about the economy and unemployment numbers.

Are you ■■■■■■■ kidding me? This guy needs a clue.

Here’s a glimpse at November.

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I just posted 5 HOURS - of evidence mate - which you appear to have missed !

To which, in his usual thoughtful and considered manner and without actually considering any of it our latest PostModernist wrote

And our old mate dismissed again without consideration as ;

However here’s a briefer (5 minute) view of what it’s all about from Jordan Peterson Q & A at Oxford Union - You will know when he is winding up the subject when he mentions “Forgiveness” towards the end of his answer.


I originally asked @petefader for his sources and his evidence but he seems to be still considering his response.

Thanks for the clips but I haven’t got time to watch 5 hours of this or anything else. Can you cite a source document or at least its authors?

Well - sometimes to get an understanding we need to spend some time on it. - Just like the “climate change” thing.

I cannot gve you “understanding” in a single document - because everyone looks at everything from different perspectives and whatever it may be - we look at it with our own human bias and we need as fully as possible to consider as many perspectives as we can, to eliminate that bias as effectively as we can…

However this particular situation, in common with the other I spoke of has the potential (and the danger) of tearing our world apart - Soon ! (or at least the “herd response” to it do ! )

If you look at my posts dispassionately you will see that I do try to cite as much evidence as I think it will take to demonstrate my psition - whereas those who oppose me rarely cite any credible sources whatever - simply using verbal or visual trickery to apparently devalue what I have posted - without showing any evidence at all that they have even thought about what I said.

Unfortunately I cannot (WIll Not) do people’s thinking for them - simply point in directions which I find valuable in guiding those thought processes. I mean you yourself evidence the ability to think for yourself in your trading - by adapting methods which you may have found the basis of elsewhere - but making your trading unique to yourself (And much credit to you for doing that btw ) And indeed I am often impressed by @peterma 's trading comments which show evidence of a similar process.

atb mate


That 5 minutes with Jordan Peterson - should be enough to help you to glean some meaning.

This is just a circular argument. I love science fiction as much as the next man but I can’t spend all day on it.

Well it seems you have made your mind up already then. Sorry mate I thought yu wanted to try - my mistake.

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Another perspective perhaps ?

From the Australian version of the "spontaneous demonstrations "


I have a rule on specialist subjects. I believe what the majority of competent specialists say on that subject based on the specialist evidence they have seen. That’s why I believe the earth is round.

Here’s a wee side note on that thought.

If I were to hop on a plane that had enough fuel and set off into the West in a straight line then sometime later I would arrive back to my starting point this time from the East.

There was a body of scientific thought that argued the same thing would happen if I left the Earth in a rocket with enough fuel - I would arrive back at the same place - that the Universe is ‘curved’.

This argument was only discounted with the arrival of the first radio telescope.


And another one - the discovery of dark energy and dark matter confirms that the entire Universe will eventually no longer exist - there will absolutely nothing, not even a single tiniest molecule.

Hmmm… someone said back 2000 years ago - heaven and earth will pass away :slight_smile:

Just thought I’d side track everyone.

Inevitably, the nature of scientific inquiry means that what we know today will be superceded by what we will know tomorrow. This is not to undermine the validity of believing in the scientific value of what we know today. There is simply no rationale for not believing what the majority of scientific community believe to be the best available scientific conclusion we have today on any matter of science.

I’m surprised you needed to be told that - but ok.

Interesting turn up from the anonymous Ballot anongst Staff members at Linked in ! - seems it upset the “Specialists” :wink: