Political Opinion

I read a long time ago “Remember, when you point the finger of blame at someone else, 3 of your own fingers are pointing back at you”


Brilliant - nowadays I just put my thumb up ( lol mostly because I can’t hear what they are saying)

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I’ll bet you just pointed so you could check that, didn’t you :grinning:

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Aye, Mark - do you not remember when we first met?

You to my right, so you were furthermost from my sword hand. Then when our horses stopped there was a pause- ah, i see an extended hand that is empty of weapon so i reciprocate - and peace is made.

That’s why we drive on the left :slight_smile:

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Some maybe interested in the article below I received via newsletter during the week. Left or Right… right or wrong… the only way forward for the USA to out trade China is explained below…

The graph below, posted by Luke Gromen, highlights the long-term impact of the Nixon Default , when President Nixon on August 15, 1971 unilaterally suspended convertibility of the US Dollar to Gold. This spelled the demise of the Bretton Woods system of managed exchange rates and led to widespread adoption of free-floating exchange rates by 1973.

Suspension of convertibility to Gold was part of a three-pronged attack on rising inflation that included a 90-day wage- and price-freeze and a 10% import surcharge to protect US products against expected exchange rate fluctuations. Paul Volcker, the architect of the scheme, related how they waited with trepidation for the market reaction. But it turned out to be a non-event, with bond and equity markets sailing on unperturbed. The Dow rose 33 points the next day, the largest daily gain at the time.

The move unshackled federal government from restraints of the gold standard and deficits ballooned. Apart from a brief respite during the Dotcom bubble, deficits have grown progressively larger and are expected to reach -14% of GDP during the current crisis, breaking all post-war records.

(Unpaid) Information Courtesy of Colin Twiggs - https://www.incrediblecharts.com/

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10 most successful communist countries


Mahyar Tousi takes a walk around London - Saturday 13th March 2020 - when the Statue Protectors went to London to well Protect the Statues - from the Far Leftists

Naturally the “balanced” Main Stream Media will Not report any of this in the same way

(for the convenience of those from USA and elsewhere - Sadiq Khan is a “Labour” (equivalent “Democrat” MAyor - a position almost always occupied by ‘Labour’ - but interestingly Conservative Boris beat all the odds and had 2 consecutive and Polular terms - when the Capital ran pretty well)

There is also a move afoot to have Mahyar Tousi - run as an Independent Candidate for the role - as the “Conservative” seems to be accepting defeat without trying and Mahyar is a brown skinned muslim like Khan - but Mahyar has some sense - and the title “Mayor Mahyar” - has well a “Nice ring” to it !

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Quite right!
Muppets doing stuff like this, regardless of their political persuasion, colour, or whatever other excuse they choose, deserve locking up for a long time

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[quote=“peterma, post:3933, topic:42247, full:true”]

Today the UK PM criticized ‘racist thuggery has no place on our streets’ - not sure exactly which thuggery he was referring to but Sky News headlined that with this image - see the finger pointing.

[/quote]Finger pointing - yes @peterma

But sadly Sky News and BBC seem to have managed to watch the TRUE Racism where gangs were attacking any “Lone white men” they could find on their own.

Douglas Murray (Madness of Crowds) has mentioned that “You can only make war on white men for so long - without expecting some sort of kickback”

These 2 are from the “Peacefull Protesters” on the other side - the “Peaceful side” where the Finger - pointing was Not evident at all !


[Edit - you’ll have to be quick as they don’t fit “the Narrative” and are bound to disappear quickly ! - they are bot only a few seconds long ]

Notice the Riot shields and truncheons of those denying access to the Statue Protectors and teh gently pushing away withn their hands of the Police who Did intervene in teh next clip - by pushing the “Mainly Peaceful protesters” who managed to catch this solitary white male and were kicking the crap out of him ;

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Democrat party has always promoted racial divide , before 1960 they held power by telling whites they need to fear backs, today they tell blacks they need to fear whites. As long as there is money and power to be had by a fake race war played out in the media nothing is going to change


Some see the divide of left and right as a straight line the further right or left you become the wider the gap. I see left and right like hands on a clock, if the left start at 11 and the right starts at 1 then start moving left and right they will move further apart at first but as they continue to move they will start to come closer together and finally clash at the 6 o’clock hour, that would seem to be where we are today


Happy Birthday Mr. President may you celebrate your next 4 in the White House



You guys want to see something special?

Both men from opposing protesting groups in London, one injured, one helping.

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That’s as it should be Peter - and where it was getting really close to at least in UK - before the Woke got involved - it seems the Black guy was a bodyguard hired by the BLM to “Protect” them - and it also seems he stopped the BLM Mob kicking the shyte out of the random white guy and brought him out.

Ay least that is My understanding of it t


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Seattle had some serious issues even before they needed the Floyd situation to run amok…

How do Governors stay in office when this is what happens on their watch…??

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Wow 6,230,000 views for this video which is only 10 weeks old ! - and on a channel with only 53k subscribers !

A LOT of people are searching for answers ! - thanks for posting that truly Compassionate video mate :sunglasses:

Here’s one from Sweden which is much shorter - but is basically what we over here in the Uk think about “Our” Police ! - well actually nt “the Police” - but those “instructing them” :rage:

This “take the knee” stuff is direct crib from 'Game of thrones" - And we all know what that really means - even those who pretend they don’t !

To which I say - as Jordan Peterson does in “the 12 rules of life”
"Stand up straight - with your head up and your shoulders back" !

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Nah - Missing it completely Mark - Please explain your pictures for me.

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Every city run by Democrats is following Seattle’s lead. Maybe the new work from home movement brought to us courtesy of the virus will convince people they no longer need to live in these hell holes and they will start moving out of the cities