Political Opinion

I think we should cut Marky a little slack, he has made a couple of post totally void of any reference to President Trump, for someone with TDS that is like a drunk going two days without drinking. But my interpretation of the “Two and a half men” pictures is he is calling out the Protesters and how they are likely spreading a deadly virus, something our corrupt news media refused to do


Wow! I had no idea that things had devolved to such an extent in Seattle. At one time Seattle was high on a list of most desired cities to settle in. Things change very quickly.

Some people will put a tin foil hat on my head for what I’m going to say but I can’t help it. I’m just wired that way. :slight_smile:

Given the apathetic stance by the mayor and city council of Seattle, this looks to me like some sort of a cultural trial balloon. I hope that this is not allowed to continue for too long.

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Ok Dennis - I take your point about Mark - & Iove this bit

IN honesty - I looked at the pictures for minutes and whilst - yes I agree it is about “What about Bat-flu ?” but I couldn’t get an underlying “Feel” of whether it was critical of Trump for “openng up” about rioters for not “social distancing”, about Trump’s proposed rally or aimed at the American People for “wanting to be free” - I just don’t know - so I asked.

I too noticed his stance had changed rathera lot and in honesty I don’t WANT him to change stance because he feels outnumbered or to “Please” people. I’d rather people who don’t agree - use logic and rational thought to try to convince each other - and thereby educate each other and the audience in nuances of points of view.

TBH mate “the Jury is still out” as far as I am concerned - for a few reasons ;

  • He is obviously “educated” - probably to BA or possibly MA level ? I suggest BA.
  • When he popped up he was swinging and kicking to all intent and purposes just as the “postmodernists” do
  • We know from a previous one that they are taught to “Choose a single subject and attack him relentlessly” - That “One” appeared to be me !
  • He was using some of the tools of Propaganda - I evidence “Fake News Fastaff” and I quote "The skilled propagandist also knows the techniques of “making ideas stick.” It is because of this knowledge that he resorts to key words and slogans, repetition, shibboleths, or other symbolic forms".
  • Then You and @Trendswithbenefits showed support for my position - and he stopped and backed off.
  • his whole demeanor changed and he became far more amenable ; "A third method of propaganda is the appeal to the known desires of an audience…
  • About the same time he declared himself to be “somewhat right of centre” AND established his Avatar - I thought "Why is he showing us a set of Heroin scales " - but clearly they were intended for a much diifferent purpose (to indicate a ‘balanced view’ and ‘Justice’) :wink: ; "Propaganda makes use of slogans, but it also makes effective use of symbols. A symbol is a concrete representation of an idea, action, or thing—a sign that stands for something, as crossed rifles stand for the Infantry and as wings and propeller represent the Air Forces"

When he apparently “changed” - I thought - "Aha - a shapeshifter" (A shapeshifter is someone who can constantly “reinvent himself” to fit in with the social surroundings - rather like a mental chameleon - some women will do this in order to “Fit in” with a desired mate and it is often associated with sociopathy) - It cannot be maintained permanently.

Now we (I at any rate)have only just met the lad and none of this is strong enoough - even to be called a “hypothesis” - at the moment it is pure conjecture and could all be coincidence - I just don’t know - as yet.

So “Benefit of the doubt” ? - of course :sunglasses:

I’m sure he will fit in just fine.

But I still would like to know where he was coming from with the pictures - maybe we could have a real conversation about them ?

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Tinfoil hat ? - of course they will - wear it with pride mate :sunglasses:

I think it’s all down to the Uni courses they went on - the postmodernist neo Marxists congregate to a philosopher caled Rousseau - who conjectured that people were all “Good at heart” and would co-operate and live in peace - given the chance - THere was another called Hobbes who postulated that given frredom we would all be at each other’s throats !

Not exactly compatible are they ? and I haven’t really considered the “Social experiment” aspect of @Trendswithbenefits video, although I can see your point and think that is probably the most charitable view of putting the incompetents in charge.

