Political Opinion

Does anybody even care about this really? I don’t think so.

How true :slightly_smiling_face:

You clearly Didn’t watch my video :wink:

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The only reason Kanye West, who has never actually voted himself, is running is to split the black and young peoples votes which would more likely go to the Democrats, helping Donald get reelected


Why do I need to do that to have an opinion? It wouldn’t change anything for me. But thanks for the insult.

are you kidding me, have you totally shut off your brain to all of Joe Biden’s foreign business dealing, Biden will be a puppet to both China and Ukraine

The China Virus ( that is what left media was calling it before March) was a back page story for the left media until March, The Coronavirus was not even brought up in Democrat presidential debates until the very last debate in late February

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It has been a full week since this murder, nobody has been arrested, and not a single statement from BLM, this group cares nothing about Black Americans, it only exists to raise money for the democrat party



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The following articles may interest you.

Clinton Foundation Arranged for Chinese Vaccine Makers to Avoid U.S. Scrutiny, WHO Report Reveals – Investment Watch

… and these


pointing out the hypocrisy of the TDS left is like shooting fish in a barrel, not challenging but it can be fun. That was a excellent reply

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The handout featured a pyramid that listed behaviors identified as “overt white supremacy (socially unacceptable)” such as racial slurs and hate crimes. Beneath that are listed things classed as “covert” or socially acceptable forms of “white supremacy.”

The list of items includes things like celebrating Columbus Day and “calling the police on Black people.” One of the items listed was Trump’s “Make America Great Again” 2016 campaign slogan.

Wear your MAGA hat


And don’t forget all those Chinese jobs you’re helping to support every time you buy a MAGA hat or Trump flag

I believe America SHOULD be great, I believe black lives ARE important, but that doesn’t mean I would ever vote for Trump or donate to BLM.

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Hi Tom, Assuming for a moment you did actually have the opportunity to vote in USA elections -( which we know neither of us do) and also assuming your motivation was to vote for the greater good of the Country - Who exactly WOULD you vote for in the present circumstances ?

I ask this, since in our recent Elections - Both of us were prompted to support Boris - despite some natural scepticism - since the alternative “Marxist Labour Pary” would have been so much worse.

Personally - I do have a deal of respect for President Trump and genuinely believe that as a “Stranger” to Politics - but a highly successful manager and Entreprenneur - he has far more ability and Goodwill towards His Country - than any of the rest of the “Career Republicans” - and that the absolute Horror of the prospect of letting the Marxist ‘Democrat’ Party gain control of the most powerful Nation in the world ! - We can already see what that as done to Chinese ‘Democrats’ !


Trump is a rather unsuccessful businessman, cheaply gilded by the publicity machine of a reality TV show company and his own egotistical self-mythologising. I have little idea as to the political principles which guide his policies as I suspect he has none.

If forced to vote in the US I would be forced to place my X wherever necessary to keep the socialists out. I would just have to pray to find a way to do that without voting for Trump. Perhaps the Republican party will get their act together and produce a proper candidate…

Actually my hat was made in Vietnam, I bought it from a couple of Haitian Americans making big money selling Trump stuff. Just shows the American dream is there for anyone that gives a little effort as opposed to waiting for handouts.

Carlos my friend I thought you were over your TDS


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As a life long Republican ( recently changed to Independent) I can tell you the Republican party is just as F— Up as the Democrat Party. Both serve the Corporate/Political elite at the expense of the middle class.

In 2016 Trump was the most anti-establishment candidate in the race and that is why he one both the primary and general elections, Bernie Sanders pretended to be anti-establishment and would had won the Democrat primary if not the Hillary Clinton/DNC rigging the primary

No question President Trump has his flaws but compared to the Democrats, Media, and Corporate elites is he really any worse


Then you have paid money to rip-off guys.

Make America Great Again is the slogan on the image posted - that phrase is a copyright of an incorporated company in the US.

The only manufacturer holding the licence for manufacturing baseball hats with the copyrighted slogan is based in the US - it’s CEO is one Brian Kennedy.

Actually Trump ripoff Reagan, and according to Wikipedia Bill Clinton used the phrase in 1992 and Hillary used it in 2008. I can’t find anything saying this phrase has been given trademark or copyright status, it is such a common phase and one that has been used by so many over the years I rather doubt anyone can claim ownership, but if you have proof please post it


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Note the date:

Edit: for guys searching the trademark application date was Nov 19 2012 - registration date was Jul 14 2015.

Not sure whether the WP is pro Democrat or Republican but here is a nice little read on the possible origin and thinking behind the phrase - bottom line is that rip-off agents will make money off whatever they can - they are criminals and def not part of the American dream.


Finally, when Brian Kennedy was asked about the content of the MAGA hat, maybe the stitching thread could be Asian -answer:

The fabric, the cord, the plastic strap, the fabric underneath, the sweatband, the whole hat is made here in America.