Political Opinion

Didn’t see that coming.

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So, apart from retweeting white supremacists, what else has Dopey Donald been up to

What is going on with the series of presidents the US has had, the Prime ministers we in the UK have had and the French presidents the French have had? Is there any way these no-marks could all have found their way to the top by natural talent or random selection? Isn’t it just possible they were all bred up in tanks somewhere?

Not many statesman-like leaders around nowadays. Regardless of what you thought of the politics of the 3 on the top row, they were leaders

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Yeah. Funny story. The protesters showed up at her house the day before. She was stunned, as she thought
they had an understanding. Within 24 hours,…BAM…gone,

That’s true enough and the clips of those 2 brave “Boomers” facing down the mob who invaded their community on their way to the “Mayor’s house” come across as highly praiseworthy :sunglasses:

However here’s another story bubbling away in the background which MAY just have “something to do with it” :wink:

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For those of you not aware - Dr David Starkey - is being attacked on “Twitter” - for a word he said during an interview with a young man (Darren Grimes - who decided NOT to go to University :sunglasses: - but rather to make his own way in society )

OF COURSE STARKEY DID SOMETHING WRONG ! - he was BORN - A White OLD Man of integrity and high competence - who tells the truth ! - How can you do something WRONGER than that ?

Here’s the full interview in which they address just about everything “white Privilage” (especially interesting where they both speak of their OwN roots and refuse to claim Victim Status - Starkey’s reference to his own father saving 12 Pence - by having all his teeth out without anaesthetic, “Gays”, “BLM”, Savery as “Genocide”, Britain as the leading Nation in Abolishing (Black) Slavery, The origins of LSE, teh Holocaust, Background of some of those “Historical figures” (Both “Good” and “bad” ) - Great interview in WHich David Starkey says the “English Dept of Cambridge University should receive No more Public Funding” because they simply indoctrinate students and provide no real educational value.

(Parts of “Cambridge University” are “considering” whether to rescind his “honourary Fellowship” - as they did with that other “Hatemonger” Jordan Peterson - whilst promoting that dreadful Anti-White woman a couple of weeks ago ! (Again discussed in this vid) - Highly recommended

[EDIT - Breaking news - apparently David Starkey has just told Cammbridge to ‘Stuff their fellowship’ and has been “Stripped of his post as visiting Professor” - clearly Cambridge will continue to do all in their power to ensure their students do NOT get a proper Education ! ]

[Edit 2 - Intellectual midgets banding together to kill the intelectual giants !

intellectual midgets banding togaether

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Pleased to see Maxwell arrested, let’s see if she lives long enough to testify

Hopefully, she’s not on the Clinton hit list too…

Apparently the “Twitterrati have got him” !

intellectual midgets banding togaether

Total Hypocrisy from Cambridge University !

The snip is from Cambridge Examiner.

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Happy Independence Day to all our American friends, God bless you all.

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Thank you, Pete! I can’t help but wonder if this is our last one once the cancel culture
gets around to this. And I’m only being half sarcastic.


Viva Frei has the best Youtube channel for explaining current events and how the law applies to them

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All these investigations into people with ties to Epstein go away if Biden becomes president


“Hand on heart, I wasn’t engaged enough in this interview as I should have been,” Grimes said in a statement.

“I should have robustly questioned Dr Starkey about his comments.”

Perhaps that’s self preservation on Grimes’ part. Don’t know.

He’s a Young Lad 23 years old - trying his best. Shame on Piers Morgan for Punching down at him on twitter - when he won’t even face Mahyar Tousi !

Seems like a nice enough Lad and I think David Starkey agreed to talk to him - to give him a boost - Darren has had several “Heavyweights” giving him interviews recently. He was brought up poor, by a single parent mother and is openly Gay - chose not to go to University - and is trying to earn his living by using his own abilities - not sponging on the State.

I did link to the full interview above - if you’d like to make your own mind up.

However Darren is not entirely Toothless (Unlike Dr Starkey’s Dad - as referred in my previous post when they were talking about their respective “White Privilage”)


Cambridge University was particularly criticised in the interview for some of the courses it puts on as being devoid of menaingful education and he suggested they should be denied Punblic Funding for those courses…

Their judgement was already severely in doubt after they barred Jordan Peterson from speaking on Religion to their Christian Society - and even more dreadfully on promoting that evil woman who says "White Lives Don’t Matter !"

I’m sure Dr Starkey’s students at Cambridge will feel severaly deprived of their education and some of them have bright and powerful Parents - I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some litigation from those parents.

Hopefully Overseas students will now be going to what their parents might see as “Better Universities” - Bth Oxford an dCambridge nowadays seem to be survivivg on their past accomplishments - that can only persist for so long !

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This will be the down fall of the West , when you cannot voice an opinion without threats of losing your job, All of this is coming from the political far left and we all must stand against them

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You call Joe Stalin a leader, how many of his own people did he murder, Carlos you are one messed up person, I hope we never meet

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At least I have more sense than to vote for Dopey Donald33a