However as to “the rest of it” - we ABSOLUTEY DO KNOW what happens when the Adults leave the room and the “lefties” are put in “control” = here is the exact “Trial run” of what is going on just now - and teh third anniversary of the “Evergreen riots” was almost exactly the start of this rubbish - here are 3 vids which will leave you with your mouth open in disbelief at the congruency of it !

If you haven’t seen this thread before watch from post 1 if you’re interested - after you watch these 3 !

Wow! Those Evergreen College videos were quite chilling and disturbing, to put it mildly! I honestly am at a loss of words at the moment. :woozy_face:


Saw this today. Lucky guy.

Not everything is a plot or conspiracy, you’re reading far to much into my posts. You’re almost right on the avatar. I hadn’t got one and picked scales to symbolise balance, I’m definitely not left or far left and I try to see the other sides point of view- not easy if they are extreme left or extreme right.
Other than the avatar, nothing has changed. I post what I find and that changes from day to day.
As regards “fitting in”, thats just not me. I’ll say what I feel needs saying, never back down from a fight on or offline.


Crazy stuff. Some more perspective on the problem:

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I see there has been a fresh outbreak of Covid-19 in Beijing.
This has been traced to the main meat/fish market in the city and the authorities have locked down the surrounding area to try and contain it.
Main concern is that, while only 50 or so people have tested positive, this market supplies 80% of Beijings restaurants.
Initial posts on Chinese social media speculated that it had come from salmon but that may just be rumours. The government have yet to confirm the exact source.

Elsewhere, after 24 days without new cases, New Zealand have 2 confirmed cases and 1 suspected case, all related.
The 2 confirmed are British who had travelled to NZ for a funeral, and the other is someone they met.

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Both Australia and New Zealand locked down pretty hard and have only started to open up over the last 10 days or so.

Australia is similar with the occasional cluster of outbreaks… Currently 389 live cases and only 17 in hospital (3 in ICU). Not bad for a population of 25mil…

China and the CCP appear to be their own worst enemy…


Sargon of Akkad has something really quite important to say - abut riots and racism against the English White Working Class

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Good Response @Markaria

Tell us - was I right about the degree as well ?

BA or MA ?

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You’ll like this :sunglasses:

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If China says 50 new cases it is more likely 5,000 You cannot trust anything coming from China. this country still denies anyone died in 1989 at Tiananmen Square.

And I see they are back to blaming the meat/fish market, the world was quick to except the whole live bat at the wet market story, I have seen no proof of that being ground zero.

At this point I am siding with Nick Bostrom , we are most certainly living in a simulation, mostly likely ran by a 10 year old who gets kick pulling wings off of flies, ( we are the flies)


They tell us Black Lives Matter, well then why do they not matter in Chicago. No national news coverage, no protest.

These murders are only going to escalate as we move into summer and the cops pull back from any preventative policing

Sad what the Democrat party and Media has done to our cities


And if the world needs one more problem we have crazy North Korea at it again. Another major story getting back page coverage by American media


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Son of man, do you see that city going bankrupt? Are you willing to see all your cities going bankrupt?

Son of man, do you see the crime and lawlessness in your city streets, and towns, and institutions?

Son of man, do you see those churches which you can go to so easily now? Are you ready to see them with bars across their doors, with doors nailed shut?

Look about you, son of man. When you see it all shut down, when you see everything removed which has been taken for granted, and when you are prepared to live without these things, then you will know what I am making ready.

(Fr. Michael Scanlan’s 1976 Prophecy)

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My answer is I am not willing to lose everything, I will protect what I can and oppose those who are trying to destroy it. But if it is beyond my control to stop the current chaos then I will leave it in God’s hands


I hear that the most likely animal vector for the covid virus is pangolin, not bats. Pangolin are a well recognised element in traditional Chinese medicine, bats much less so; pangolin are also a much more economically important element in China in food and fashion terms than bats. Seems the Chinese diversionary tactics started early.

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Nothing to see here…move along…

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