Political Opinion

One may need to pay this site a visit as theres clearly a problem with ones hearing. Not uncommon in the elderly.

This is more concerning, when the election impacts the stock market

"More concerning" - Than what exactly ?

what are you saying, all elections impacts the stock market as you will almost always have one candidate perceived as more business friendly than the other

I have always called this Libertarian and Authoritarian, could be just semantics but I will give this a watch when I have a little downtime , Please tell me you are in the Individualism camp

I realise that, but this should have been (and probably still will be) a stroll in the park for Trump. Yet he has this knack of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and has given Biden an undeserved boost. It spooks the market at a time when there are plenty of other problems for the economy already.

President Trump can be a loose canon no question about that, but it is his telling it like he sees it and driving the media crazy that put him in the White House. Even if Trumps says the right thing the media is going to spin it as a negative, so I pay no attention to it one way or the other.

Note; Trump’s justice department is still investigating Jeffery Epstein and all those he was pimping out under age girls. There are a lot of of high profile people that are being investigated including Prince Andrew, The Royal family is currently refusing the FBI’s request to interview the Prince, clearly they are hoping President Trump looses in November which would bring and end the Epstein investigation.

If you want justice for the young women expolited by this monster then we need Trump re-elected

I just find it amazing that the Fed are managing to hold it up at all atm !

_ Do you have a site where we can see the overnight Repo’s ? I used to have one years ago, but can’t find it now.

I’ll pm you something I found on the Internet today about this, I’m reluctant to post it here because I think its possibly faked. Maybe you can throw some light on it as you might have seen it before

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The left loves to put unrelated words together to totally change their meaning.

Note; 80% of blacks live in states or counties dominated by the democrat party, Geroge Floyed was murdered in a democrat controlled county and state. So where is the “systemic” racism really coming from if it is a thing at all or just something created by the media

I’m a collectivist because I firmly believe that collectively we can beat these collectivists. What?! Oh! Wait … now I’m confused. :thinking:

Just messing with you. I’m firmly entrenched in the individualist camp and have been for decades.

Viva la libertà!

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Point taken @Dennis3450.

However - even using "their " apparent definition I beg to disagree .- with the first of your inserts

This stuff really needs to be examined through “the lens of logic” - rather than - "the prism of post - modernism"

[PS - I’m putting together a list of those hijacked words and mutilated phrases - and would appreciate anyone who wants to join in - to PM me - with their contributions and comments :sunglasses:

  • It’s time for those of us who are getting psssssd off with it to start to talk quietly about taking back our language and looking at how to regain our heritage :smiley: ]

Dow has dropped 1113 so far today… how I wish this were real


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Unless you are white - of course ! (and that seems to include WOMEN ! - Welcome in Girls )



Wierd how Trump Derangement Syndrome and Groupthink have spread way outside of USA - to places where The President has no real influence at all - Even tho’ the radical leftists seem to “feel” the President is threatening them still ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Agreed. The US has almost 18,000 law enforcement agencies. Only 65 of these are under Federal control. Most of the police forces in large urban areas, where black communities are most concentrated, are under Democrat control.

But another puzzling question remains open - where the hell does the US find these f-ing presidents?

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