Political Opinion

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QTNA, welcome to this forum were different opinions are encouraged. But instead of giving your opinion you choice to attack me for my " Tone" then gave no example.

Here is the text of my last post, could you point out the “disheartened by the tone”

I was the first here to post about the George Floyd murder, here is my text and again I ask what “tone” you object too

Next you will be asking for statistics to support 2+2=4

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Just thinking about police states - for a time I lived in a state that had a police force answerable only to itself - and it’s a scary place.

They had what was called ‘B Specials’ - police who donned uniforms and carried rifles mostly at night - they had separate day jobs. Getting stopped at one of their checkpoints if you happened to be alone could often be unpleasant if you were identified as being from the ‘other’ community.

This was no utopia and people from my community were def not taken care of - in a good sense that is.

Thankfully those days are past and like the US the police have to account for their actions - sometimes commanders make wrong decisions, sometimes officers likewise - but the one thing that divides is accountability.

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Dopey Donald would probably have backed the B Specials. One of their tricks was releasing CS gas canisters in peoples gardens to ensure they complied with the 8pm curfew. Not great if you wanted your bedroom windows open in summer or if you were a shift worker not finishing work until late evening.

I found some of his stuff - the lad’s pretty good !

Quote from a couple of minutes later ;-

"…We don’t really NEED to test for evidence - If we good fellows here all believe this to be true - It must be so…"

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what country are you talking about and what has changed

Carlos, here is but one example of real people lives being turned upside down by these riots. Do you think you could set aside your TDS for just one post and show some empathy for another human bean

and Carlos also note the rioters that this black women is yelling at are white, just as the protesters in your post, again I ask you to set a side your TDS and look at these people doing the rioting, in many cases these are rich white kids burning down black communities then going back home to their privilege lives and you seem to support that


@Dennis3450 Of course I empathise.
My point is, what the hell is the leader of your nation doing saying stuff like this and why aren’t you criticising him?

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I don’t spend my life examining every spoken word by the President of the United States, Right now we have loss of life happening in the streets of US cities , I find human life far more important than a spoken word, how about you

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Your refusal to find fault with someone who says he found enjoyment in seeing Americans being gassed tells me a lot about you.

Oh great - Please DO honour us all with the benefit of your - “in depth analysis” - I have a pen and paper, ready to take notes.

Cup of tea anyone ? We are about to be educated ! :smile:

I wouldn’t waste my time trying!
As the saying goes, “There are none so blind as those that will not see”


I think you’re reading this wrongly old chap - We’re all sitting here - pens poised and cups of tea in hand - eager to be educated by one of such insight.

How then can you deduce that we “WILL NOT SEE” ?

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Carlos, I don’t know how you were brought up but here in the US we have a little rhyme that we learn early in life to deal with name callers " Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me" There seem to be a lot of adults running around today that have not learn the simple lesson from this rhyme.

And as far as rioters being gassed, there are a lot of business owners that have seen their life’s work go up in flames by these rioters and they would had been very happy had their police used a little gas to save their business. And yes I am sure many would had even found “enjoyment” in it

For myself, I find no enjoyment in seeing American’s that have been taught in our tax payer funded schools to hate America then acting on that hate in a matter that would require the police to take such action. There again my discus is in peoples actions not their words

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Including your man in the White House who takes great pleasure from name-calling anyone who disagrees with him.

Anyhow Dennis, perhaps we should move on as we clearly aren’t going to agree on this particular issue.

The name calling goes both ways, Trump is just the first President to give it back, some people like that.

Carlos, have you thought about working for CNN or MSNBC, your obsession with what the President says while ignoring what is happening in the world could get you a 6 figure salary with one of the fore mention fake news networks.

As far as moving on, I would love to read your opinion on actual events as oppose to reacting to what someone says

May I ask what country are you from

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One of the people I regard fairly highly reckons - It’s 501c ! - not sure whether that has subdivisions or not but a quick search reveals 501c3 which seems to prohibit some of the main objectives of this bunch !

Anyhow a lot has happened over here this weekend - We had a Libyan assylum seeker - who had already done “Time” over here for attacking people with broken bottles - stabbed 6 or more people in Reading after one of the BLM “protests” - 3 of them died (All white). Then at a premier league football match as both teams and the woke officials were Bending the knee in Burnley (Right next to Rochdale - Greater Manchester) - An aeroplane flew over the pitch towing a Banner which simply said WHITE LIVES MATTER BURNLEY - Which has created Mayhem among the woke !

AND “Police are investigating” - Personally I do hope the lad appeals it all the way to the Supreme court ! - The implications are fascinating !

This vid is quite short (15 mins) and I’m not going to spoil it too much by saying that - it addresses ALl that and then turns to one Patrisse Cullars “co-founder of BLM” - who is fimed and included in the vid saying

"Allysia and I are Trained Organisers, Trained Marxists and SUper versed in Ideological Theory"

Impressive Lady (sarcasm)

So That is who is “in charge” - of all these countless millions flowing in through the front door of this organisation !

And I expect those of us older than about 12 and slightly less Woke (Perhaps we may even have heard of “Patsy Theory”) - will already be on our way round to the “Virtual back door” - looking to see the lorries queueing up to take the donations away for “safekeeping” :wink:

Anyhow great vid - please DO watch it !

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After watching this… the USA and the rest of the World has an even bigger problem than just BLM…

Below is a map of the US Media’s bias… Just so no one is confused by who is reporting what and why!

It all makes a lot of sense once you understand who is taking “cash for content” and who isn’t…

Edit: Media Bias Ratings AllSides Toogle down bottom of page to vote…