Political Opinion

@tommor asked you a valid question @peterma - as did I previously

So please answer the question :slightly_smiling_face:

we can wait whilst you gather your thoughts :wink:

Lol - replied to Tom on a win10 because the win7 was playing up - grandkids etc :slight_smile:

But I never give up on a challenge so this is on the oldie - thing is you guys are becoming too much like our politicians - ask a searching question and turn it on it’s head - that’s what they are trained to do.

Both of you agree that the screenshot by TWB is wrong, big time wrong you both shout.

So when I ask for a little evidence - not a long list mind you - what does a good politician do?

Rule no.1 - offer no evidence.

Rule no.2 - divert - turn the question on it’s head.

Rule no.3 - always sound as if you have the high ground - the question has no relevance since the questioner him/herself has offered no opinion that can be challenged.

Right or Wrong… I’m just trying to point out the misinformation streams that exist in the US Media. It appears that even channels attempting to provide so called clarity on Political affiliation and/or bias have been penetrated by the propaganda machines as well…

The problem with current Governments of all persuasions is they are concentrating so intently on destroying each other… No planning ahead and generating very few policies let alone actually effectively governing their constituents…

Which is what we naively encourage these politicians to do every time we vote.

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How’s that working out for you? Still enjoying your freedom or wishing your governor had the foresight and good sense to put the safety of the residents ahead of political gain?

I honestly hope you, your family, and your friends come out of this okay. But please don’t gloat at the misfortune of others next time something like this happens

It’s what we as people are being conditioned to behave, whether the media are responding, i.e. a trailing indicator or whether they are fuelling it’s hard to know.

The us and them, we all feel it - the Chinese blame foreigners for taking the virus back into Beijing, we blame them for giving it to us. The black vs white, rich vs poor, right vs white, red vs blue.

In my own country it’s Catholic vs Protestant, Republican vs Loyalist, Nationalist vs Unionist.

Politicians see votes in these divisions thus they exploit, even accelerate what divides in society - very few will think beyond the box and come together - they will only do so when forced by the power of democracy.

Today a new govt was formed in Ireland - a coalition of foes going back over 100 years - opposing sides in a civil war.

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These divisions are many and longstanding, male/female, religious, national, political, carnivor/vegetarian.
I read years ago, people from Sheffield dislike people from Leeds but they unite in their hatred of people from Lancashire. This hatred pales into insignificance compared to how Northerners together hate Southerners, but these 2 groups join in their detest of the Scots.
However, they happily stand beneath one flag in their abhorrence of all things French…and so it goes on.

Aye, we perpetuate the division even within this thread.

A guy that you are named after wrote about this back 2000 years - then it was Samaritan vs Jew, hmmm… even men vs women.

The mould-breaker went out of his way to show a different way, but alas we still seek division.

Edit: we are all equally guilty - i know I’ll def not throw the first stone.

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As long as there are issues that polarize us, and there will always be such issues, the powers to be will utilize them to their benefit by driving deeper and deeper rifts on both sides. Like magicians, they turn the knife with their left hand while drawing our attention to their right hand.

You guys have been bickering about red and blue, this candidate or that, etc. IMO, we should all come together to discuss ideas and ideologies and root causes of the erosions of our freedom and our enslavement, if we have any hope of coming up with a plan to mitigate against these. Forget about everything else until we clean up the mess that humanity is in at this junction.

Open your eyes to their slight of hand and to what’s really happening and possible agendas being promoted. Wake up others who are in deep slumber so that together we can make a change. Don’t look to government to enact laws to help us. They have never been interested in our welfare. Take responsibility for things. We are at this juncture because we have allowed ourselves to get here. We have failed in many ways. It’s time to take a good look at ourselves and recognize that we can still turn this ship around.


If only it was that simple mate.

You liked one of my vids a day or so ago - here’s another (a little darker) from the same guy - which can be viewed as a Metaphore for the problem we have here in the west - take particular care to note teh “Characteristics” he specifies - In fact I wrote them down to be sure to be abe to remember them later.

You are absolutely correct of course - we HAVE to keep pointing out the issues - but …

[PS Keep an eye open for my “Arithmetic” thread when it pops up ! - Arithmetic is what we in Uk call really simple “Math” - for any country that dosen’t use the term]

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What power? - power is only given to those to whom we relinquish it - why do we not retain our own power, why must we give it to over, is it not ours to retain?

Power/freedom remains within our being, exercise of that power is to think independently - not under the influence of another person - we become enslaved the moment that we give up that freedom of spirit.

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Hi Peter - Popping up with one of your little Deflections again ? - to “Bury bad news” ? - Seems every tiime I do a decent post - you “Pop-up” within minutes with an inanity - to start some sort of seriously boring debate base on a single word - sometimes even 2 - or 3 that someone said - often taken out of context but seemingly with the sole intention of getting 10 or so really boring and pointless short posts so people don’t look back far enough to see mine.

Of course - I MAY just be paranoid - but as Groucho said “Just because you’re paranoid that doesn’t mean they’re NOT out to get you !” :wink:

Is Dopey Donald really so stupid that he believes this, or is he just lying again? (Cue boring tds comments)

Lol - I think you hit it on the head

I was answering quad and the reference to ‘powers to be’ - there are no ‘powers that be’ save those to whom we give such power - then that power will fill our head with all sorts.

Life is too short to be paranoid :slight_smile:

I made that post over a month ago and you just now responding to it. Carlos please put aside your TDS for a moment and tell me are the state governors and city mayors looking out for the safety of their residents when they allow thousands to gather in massive protest, this is happening as I type this. And how about the riots resulting is destruction of property, personal assault and even murder, were the governors and mayors concern for the safety of their citizens or just using the events for political gain

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Ok mate - no prob - we’ll just call that one Number 5 and I’ll number them into the futture - when and If :slightly_smiling_face:

Aye, i’ll take a little break up ahead from this thread - not that I’m huffing - just time consuming reading and thinking - distraction they call it.

Important time right now, imagine a company filing for bankruptcy protection - and their stock is rising - e.g. Hertz - on Tuesday past was 1.12 - by next day was over 2 dollars.

How’s that for out of context :slight_smile:

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actually it hit a low of 40 cents before two days later shooting up to 6.25, that means someone actually bought this bankrupt company for 6.25, we truly must be living in a simulation

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Aye - I picked that one at random mostly because i use them for car rentals.

Here’s another one that I wasn’t aware of - in the energy sector

Chesapeake Energy

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Quick update to CHK - being reported that they’ve filed for bankruptcy in the last hour - yet there were guys buying this stock these past few weeks.

It’s not the energy sector’s fault any more that the tourism’s fault with hertz - one cause…debt.

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BBC Bias