Political Opinion

Its true that single parent families are more common amongst all racial groups than say 20 or 40 years ago but the rate in the US black American community is very high and the highest. Plus this is the context we’re talking about - what I’m pointing to is that the biggest threat to life and health in the US black American community is not the police. You could say it is black culture.

Its worth noting that some studies quoted by Thomas Sowell show that immigrant black communities in similar urban areas are not similarly afflicted by single parent family rates and all that entails, although they are racially alike with the US black community and they are obviously policed in exactly the same way by the exact same police forces.

There could well be two types of people involved with BLM right now - those who care for the black community and those who hate the police. Those who hate the police have always been in control.

It isn’t racist to point out the factual existence of a cultural difference.

OR you Could blame that particular “Black culture” on the historical actions of “Slave masters” - Not saying it is - simply that it may have a point.

Can you give me a link or a reference on that one ? Sowell is a pretty good source - i’d like to knw more :sunglasses:

Well, parenthood is not an individual’s decision in isolation. It is the fathers who are absent, but it is the mothers who are incentivised by support through the benefits system - as long as the father stays absent.

Without a doubt, the net wealth of the black American community has been negatively affected by slavery. But single parent families in that community used to be far less common than they are today, so there is a discontinuity between the shadow of the slavery and current cultural choices. In any case, the US white population had no slavery heritage, yet single parent family rates are rising there also. So I think in this context the slavery heritage is a red herring.

Oh, I know that. Tell all my “friends” that.


That’s because the police keep killing them or incarcerating them. Rayshard Brooks was a father of 4. That’s 4 additional children to add to the fatherless statistics.

The U.S. has the highest number of incarcerations per capita.

Quote from the site linked below …

These numbers have broader, far-reaching social implications. The effect on children is astounding. African American and Latino children are more likely to have a parent in jail or prison. When the father figure of a household is removed (which given the percentage of male inmates in federal prisons, 93.3%, is a likely scenario), a child is left in a single-parent household. This means one person is responsible for every aspect, including the financial aspects, of maintaining the home. As a result, the number of African American children living in poverty has increased since 1968.

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Just as a matter of conjecture - I wonder how well off those particular “Communities” would be now if Savery never existed and tehy had remained in AFrica ?

Now I don’t know much about Black Slavery - I admit - but I understood that it was relatively common for Black slaves to be “Bred” like cattle and selection for certain characteristics would have been common if so. Also that families were commonly split up and one of teh parents “Sold on” which would tend to decrease the Learned experience over generations that the nuclear family was a better option ?

Also Slavery was very much like Communism where each adult worked as hard as forced to and in return got a Very basic “welfare” of food and shelter etc provided by the wealthy “Beaurocracy” (owner)

Are you serious or just making an emotional point with rhetoric? Are you seriously able to quote some statistical sources to prove that the US police kill more black people than black people do?

Now I’m not saying that black Americans commit crime because they are black. In fact I am not prepared to accept the high black American crime rate has a racial cause. But statistically, they do commit more crime. I’m very prepared to accept that this is driven in part by poverty, and that the community’s poverty stems from their ancestors’ slavery. But the community’s poverty is also partly driven by cultural choices, though these are in turn partly driven by the benefits system etc.


I have quoted sources. This is not an emotional rant by any means. I would categorize your response to my post is an emotional rant. :slight_smile:

I never made any such statement. However, abject poverty breeds criminals. Is it any wonder then that blacks and hispanics are more prone to a criminal bent?

Why are 93.3% of teh prison population Male ? because if you randomly select one male and one female - there is a 60% chance that the male is more aggressive than the female - Pretty small difference at the median - but not at the extremes of teh bell curve - and it is the OUTLIERS who are in prison (Plus of course quite a few who can’t afford to pay their Government enforced Child Support)

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Just found the following article … :roll_eyes:

Sadly that is incorrect !

I agree, to me there’s no question but that crime is more strongly embedded in poverty-stricken communities. And that the wider US society has colluded in making some communities poorer than they should be. And that because of the crimes they have committed and their lack of access to legal support, arrested members from these communities will statistically get a harder deal from the justice system.

But it would be useful to know the rate for violent crime, especially gang-driven violent crime amongst these communities compared to the general population. It might well be that members of certain racial / cultural groups are more prone to use violence either in the course of a crime or as the point of a crime.

As for incarceration rates by race, its clear from statistics that most crime committed by specific racial groups in the US is committed against members of their own community. So if you argue that a disproportionate percentage of that community are going to prison, then its mathematically clear that the justice system, far from being racially biased against the community, is disproportionately protecting that very same community.

Interesting. But the black American community is stricken by poverty and crime. It cannot be surprising that this is one more negative impact from their situation.

There are obvious issues with police training, management and procedures in the US. That should be no surprise when its considered that there are 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the country, 99% of which are controlled by local communities (many are way smaller than what we see in the UK as a contrast).

There are multiple factors that can affect which way an encounter with the police goes. Its not all in the hands of the police attending.

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Ah! You may want to tell that to these kids (link below. see it on Netflix) who were wrongly accused of rape and imprisoned for a crime that they did not commit. In addition to killing, incarcerating and maiming them, they are routinely made scape goats and accused of crimes that they did not commit, complete with coerced statements and manufactured evidence.

I’ll try Again - That is WRONG - 100% - definitively -Provably WRONG

That is closer but still Wrong ! - see Jordan Peterson above

Most of the rest of this conversation is explained by the Gini coefficient and teh fact that you correctly observe that most aggression is within the ethnic group rather than between ethnic groupings.

It also explains why the police might have different expectations of being in receipt of violence between - something we did not do until this ethnic group Hatred of whites being stoked by BLM amongst others.

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Dopey Donald caught spreading fake news- odd, I thought you guys said only lefties did that sort of thing

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Actblue is a nonprofit that runs tech infrastructure used to run the grass roots fund raising campaigns of politicians and political orgs. Actblue doesn’t direct donations to individuals or orgs on its own. They’re like PayPal, a payment and campaign processor. Left leaning and progressive ideas focused, yes, but infrastructure all the same. BLM donations go through Actblue, just like when you pay a person or merchant on PayPal.

They’ve been around since 2004. The right leaning version of ActBlue is WinRed. Buy a Maga hat, it goes through WinRed, and to the Trump campaign. WinRed, unlike ActBlue, is for-profit and does not publicly disclose donation levels. Apparently the Trump campaign and RNC was trying to get all Republicans to use WinRed.

So, ActBlue, the payment processor, collects the money and gives it to…?