Political Opinion

What is the relevance of this?

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Simple question, your statement

seems to suggest that you find it acceptable for 1000+ civilians to be shot dead by the USA law enforcement authorities/police annually. I find that astonishing, so am asking you if this is so, do you consider this acceptable?

I would guess a lot of people who have had a few too many would resist arrest to one degree or another. And resisting arrest is so vague and open to individual interpretation that it is almost meaningless.

Its a non-question because no deaths by violence are acceptable. But answering this does not advance the debate on unlawful killings by US police.

My question to @QTNA was to discover how he came to the conclusion that ā€œpolice are killing a large number of civilians.ā€.


(But even I was making an implicit assumption that the focus we are giving to US police killings is -
a) the most serious threat of unnecessary death to US society and
b) that it is the most serious threat of unnecessary death to the black community in the US.

Neither assumption is proven.)

Yes I do @Dennis3450 and itā€™s a huge question which has also been ignored by all the subsequent posts - other than to try to claim the question is meaningless and to criticise you for ā€œthe toneā€ of some of your posts. :rofl:

I suppose one f the answers is that "they canā€™t answer it " - but since they speak a diifferent language from us - they think that your opinions and facts are actively EVI and therefore conflate that with - ā€œTherefore YOU are EVILā€ - whereas their ā€œFeelingsā€ are all that matters. :rofl:

If you look attentively - they will ALMOST ALWAYS tell you exactly what they are up to - often by accusing you of exactly the same thing - A psychological trick called projection. (Often done somewhat unconsciously - but Always accusing YOU of exactly their own issues)

I cite the one who posted the picture of the sheep in in the post immediately prior to yours - in his TDS - lets look closer shall we ?
CArlosRay stats

See what I mean ?

Been here 4 years - actually read for only 8 hours in that time and only 30 minutes recently Yet he has 592 Posts ! Thatā€™s 74 per hour of reading over 4 years - impresssive if he was AI - but for a human ? either he is an individual of huge intellect or - well - Not ! :wink:

And he freely admits that he will not make the effort think about or respond to any form of questioning requiring thought in more than one diimensionā€¦ Since he refers to ā€œTrollsā€ one wonders if perhaps that is his intention in being here as we might infer from the ā€œProjectionā€ principle

(Iā€™m thinking I might pop up a thread about Arithmetic mate - keep an eye open for it - you might find it interesting ! )

[Edit - I took that screenshot yesterday - that is why it says "posted 43 minutes ago]

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@Markaria, Please, see my removed/edited post aboveā€¦ my opinion piece other than the shoot to kill was very wrongā€¦

No individual interpretationā€¦ you want to resist and fight with Policeā€¦ Should be no surprise to have the full force of the legal system thrown at youā€¦ once soberā€¦ Shot and killed while unarmedā€¦ NO.


Mate - you went and checked your facts - saw you were in error and adjusted your attitude accordingly !

What better can any of us realistically ask than that ?

Stick with us mate - you opinions are valuable ! :sunglasses:

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So, itā€™s ok then?


Just a correction, if you can believe the evening newsā€¦Not two felonies, three. Apparently drunk driving is not a felony. But, ā€œtheyā€ said, besides the resisting arrest, the other two felonies were striking a police officer and either taking or having a deadly weapon.


Hi Trendswithbenefits.
I mean individual interpretation by the officers involved. What one officer might interpret as someone who just needs to sleep his drink off in a police cell overnight, another may interpret as endangering himself or those around him.
Happy to leave the ā€˜likeā€™ on your other post, in fact I appreciate it all the more seeing that you have reviewed your post after finding more details

Whats okay then? To resist arrest (for any reason)? Of course not. Or do you mean to shoot someone for resisting arrest because of how you interpret events? Again, of course not, unless you genuinely believe that your life, or the lives of others around you, is endangered.

Resisting arrest. I had quoted you on RESISTING ARREST.
Ok. So itā€™s not ok. So far, so good!


Is this the incident you are all talking about ? - Some more discussion from divergent views and I think wiorth a watch for those of us who tend to want to understand things - I just hope they Do get a fair trial !

ā€œWhite Lefty womenā€ - Do come into the conversation.

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The biggest danger to the health of black Americans is absent black American fathers.


Thats interesting. Do you have any statistics to support that?

Study after study have shown this.

Their conclusions were quoted by Barack Obama, Chicago, way back in 2008, when they were not even new -
ā€œYou and I know how true this is in the African-American community. We know that more than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled ā€” doubled ā€” since we were children. We know the statistics ā€” that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.ā€

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[quote=ā€œtommor, post:4011, topic:42247, full:trueā€]

Study after study have shown this.

Their conclusions were quoted by Barack Obama, Chicago, way back in 2008, when they were not even new -
ā€œYou and I know how true this is in the African-American community. We know that more than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled ā€” doubled ā€” since we were children. [/quote]

Iā€™m not sure that applies Solely to Black households

Iā€™m pretty sure too that that applies to white households too although I am prepared to accept the actual proportions my differ - the TREND is simialar.

That Fatherlessness is a HUGE issue is beyond serious debate - And that there is a larger proportion of Black single mothers is pretty well established too.

Finding a solution though is very much an issue which would ensure a politician NEVER got elected !

Someoneā€™s not afraid to be labeled a racist! :wink:
(This applies to all races, as noted, but you are still not ā€œallowedā€ to say it)

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It would also be completely WRONG to take the simple route and ā€œBlame Menā€ (Whether Black, white, yellow, or green)